# frozen-string-literal: true require "tilt" class Roda module RodaPlugins # The render plugin adds support for template rendering using the tilt # library. Two methods are provided for template rendering, +view+ # (which uses the layout) and +render+ (which does not). # # plugin :render # # route do |r| # r.is 'foo' do # view('foo') # renders views/foo.erb inside views/layout.erb # end # # r.is 'bar' do # render('bar') # renders views/bar.erb # end # end # # The +render+ and +view+ methods just return strings, they do not have # side effects (unless the templates themselves have side effects). # As Roda uses the routing block return value as the body of the response, # in most cases you will call these methods as the last expression in a # routing block to have the response body be the result of the template # rendering. # # Because +render+ and +view+ just return strings, you can call them inside # templates (i.e. for subtemplates/partials), or multiple times in the # same route and combine the results together: # # route do |r| # r.is 'foo-bars' do # @bars = Bar.where(:foo).map{|b| render(:bar, locals: {bar: b})}.join # view('foo') # end # end # # You can provide options to the plugin method: # # plugin :render, engine: 'haml', views: 'admin_views' # # = Plugin Options # # The following plugin options are supported: # # :allowed_paths :: Set the template paths to allow. Attempts to render paths outside # of this directory will raise an error. Defaults to the +:views+ directory. # :cache :: nil/false to explicitly disable premanent template caching. By default, permanent # template caching is disabled by default if RACK_ENV is development. When permanent # template caching is disabled, for templates with paths in the file system, the # modification time of the file will be checked on every render, and if it has changed, # a new template will be created for the current content of the file. # :cache_class :: A class to use as the template cache instead of the default. # :check_paths :: Can be set to false to turn off template path checking. # :engine :: The tilt engine to use for rendering, also the default file extension for # templates, defaults to 'erb'. # :escape :: Use Erubi as the ERB template engine, and enable escaping by default, # which makes <tt><%= %></tt> escape output and <tt><%== %></tt> not escape output. # If given, sets the <tt>:escape=>true</tt> option for all template engines, which # can break some non-ERB template engines. You can use a string or array of strings # as the value for this option to only set the <tt>:escape=>true</tt> option for those # specific template engines. # :layout :: The base name of the layout file, defaults to 'layout'. This can be provided as a hash # with the :template or :inline options. # :layout_opts :: The options to use when rendering the layout, if different from the default options. # :template_opts :: The tilt options used when rendering all templates. defaults to: # <tt>{outvar: '@_out_buf', default_encoding: Encoding.default_external}</tt>. # :engine_opts :: The tilt options to use per template engine. Keys are # engine strings, values are hashes of template options. # :views :: The directory holding the view files, defaults to the 'views' subdirectory of the # application's :root option (the process's working directory by default). # # = Render/View Method Options # # Most of these options can be overridden at runtime by passing options # to the +view+ or +render+ methods: # # view('foo', engine: 'html.erb') # render('foo', views: 'admin_views') # # There are additional options to +view+ and +render+ that are # available at runtime: # # :cache :: Set to false to not cache this template, even when # caching is on by default. Set to true to force caching for # this template, even when the default is to not permantently cache (e.g. # when using the :template_block option). # :cache_key :: Explicitly set the hash key to use when caching. # :content :: Only respected by +view+, provides the content to render # inside the layout, instead of rendering a template to get # the content. # :inline :: Use the value given as the template code, instead of looking # for template code in a file. # :locals :: Hash of local variables to make available inside the template. # :path :: Use the value given as the full pathname for the file, instead # of using the :views and :engine option in combination with the # template name. # :scope :: The object in which context to evaluate the template. By # default, this is the Roda instance. # :template :: Provides the name of the template to use. This allows you # pass a single options hash to the render/view method, while # still allowing you to specify the template name. # :template_block :: Pass this block when creating the underlying template, # ignored when using :inline. Disables caching of the # template by default. # :template_class :: Provides the template class to use, inside of using # Tilt or <tt>Tilt[:engine]</tt>. # # Here's an example of using these options: # # view(inline: '<%= @foo %>') # render(path: '/path/to/template.erb') # # If you pass a hash as the first argument to +view+ or +render+, it should # have either +:template+, +:inline+, +:path+, or +:content+ (for +view+) as # one of the keys. # # = Speeding Up Template Rendering # # The render/view method calls are optimized for usage with a single symbol/string # argument specifying the template name. So for fastest rendering, pass only a # symbol/string to render/view. Next best optimized are template calls with a # single :locals option. Use of other options disables the compiled template # method optimizations and can be significantly slower. # # If you must pass a hash to render/view, either as a second argument or as the # only argument, you can speed things up by specifying a +:cache_key+ option in # the hash, making sure the +:cache_key+ is unique to the template you are # rendering. module Render # Support for using compiled methods directly requires Ruby 2.3 for the # method binding to work, and Tilt 1.2 for Tilt::Template#compiled_method. tilt_compiled_method_support = defined?