require 'ec2/address' require 'ec2/availability_zone' require 'ec2/image' require 'ec2/instance' require 'ec2/keypair' require 'ec2/security_group' require 'ec2/snapshot' require 'ec2/region' require 'ec2/volume' module Awsum # Handles all interaction with Amazon EC2 # # ==Getting Started # Create an Awsum::Ec2 object and begin calling methods on it. # require 'rubygems' # require 'awsum' # ec2 ='your access id', 'your secret key') # images = ec2.my_images # ... # # All calls to EC2 can be done directly in this class, or through a more object oriented way through the various returned classes # # ==Examples # ec2.image('ami-ABCDEF').run # # ec2.instance('i-123456789').volumes.each do |vol| # vol.create_snapsot # end # # ec2.regions.each do |region| # region.use # images.each do |img| # puts "#{} - #{}" # end # end # end # # ==Errors # All methods will raise an Awsum::Error if an error is returned from Amazon # # ==Missing Methods # * ConfirmProductInstance # * ModifyImageAttribute # * DescribeImageAttribute # * ResetImageAttribute # If you need any of this functionality, please consider getting involved and help complete this library. class Ec2 include Awsum::Requestable # Create an new ec2 instance # # The access_key and secret_key are both required to do any meaningful work. # # If you want to get these keys from environment variables, you can do that in your code as follows: # ec2 =['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']) def initialize(access_key = nil, secret_key = nil) @access_key = access_key @secret_key = secret_key end # Retrieve a list of available Images # # ===Options: # * <tt>:image_ids</tt> - array of Image id's, default: [] # * <tt>:owners</tt> - array of owner id's, default: [] # * <tt>:executable_by</tt> - array of user id's who have executable permission, default: [] def images(options = {}) options = {:image_ids => [], :owners => [], :executable_by => []}.merge(options) action = 'DescribeImages' params = { 'Action' => action } #Add options params.merge!(array_to_params(options[:image_ids], "ImageId")) params.merge!(array_to_params(options[:owners], "Owner")) params.merge!(array_to_params(options[:executable_by], "ExecutableBy")) response = send_query_request(params) parser = parser.parse(response.body) end # Retrieve all Image(s) owned by you def my_images images :owners => 'self' end # Retrieve a single Image def image(image_id) images(:image_ids => [image_id])[0] end # Register an Image def register_image(image_location) action = 'RegisterImage' params = { 'Action' => action, 'ImageLocation' => image_location } response = send_query_request(params) parser = parser.parse(response.body) end # Deregister an Image. Once deregistered, you can no longer launch the Image def deregister_image(image_id) action = 'DeregisterImage' params = { 'Action' => action, 'ImageId' => image_id } response = send_query_request(params) response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) end # Launch an ec2 Instance # # ===Options: # * <tt>:min</tt> - The minimum number of instances to launch. Default: 1 # * <tt>:max</tt> - The maximum number of instances to launch. Default: 1 # * <tt>:key_name</tt> - The name of the key pair with which to launch instances # * <tt>:security_groups</tt> - The names of security groups to associate launched instances with # * <tt>:user_data</tt> - User data made available to instances (Note: Must be 16K or less, will be base64 encoded by Awsum) # * <tt>:instance_type</tt> - The size of the instances to launch, can be one of [m1.small, m1.large, m1.xlarge, c1.medium, c1.xlarge], default is m1.small # * <tt>:availability_zone</tt> - The name of the availability zone to launch this Instance in # * <tt>:kernel_id</tt> - The ID of the kernel with which to launch instances # * <tt>:ramdisk_id</tt> - The ID of the RAM disk with which to launch instances # * <tt>:block_device_map</tt> - A 'hash' of mappings. E.g. {'instancestore0' => 'sdb'} def run_instances(image_id, options = {}) options = {:min => 1, :max => 1}.merge(options) action = 'RunInstances' params = { 'Action' => action, 'ImageId' => image_id, 'MinCount' => options[:min], 'MaxCount' => options[:max], 'KeyName' => options[:key_name], 'UserData' => options[:user_data].nil? ? nil : Base64::encode64(options[:user_data]).gsub(/\n/, ''), 'InstanceType' => options[:instance_type], 'Placement.AvailabilityZone' => options[:availability_zone], 'KernelId' => options[:kernel_id], 'RamdiskId' => options[:ramdisk_id] } if options[:block_device_map].respond_to?(:keys) map = options[:block_device_map] map.keys.each_with_index do |key, i| params["BlockDeviceMapping.#{i+1}.VirtualName"] = key params["BlockDeviceMapping.#{i+1}.DeviceName"] = map[key] end else raise"options[:block_device_map] - must be a key => value map") unless options[:block_device_map].nil? end params.merge!(array_to_params(options[:security_groups], "SecurityGroup")) response = send_query_request(params) parser = parser.parse(response.body) end alias_method :launch_instances, :run_instances #Retrieve the information on a number of Instance(s) def instances(*instance_ids) action = 'DescribeInstances' params = { 'Action' => action } params.merge!