# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'base64' require 'pit' module GitIssue class GitIssue::Github < GitIssue::Base def initialize(args, options = {}) super(args, options) @apikey = options[:apikey] || configured_value('apikey') @apikey = global_configured_value('github.token') if @apikey.blank? configure_error('apikey', "git config issue.apikey some_api_key") if @apikey.blank? url = `git config remote.origin.url`.strip @repo = url.match(/github.com[:\/](.+)\.git/)[1] @user = options[:user] || configured_value('user') @user = global_configured_value('github.user') if @user.blank? @user = Pit.get("github", :require => { "user" => "Your user name in GitHub", })["user"] if @user.blank? configure_error('user', "git config issue.user yuroyoro") if @user.blank? @sslNoVerify = @options[:sslNoVerify] && RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.0' end def commands cl = super cl << GitIssue::Command.new(:mention, :men, 'create a comment to given issue') end def show(options = {}) ticket = options[:ticket_id] raise 'ticket_id is required.' unless ticket issue = fetch_issue(ticket, options) if options[:oneline] puts oneline_issue(issue, options) else comments = [] if issue['comments'].to_i > 0 comments = fetch_comments(ticket) unless options[:supperss_comments] end puts "" puts format_issue(issue, comments, options) end end def list(options = {}) state = options[:state] || "open" query_names = [:state, :milestone, :assignee, :mentioned, :labels, :sort, :direction] params = query_names.inject({}){|h,k| h[k] = options[k] if options[k];h} params[:state] ||= "open" url = to_url("repos", @repo, 'issues') issues = fetch_json(url, params) issues = issues.sort_by{|i| i['number'].to_i} unless params[:sort] || params[:direction] t_max = issues.map{|i| mlength(i['title'])}.max l_max = issues.map{|i| mlength(i['labels'].map{|l| l['name']}.join(","))}.max u_max = issues.map{|i| mlength(i['user']['login'])}.max or_zero = lambda{|v| v.blank? ? "0" : v } issues.each do |i| puts sprintf("#%-4d %s %s %s %s c:%s v:%s p:%s %s %s", i['number'].to_i, i['state'], mljust(i['title'], t_max), mljust(i['user']['login'], u_max), mljust(i['labels'].map{|l| l['name']}.join(','), l_max), or_zero.call(i['comments']), or_zero.call(i['votes']), or_zero.call(i['position']), to_date(i['created_at']), to_date(i['updated_at']) ) end end def mine(options = {}) list(options.merge(:assignee => @user)) end def add(options = {}) property_names = [:title, :body, :assignee, :milestone, :labels] required_properties = [:title] required_properties.each do |name| options[name] = prompt(name) unless options[name] end json = build_issue_json(options, property_names) url = to_url("repos", @repo, 'issues') issue = post_json(url, json, options) puts "created issue #{oneline_issue(issue)}" end def update(options = {}) ticket = options[:ticket_id] raise 'ticket_id is required.' unless ticket property_names = [:title, :body, :assignee, :milestone, :labels, :state] json = build_issue_json(options, property_names) url = to_url("repos", @repo, 'issues', ticket) issue = post_json(url, json, options) # use POST instead of PATCH. puts "updated issue #{oneline_issue(issue)}" end def mention(options = {}) ticket = options[:ticket_id] raise 'ticket_id is required.' unless ticket body = options[:body] raise 'commnet body is required.' unless body json = { :body => body } url = to_url("repos", @repo, 'issues', ticket, 'comments') issue = post_json(url, json, options) issue = fetch_issue(ticket) puts "commented issue #{oneline_issue(issue)}" end def branch(options = {}) ticket = options[:ticket_id] raise 'ticket_id is required.' unless ticket branch_name = ticket_branch(ticket) if options[:force] system "git branch -D #{branch_name}" if options[:force] system "git checkout -b #{branch_name}" else if %x(git branch -l | grep "#{branch_name}").strip.empty? system "git checkout -b #{branch_name}" else system "git checkout #{branch_name}" end end show(options) end private ROOT = 'https://api.github.com/' def to_url(*path_list) URI.join(ROOT, path_list.join("/")) end def fetch_json(url, params = {}) url += "?" + params.map{|k,v| "#{k}=#{v}"}.join("&") unless params.empty? puts url if @debug password = options[:password] || get_password(@user) opt = {"Authorization" => "Basic " + Base64.encode64("#{@user}:#{password}")} opt[:ssl_verify_mode] = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if @sslNoVerify json = open(url, opt) {|io| JSON.parse(io.read) } if @debug puts '-' * 80 puts url pp json puts '-' * 80 end json end def fetch_issue(ticket_id, params = {}) url = to_url("repos", @repo, 'issues', ticket_id) url += "?" + params.map{|k,v| "#{k}=#{v}"}.join("&") unless params.empty? json = fetch_json(url) issue = json['issue'] || json raise "no such issue #{ticket} : #{base}" unless issue issue end def fetch_comments(ticket_id) url = to_url("repos", @repo, 'issues', ticket_id, 'comments') json = fetch_json(url) || [] end def build_issue_json(options, property_names) json = property_names.inject({}){|h,k| h[k] = options[k] if options[k]; h} json[:labels] = json[:labels].split(",") if json[:labels] json end def post_json(url, json, options, params = {}) response = send_json(url, json, options, params, :post) json = JSON.parse(response.body) raise error_message(json) unless response_success?