(Tilt::VERSION) && Tilt::VERSION >= '1.2' && ([1, -2].include?(((compiled_method_arity = Tilt::Template.instance_method(:compiled_method).arity) rescue false))) NO_CACHE = {:cache=>false}.freeze COMPILED_METHOD_SUPPORT = RUBY_VERSION >= '2.3' && tilt_compiled_method_support if compiled_method_arity == -2 def self.tilt_template_compiled_method(template, locals_keys, scope_class) template.send(:compiled_method, locals_keys, scope_class) end else # :nocov: def self.tilt_template_compiled_method(template, locals_keys, scope_class) template.send(:compiled_method, locals_keys) end # :nocov: end # Setup default rendering options. See Render for details. def self.configure(app, opts=OPTS) if app.opts[:render] orig_cache = app.opts[:render][:cache] orig_method_cache = app.opts[:render][:template_method_cache] opts = app.opts[:render][:orig_opts].merge(opts) end app.opts[:render] = opts.dup app.opts[:render][:orig_opts] = opts opts = app.opts[:render] opts[:engine] = (opts[:engine] || "erb").dup.freeze opts[:views] = app.expand_path(opts[:views]||"views").freeze opts[:allowed_paths] ||= [opts[:views]].freeze opts[:allowed_paths] = opts[:allowed_paths].map{|f| app.expand_path(f, nil)}.uniq.freeze opts[:check_paths] = true unless opts.has_key?(:check_paths) unless opts.has_key?(:check_template_mtime) opts[:check_template_mtime] = if opts[:cache] == false || opts[:explicit_cache] true else ENV['RACK_ENV'] == 'development' end end begin app.const_get(:RodaCompiledTemplates, false) rescue NameError compiled_templates_module = Module.new app.send(:include, compiled_templates_module) app.const_set(:RodaCompiledTemplates, compiled_templates_module) end opts[:template_method_cache] = orig_method_cache || (opts[:cache_class] || RodaCache).new opts[:cache] = orig_cache || (opts[:cache_class] || RodaCache).new opts[:layout_opts] = (opts[:layout_opts] || {}).dup opts[:layout_opts][:_is_layout] = true if opts[:layout_opts][:views] opts[:layout_opts][:views] = app.expand_path(opts[:layout_opts][:views]).freeze end if layout = opts.fetch(:layout, true) opts[:layout] = true case layout when Hash opts[:layout_opts].merge!(layout) when true opts[:layout_opts][:template] ||= 'layout' else opts[:layout_opts][:template] = layout end opts[:optimize_layout] = (opts[:layout_opts][:template] if opts[:layout_opts].keys.sort == [:_is_layout, :template]) end opts[:layout_opts].freeze template_opts = opts[:template_opts] = (opts[:template_opts] || {}).dup template_opts[:outvar] ||= '@_out_buf' unless template_opts.has_key?(:default_encoding) template_opts[:default_encoding] = Encoding.default_external end engine_opts = opts[:engine_opts] = (opts[:engine_opts] || {}).dup engine_opts.to_a.each do |k,v| engine_opts[k] = v.dup.freeze end if escape = opts[:escape] require 'tilt/erubi' case escape when String, Array Array(escape).each do |engine| engine_opts[engine] = (engine_opts[engine] || {}).merge(:escape => true).freeze end else template_opts[:escape] = true end end template_opts.freeze engine_opts.freeze opts.freeze end # Wrapper object for the Tilt template, that checks the modified # time of the template file, and rebuilds the template if the # template file has been modified. This is an internal class and # the API is subject to change at any time. class TemplateMtimeWrapper def initialize(template_class, path, dependencies, *template_args) @template_class = template_class @path = path @template_args = template_args @dependencies = ([path] + Array(dependencies)) if dependencies @mtime = template_last_modified if File.file?(path) @template = template_class.new(path, *template_args) end # If the template file exists and the modification time has # changed, rebuild the template file, then call render on it. def render(*args, &block) modified? @template.render(*args, &block) end # Return when the template was last modified. If the template depends on any # other files, check the modification times of all dependencies and # return the maximum. def template_last_modified if deps = @dependencies deps.map{|f| File.mtime(f)}.max else File.mtime(@path) end end # If the template file has been updated, return true and update # the template object and the modification time. Other return false. def modified? begin mtime = template_last_modified rescue # ignore errors else if mtime != @mtime @mtime = mtime @template = @template_class.new(@path, *@template_args) return true end end false end if COMPILED_METHOD_SUPPORT # Compile a method in the given module with the given name that will # call the compiled template method, updating the