(array_to_params(instance_ids, 'InstanceId')) response = send_query_request(params) parser = parser.parse(response.body) end #Retrieve the information on a single Instance def instance(instance_id) instances([instance_id])[0] end # Retrieves the currently running Instance # This should only be run on a running EC2 instance def me require 'open-uri' begin instance_id = open('').read instance instance_id rescue OpenURI::HTTPError => e nil end end # Retreives the user-data supplied when starting the currently running Instance # This should only be run on a running EC2 instance def user_data require 'open-uri' begin open('').read rescue OpenURI::HTTPError => e nil end end # Terminates the Instance(s) # # Returns true if the terminations succeeds, false otherwise def terminate_instances(*instance_ids) action = 'TerminateInstances' params = { 'Action' => action } params.merge!(array_to_params(instance_ids, 'InstanceId')) response = send_query_request(params) response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) end #Retrieve the information on a number of Volume(s) def volumes(*volume_ids) action = 'DescribeVolumes' params = { 'Action' => action } params.merge!(array_to_params(volume_ids, 'VolumeId')) response = send_query_request(params) parser = parser.parse(response.body) end # Retreive information on a Volume def volume(volume_id) volumes(volume_id)[0] end # Create a new volume # # ===Options: # * <tt>:size</tt> - The size of the volume to be created (in GB) (<b>NOTE:</b> Required if you are not creating from a snapshot) # * <tt>:snapshot_id</tt> - The snapshot id from which to create the volume # def create_volume(availability_zone, options = {}) raise'You must specify a size if not creating a volume from a snapshot') if options[:snapshot_id].blank? && options[:size].blank? action = 'CreateVolume' params = { 'Action' => action, 'AvailabilityZone' => availability_zone } params['Size'] = options[:size] unless options[:size].blank? params['SnapshotId'] = options[:snapshot_id] unless options[:snapshot_id].blank? response = send_query_request(params) parser = parser.parse(response.body)[0] end # Attach a volume to an instance def attach_volume(volume_id, instance_id, device = '/dev/sdh') action = 'AttachVolume' params = { 'Action' => action, 'VolumeId' => volume_id, 'InstanceId' => instance_id, 'Device' => device } response = send_query_request(params) response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) end # Detach a volume from an instance # # ===Options # * <tt>:instance_id</tt> - The ID of the instance from which the volume will detach # * <tt>:device</tt> - The device name # * <tt>:force</tt> - Whether to force the detachment. <b>NOTE:</b> If forced you may have data corruption issues. def detach_volume(volume_id, options = {}) action = 'DetachVolume' params = { 'Action' => action, 'VolumeId' => volume_id } params['InstanceId'] = options[:instance_id] unless options[:instance_id].blank? params['Device'] = options[:device] unless options[:device].blank? params['Force'] = options[:force] unless options[:force].blank? response = send_query_request(params) response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) end # Delete a volume def delete_volume(volume_id) action = 'DeleteVolume' params = { 'Action' => action, 'VolumeId' => volume_id } response = send_query_request(params) response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) end # Create a Snapshot of a Volume def create_snapshot(volume_id) action = 'CreateSnapshot' params = { 'Action' => action, 'VolumeId' => volume_id } response = send_query_request(params) parser = parser.parse(response.body)[0] end # List Snapshot(s) def snapshots(*snapshot_ids) action = 'DescribeSnapshots' params = { 'Action' => action } params.merge!(array_to_params(snapshot_ids, 'SnapshotId')) response = send_query_request(params) parser = parser.parse(response.body) end # Get the information about a Snapshot def snapshot(snapshot_id) snapshots(snapshot_id)[0] end # Delete a Snapshot def delete_snapshot(snapshot_id) action = 'DeleteSnapshot' params = { 'Action' => action, 'SnapshotId' => snapshot_id } response = send_query_request(params) response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) end # List all AvailabilityZone(s) def availability_zones(*zone_names) action = 'DescribeAvailabilityZones' params = { 'Action' => action } params.merge!(array_to_params(zone_names, 'ZoneName')) response = send_query_request(params) parser = parser.parse(response.body) end # List all Region(s) def regions(*region_names) action = 'DescribeRegions' params = { 'Action' => action } params.merge!(array_to_params(region_names, 'Region')) response = send_query_request(params) parser = parser.parse(response.body) end # List a Region def region(region_name) regions(region_name)[0] end # List Addresses def addresses(*public_ips) action = 'DescribeAddresses' params = { 'Action' => action } params.merge!