(response) json end def put_json(url, json, options, params = {}) response = send_json(url, json, options, params, :put) json = JSON.parse(response.body) raise error_message(json) unless response_success?(response) json end def error_message(json) msg = [json['message']] msg += json['errors'].map(&:pretty_inspect) if json['errors'] msg.join("\n ") end def send_json(url, json, options, params = {}, method = :post) url = "#{url}" uri = URI.parse(url) if @debug puts '-' * 80 puts url pp json puts '-' * 80 end https = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) https.use_ssl = true https.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE https.set_debug_output $stderr if @debug && https.respond_to?(:set_debug_output) https.start{|http| path = "#{uri.path}" path += "?" + params.map{|k,v| "#{k}=#{v}"}.join("&") unless params.empty? request = case method when :post then Net::HTTP::Post.new(path) when :put then Net::HTTP::Put.new(path) else raise "unknown method #{method}" end # request["Authorizaion"] = "#{@user}/token: #{@apikey}" # # Github API v3 does'nt supports API token base authorization for now. # For Authentication, this method use Basic Authorizaion instead token. password = options[:password] || get_password(@user) request.basic_auth @user, password request.set_content_type("application/json") request.body = json.to_json response = http.request(request) if @debug puts "#{response.code}: #{response.msg}" puts response.body end response } end def get_password(user) Pit.get("github", :require => { "password" => "Your password in GitHub", })["password"] end def oneline_issue(issue, options = {}) issue_title(issue) end def format_issue(issue, comments, options) msg = [""] msg << issue_title(issue) msg << "-" * 80 msg << issue_author(issue) msg << "" props = [] props << ['comments', issue['comments']] props << ['votes', issue['votes']] props << ['position', issue['position']] props << ['milestone', issue['milestone']['title']] unless issue['milestone'].blank? props.each_with_index do |p,n| row = sprintf("%s : %s", mljust(p.first, 18), mljust(p.last.to_s, 24)) if n % 2 == 0 msg << row else msg[-1] = "#{msg.last} #{row}" end end msg << sprintf("%s : %s", mljust('labels', 18), issue['labels'].map{|l| l['name']}.join(",")) msg << sprintf("%s : %s", mljust('html_url', 18), issue['html_url']) msg << sprintf("%s : %s", mljust('updated_at', 18), Time.parse(issue['updated_at'])) # display description msg << "-" * 80 msg << "#{issue['body']}" msg << "" # display comments if comments && !comments.empty? msg << "-" * 80 msg << "" cmts = format_comments(comments) msg += cmts.map{|s| " #{s}"} end msg.join("\n") end def issue_title(issue) "[#{issue['state']}] ##{issue['number']} #{issue['title']}" end def issue_author(issue) author = issue['user']['login'] created_at = issue['created_at'] msg = "#{author} opened this issue #{Time.parse(created_at)}" msg end def format_comments(comments) cmts = [] comments.sort_by{|c| c['created_at']}.each_with_index do |c,n| cmts += format_comment(c,n) end cmts end def format_comment(c, n) cmts = [] cmts << "##{n + 1} - #{c['user']['login']}が#{time_ago_in_words(c['created_at'])}に更新" cmts << "-" * 78 cmts += c['body'].split("\n").to_a if c['body'] cmts << "" end def opt_parser opts = super opts.on("--supperss_comments", "-sc", "show issue journals"){|v| @options[:supperss_comments] = true} opts.on("--title=VALUE", "Title of issue.Use the given value to create/update issue."){|v| @options[:title] = v} opts.on("--body=VALUE", "Body content of issue.Use the given value to create/update issue."){|v| @options[:body] = v} opts.on("--state=VALUE", "Use the given value to create/update issue. or query of listing issues.Where 'state' is either 'open' or 'closed'"){|v| @options[:state] = v} opts.on("--milestone=VALUE", "Use the given value to create/update issue. or query of listing issues, (Integer Milestone number)"){|v| @options[:milestone] = v } opts.on("--assignee=VALUE", "Use the given value to create/update issue. or query of listing issues, (String User login)"){|v| @options[:assignee] = v } opts.on("--mentioned=VALUE", "Query of listing issues, (String User login)"){|v| @options[:mentioned] = v } opts.on("--labels=VALUE", "Use the given value to create/update issue. or query of listing issues, (String list of comma separated Label names)"){|v| @options[:labels] = v } opts.on("--sort=VALUE", "Query of listing issues, (created, updated, comments, default: created)"){|v| @options[:sort] = v } opts.on("--direction=VALUE", "Query of listing issues, (asc or desc, default: desc.)"){|v| @options[:direction] = v } opts.on("--since=VALUE", "Query of listing issue, (Optional string of a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ)"){|v| @options[:since] = v } opts.on("--password=VALUE", "For Authorizaion of create/update issue. Github API v3 does'nt supports API token base authorization for now. then, use Basic Authorizaion instead token." ){|v| @options[:password]} opts.on("--sslnoverify", "don't verify SSL"){|v| @options[:sslNoVerify] = true} opts end end end