compiled template method def define_compiled_method(roda_class, method_name, locals_keys=EMPTY_ARRAY) mod = roda_class::RodaCompiledTemplates internal_method_name = :"_#{method_name}" begin mod.send(:define_method, internal_method_name, send(:compiled_method, locals_keys, roda_class)) rescue ::NotImplementedError return false end mod.send(:private, internal_method_name) mod.send(:define_method, method_name, &compiled_method_lambda(self, roda_class, internal_method_name, locals_keys)) mod.send(:private, method_name) method_name end private # Return the compiled method for the current template object. def compiled_method(locals_keys=EMPTY_ARRAY, roda_class=nil) Render.tilt_template_compiled_method(@template, locals_keys, roda_class) end # Return the lambda used to define the compiled template method. This # is separated into its own method so the lambda does not capture any # unnecessary local variables def compiled_method_lambda(template, roda_class, method_name, locals_keys=EMPTY_ARRAY) mod = roda_class::RodaCompiledTemplates lambda do |locals, &block| if template.modified? mod.send(:define_method, method_name, Render.tilt_template_compiled_method(template, locals_keys, roda_class)) mod.send(:private, method_name) end send(method_name, locals, &block) end end end end module ClassMethods # Copy the rendering options into the subclass, duping # them as necessary to prevent changes in the subclass # affecting the parent class. def inherited(subclass) super opts = subclass.opts[:render] = subclass.opts[:render].dup if COMPILED_METHOD_SUPPORT opts[:template_method_cache] = (opts[:cache_class] || RodaCache).new end opts[:cache] = opts[:cache].dup opts.freeze end # Return the render options for this class. def render_opts opts[:render] end end module InstanceMethods # Render the given template. See Render for details. def render(template, opts = (no_opts = true; optimized_template = _cached_template_method(template); OPTS), &block) if optimized_template send(optimized_template, OPTS, &block) elsif !no_opts && opts.length == 1 && (locals = opts[:locals]) && (optimized_template = _optimized_render_method_for_locals(template, locals)) send(optimized_template, locals, &block) else opts = render_template_opts(template, opts) retrieve_template(opts).render((opts[:scope]||self), (opts[:locals]||OPTS), &block) end end # Return the render options for the instance's class. def render_opts self.class.render_opts end # Render the given template. If there is a default layout # for the class, take the result of the template rendering # and render it inside the layout. See Render for details. def view(template, opts = (optimized_template = _cached_template_method(template); OPTS)) if optimized_template content = send(optimized_template, OPTS) render_opts = self.class.opts[:render] if layout_template = render_opts[:optimize_layout] method_cache = render_opts[:template_method_cache] unless layout_method = method_cache[:_roda_layout] retrieve_template(:template=>layout_template, :cache_key=>nil, :template_method_cache_key => :_roda_layout) layout_method = method_cache[:_roda_layout] end if layout_method return send(layout_method, OPTS){content} end end else opts = parse_template_opts(template, opts) content = opts[:content] || render_template(opts) end if layout_opts = view_layout_opts(opts) content = render_template(layout_opts){content} end content end private if COMPILED_METHOD_SUPPORT # If there is an instance method for the template, return the instance # method symbol. This optimization is only used for render/view calls # with a single string or symbol argument. def _cached_template_method(template) case template when String, Symbol if (method_cache = render_opts[:template_method_cache]) _cached_template_method_lookup(method_cache, template) end end end # The key to use in the template method cache for the given template. def _cached_template_method_key(template) template end # Return the instance method symbol for the template in the method cache. def _cached_template_method_lookup(method_cache, template) method_cache[template] end # Use an optimized render path for templates with a hash of locals. Returns the result # of the template render if the optimized path is used, or nil if the optimized # path is not used and the long method needs to be used. def _optimized_render_method_for_locals(template, locals) return unless method_cache = render_opts[:template_method_cache] locals_keys = locals.keys.sort key = [:_render_locals, template, locals_keys] optimized_template = case template when String, Symbol _cached_template_method_lookup(method_cache, key) else return end case optimized_template when Symbol optimized_template else if method_cache_key = _cached_template_method_key(key) template_obj = retrieve_template(render_template_opts(template, NO_CACHE)) method_name = :"_roda_template_locals_#{self.class.object_id}_#{method_cache_key}" method_cache[method_cache_key] = case template_obj when Render::TemplateMtimeWrapper template_obj.define_compiled_method(self.class, method_name, locals_keys) else begin unbound_method = Render.tilt_template_compiled_method(template_obj, locals_keys, self.class) rescue ::NotImplementedError false else self.class::RodaCompiledTemplates.send(:define_method, method_name, unbound_method) self.class::RodaCompiledTemplates.send(:private, method_name) method_name