(array_to_params(public_ips, 'PublicIp')) response = send_query_request(params) parser = parser.parse(response.body) end # Get the Address with a specific public ip def address(public_ip) addresses(public_ip)[0] end # Allocate Address # # Will aquire an elastic ip address for use with your account def allocate_address action = 'AllocateAddress' params = { 'Action' => action } response = send_query_request(params) parser = parser.parse(response.body)[0] end # Associate Address # # Will link an allocated elastic ip address to an Instance # # <b>NOTE:</b> If the ip address is already associated with another instance, it will be associated with the new instance. # # You can run this command more than once and it will not return an error. def associate_address(instance_id, public_ip) action = 'AssociateAddress' params = { 'Action' => action, 'InstanceId' => instance_id, 'PublicIp' => public_ip } response = send_query_request(params) response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) end # Disassociate Address # # Will disassociate an allocated elastic ip address from the Instance it's allocated to # # <b>NOTE:</b> You can run this command more than once and it will not return an error. def disassociate_address(public_ip) action = 'DisassociateAddress' params = { 'Action' => action, 'PublicIp' => public_ip } response = send_query_request(params) response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) end # Releases an associated Address # # <b>NOTE:</b> This is not a direct call to the Amazon web service. This is a safe operation that will first check to see if the address is allocated to an instance and fail if it is def release_address(public_ip) address = address(public_ip) if address.instance_id.nil? action = 'ReleaseAddress' params = { 'Action' => action, 'PublicIp' => public_ip } response = send_query_request(params) response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) else raise 'Address is currently allocated' #FIXME: Add a proper Awsum error here end end # Releases an associated Address # # <b>NOTE:</b> This will disassociate an address automatically if it is associated with an instance def release_address!(public_ip) action = 'ReleaseAddress' params = { 'Action' => action, 'PublicIp' => public_ip } response = send_query_request(params) response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) end # List KeyPair(s) def key_pairs(*key_names) action = 'DescribeKeyPairs' params = { 'Action' => action } params.merge!(array_to_params(key_names, 'KeyName')) response = send_query_request(params) parser = parser.parse(response.body) end # Get a single KeyPair def key_pair(key_name) key_pairs(key_name)[0] end # Create a new KeyPair def create_key_pair(key_name) action = 'CreateKeyPair' params = { 'Action' => action, 'KeyName' => key_name } response = send_query_request(params) parser = parser.parse(response.body)[0] end # Delete a KeyPair def delete_key_pair(key_name) action = 'DeleteKeyPair' params = { 'Action' => action, 'KeyName' => key_name } response = send_query_request(params) response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) end # List SecurityGroup(s) def security_groups(*group_names) action = 'DescribeSecurityGroups' params = { 'Action' => action } params.merge!(array_to_params(group_names, 'GroupName')) response = send_query_request(params) parser = parser.parse(response.body) end # Get a single SecurityGroup def security_group(group_name) security_groups(group_name)[0] end # Create a new SecurityGroup def create_security_group(name, description) action = 'CreateSecurityGroup' params = { 'Action' => action, 'GroupName' => name, 'GroupDescription' => description } response = send_query_request(params) response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) end # Delete a SecurityGroup def delete_security_group(group_name) action = 'DeleteSecurityGroup' params = { 'Action' => action, 'GroupName' => group_name } response = send_query_request(params) response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) end # Authorize access on a specific security group # # ===Options: # ====User/Group access # * <tt>:source_security_group_name</tt> - Name of the security group to authorize access to when operating on a user/group pair # * <tt>:source_security_group_owner_id</tt> - Owner of the security group to authorize access to when operating on a user/group pair # ====CIDR IP access # * <tt>:ip_protocol</tt> - IP protocol to authorize access to when operating on a CIDR IP (tcp, udp or icmp) (default: tcp) # * <tt>:from_port</tt> - Bottom of port range to authorize access to when operating on a CIDR IP. This contains the ICMP type if ICMP is being authorized. # * <tt>:to_port</tt> - Top of port range to authorize access to when operating on a CIDR IP. This contains the ICMP type if ICMP is being authorized. # * <tt>:cidr_ip</tt> - CIDR IP range to authorize access to when operating on a CIDR IP. (default: def authorize_security_group_ingress(group_name, options = {}) got_at_least_one_user_group_option = !options[:source_security_group_name].nil? || !options[:source_security_group_owner_id].nil? got_user_group_options = !options[:source_security_group_name].nil? && !options[:source_security_group_owner_id].nil? got_at_least_one_cidr_option = !options[:ip_protocol].nil? || !options[:from_port].nil? || !options[:to_port].nil? || !options[:cidr_ip].nil? #Add in defaults options = {:cidr_ip => ''}.merge(options) if got_at_least_one_cidr_option options = {:ip_protocol => 'tcp'}.merge(options) if got_at_least_one_cidr_option got_cidr_options = !options[:ip_protocol].nil? && !options[:from_port].nil? && !options[:to_port].nil? && !options[:cidr_ip].nil? raise'Can only authorize user/group or CIDR IP, not both') if got_at_least_one_user_group_option && got_at_least_one_cidr_option raise'Need all user/group options when authorizing user/group access') if got_at_least_one_user_group_option && !got_user_group_options raise'Need all CIDR IP options when authorizing CIDR IP access') if got_at_least_one_cidr_option && !got_cidr_options raise'ip_protocol can only be one of tcp, udp or icmp') if got_at_least_one_cidr_option && !%w(tcp udp icmp).detect{|p| p == options[:ip_protocol] } action = 'AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress' params = { 'Action' => action, 'GroupName' => group_name } params['SourceSecurityGroupName'] = options[:source_security_group_name] unless options[:source_security_group_name].nil? params['SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId'] = options[:source_security_group_owner_id] unless options[:source_security_group_owner_id].nil? params['IpProtocol'] = options[:ip_protocol] unless options[:ip_protocol].nil? params['FromPort'] = options[:from_port] unless options[:from_port].nil? params['ToPort'] = options[:to_port] unless options[:to_port].nil? params['CidrIp'] = options[:cidr_ip] unless options[:cidr_ip].nil? response = send_query_request(params) response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) end # Revoke access on a specific SecurityGroup # # ===Options: # ====User/Group access # * <tt>:source_security_group_name</tt> - Name of the security group to authorize access to when operating on a user/group pair # * <tt>:source_security_group_owner_id</tt> - Owner of the security group to authorize access to when operating on a user/group pair # ====CIDR IP access # * <tt>:ip_protocol</tt> - IP protocol to authorize access to when operating on a CIDR IP (tcp, udp or icmp) (default: tcp) # * <tt>:from_port</tt> - Bottom of port range to authorize access to when operating on a CIDR IP. This contains the ICMP type if ICMP is being authorized. # * <tt>:to_port</tt> - Top of port range to authorize access to when operating on a CIDR IP. This contains the ICMP type if ICMP is being authorized. # * <tt>:cidr_ip</tt> - CIDR IP range to authorize access to when operating on a CIDR IP. (default: def revoke_security_group_ingress(group_name, options = {}) got_at_least_one_user_group_option = !options[:source_security_group_name].nil? || !options[:source_security_group_owner_id].nil? got_user_group_options = !options[:source_security_group_name].nil? && !options[:source_security_group_owner_id].nil? got_at_least_one_cidr_option = !options[:ip_protocol].nil? || !options[:from_port].nil? || !options[:to_port].nil? || !options[:cidr_ip].nil? #Add in defaults options = {:cidr_ip => ''}.merge(options) if got_at_least_one_cidr_option options = {:ip_protocol => 'tcp'}.merge(options) if got_at_least_one_cidr_option got_cidr_options = !options[:ip_protocol].nil? && !options[:from_port].nil? && !options[:to_port].nil? && !options[:cidr_ip].nil? raise'Can only authorize user/group or CIDR IP, not both') if got_at_least_one_user_group_option && got_at_least_one_cidr_option raise'Need all user/group options when revoking user/group access') if got_at_least_one_user_group_option && !got_user_group_options raise'Need all CIDR IP options when revoking CIDR IP access') if got_at_least_one_cidr_option && !got_cidr_options raise'ip_protocol can only be one of tcp, udp or icmp') if got_at_least_one_cidr_option && !%w(tcp udp icmp).detect{|p| p == options[:ip_protocol] } action = 'RevokeSecurityGroupIngress' params = { 'Action' => action, 'GroupName' => group_name } params['SourceSecurityGroupName'] = options[:source_security_group_name] unless options[:source_security_group_name].nil? params['SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId'] = options[:source_security_group_owner_id] unless options[:source_security_group_owner_id].nil? params['IpProtocol'] = options[:ip_protocol] unless options[:ip_protocol].nil? params['FromPort'] = options[:from_port] unless options[:from_port].nil? params['ToPort'] = options[:to_port] unless options[:to_port].nil? params['CidrIp'] = options[:cidr_ip] unless options[:cidr_ip].nil? response = send_query_request(params) response.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) end #private #The host to make all requests against def host @host ||= '' end def host=(host) @host = host end end end