end end end end end else # :nocov: def _cached_template_method(template) nil end def _cached_template_method_key(template) nil end def _optimized_render_method_for_locals(_, _) nil end # :nocov: end # Convert template options to single hash when rendering templates using render. def render_template_opts(template, opts) parse_template_opts(template, opts) end # Private alias for render. Should be used by other plugins when they want to render a template # without a layout, as plugins can override render to use a layout. alias render_template render # If caching templates, attempt to retrieve the template from the cache. Otherwise, just yield # to get the template. def cached_template(opts, &block) if key = opts[:cache_key] cache = render_opts[:cache] unless template = cache[key] template = cache[key] = yield end template else yield end end # Given the template name and options, set the template class, template path/content, # template block, and locals to use for the render in the passed options. def find_template(opts) render_opts = self.class.opts[:render] engine_override = opts[:engine] engine = opts[:engine] ||= render_opts[:engine] if content = opts[:inline] path = opts[:path] = content template_class = opts[:template_class] ||= ::Tilt[engine] opts[:template_block] = Proc.new{content} else opts[:views] ||= render_opts[:views] path = opts[:path] ||= template_path(opts) template_class = opts[:template_class] opts[:template_class] ||= ::Tilt end if (cache = opts[:cache]).nil? cache = content || !opts[:template_block] end if cache unless opts.has_key?(:cache_key) template_block = opts[:template_block] unless content template_opts = opts[:template_opts] opts[:cache_key] = if template_class || engine_override || template_opts || template_block [path, template_class, engine_override, template_opts, template_block] else path end end else opts.delete(:cache_key) end opts end # Return a single hash combining the template and opts arguments. def parse_template_opts(template, opts) opts = Hash[opts] if template.is_a?(Hash) opts.merge!(template) else if opts.empty? && (key = _cached_template_method_key(template)) opts[:template_method_cache_key] = key end opts[:template] = template opts end end # The default render options to use. These set defaults that can be overridden by # providing a :layout_opts option to the view/render method. def render_layout_opts Hash[render_opts[:layout_opts]] end # Retrieve the Tilt::Template object for the given template and opts. def retrieve_template(opts) cache = opts[:cache] if !opts[:cache_key] || cache == false found_template_opts = opts = find_template(opts) end cached_template(opts) do opts = found_template_opts || find_template(opts) render_opts = self.class.opts[:render] template_opts = render_opts[:template_opts] if engine_opts = render_opts[:engine_opts][opts[:engine]] template_opts = template_opts.merge(engine_opts) end if current_template_opts = opts[:template_opts] template_opts = template_opts.merge(current_template_opts) end define_compiled_method = COMPILED_METHOD_SUPPORT && (method_cache_key = opts[:template_method_cache_key]) && (method_cache = render_opts[:template_method_cache]) && (method_cache[method_cache_key] != false) && !opts[:inline] if render_opts[:check_template_mtime] && !opts[:template_block] && !cache template = TemplateMtimeWrapper.new(opts[:template_class], opts[:path], opts[:dependencies], 1, template_opts) if define_compiled_method method_name = :"_roda_template_#{self.class.object_id}_#{method_cache_key}" method_cache[method_cache_key] = template.define_compiled_method(self.class, method_name) end else template = opts[:template_class].new(opts[:path], 1, template_opts, &opts[:template_block]) if define_compiled_method && cache != false begin unbound_method = Render.tilt_template_compiled_method(template, EMPTY_ARRAY, self.class) rescue ::NotImplementedError method_cache[method_cache_key] = false else method_name = :"_roda_template_#{self.class.object_id}_#{method_cache_key}" self.class::RodaCompiledTemplates.send(:define_method, method_name, unbound_method) self.class::RodaCompiledTemplates.send(:private, method_name) method_cache[method_cache_key] = method_name end end end template end end # The name to use for the template. By default, just converts the :template option to a string. def template_name(opts) opts[:template].to_s end # The template path for the given options. def template_path(opts) path = "#{opts[:views]}/#{template_name(opts)}.#{opts[:engine]}" if opts.fetch(:check_paths){render_opts[:check_paths]} full_path = self.class.expand_path(path) unless render_opts[:allowed_paths].any?{|f| full_path.start_with?(f)} raise RodaError, "attempt to render path not in allowed_paths: #{full_path} (allowed: #{render_opts[:allowed_paths].join(', ')})" end end path end # If a layout should be used, return a hash of options for # rendering the layout template. If a layout should not be # used, return nil. def view_layout_opts(opts) if layout = opts.fetch(:layout, render_opts[:layout]) layout_opts = render_layout_opts method_layout_opts = opts[:layout_opts] layout_opts.merge!(method_layout_opts) if method_layout_opts case layout when Hash layout_opts.merge!(layout) when true # use default layout else layout_opts[:template] = layout end layout_opts end end end end register_plugin(:render, Render) end end