= SubdomainFu SubdomainFu provides a modern implementation of subdomain handling in Rails. It takes aspects from account_location, request_routing, and other snippets found around the web and combines them to provide a single, simple solution for subdomain-based route and url management. == Installation SubdomainFu is available both as a traditional plugin and a GemPlugin. To install it as a traditional plugin (Rails 2.1 or later): script/plugin install git://github.com/pboling/subdomain-fu.git To use it as a GemPlugin, add it to your environment.rb: config.gem 'pboling-subdomain-fu', :source => "http://gems.github.com", :lib => "subdomain-fu" == Examples SubdomainFu works inside of Rails's URL Writing mechanisms to provide an easy and seamless way to link and otherwise understand cross-subdomain routing. You can use the :subdomain option both in named and non-named routes as well as in generated resources routes. Let's say my domain is 'intridea.com'. Here are some examples of the use of the :subdomain option: url_for(:controller => "my_controller", :action => "my_action", :subdomain => "awesome") # => http://awesome.intridea.com/my_controller/my_action Now let's say I'm at http://awesome.intridea.com/ and I want back to the root. Specifying "false" will remove any current subdomain: users_url(:subdomain => false) # => http://intridea.com/users Note that this plugin does not honor the :only_path notion of routing when doing so would go against the intent of the command. For example, if I were at http://intridea.com again: users_path(:subdomain => "fun") # => http://fun.intridea.com/users users_path(:subdomain => false) # => /users In this way you can rest assured that you will never misdirect your links to the same subdomain when you meant to change it. == Configuration You may need to configure SubdomainFu based on your development setup. The configuration required is: tld_size -------- A hash for each environment of the size of the top-level domain name. (something.com = 1, localhost = 0, etc.) SubdomainFu.tld_size = 1 # sets for current environment SubdomainFu.tld_sizes = {:development => 0, :test => 0, :production => 1} # set all at once (also the defaults) mirrors ------- Mirrors are the subdomains that are equivalent to no subdomain (i.e. they 'mirror') the usage of the root domain. SubdomainFu.mirrors = %w(www site we) # Defaults to %w(www) preferred_mirror ---------------- SubdomainFu also understands the notion of a 'preferred mirror', that is, if you always want your links going to 'www.yourdomain.com' instead of 'yourdomain.com', you can set the preferred mirror like so: SubdomainFu.preferred_mirror = "www" Now when you create a link with subdomain => false in the options the subdomain will default to the preferred mirror. == Known Issues / Future Work SubdomainFu will eventually integrate with Rails' routing internals to provide the ability to specify routes based on the condition of a specific subdomain or simply whether a subdomain is present (or a mirror). == Resources * Acts As Community Project: http://actsascommunity.com/projects/subdomain-fu * GitHub Repository: http://github.com/mbleigh/subdomain-fu * Lighthouse: http://mbleigh.lighthouseapp.com/projects/13148-subdomain-fu Copyright (c) 2008 Michael Bleigh (http://www.mbleigh.com/) and Intridea, Inc. (http://www.intridea.com/). Released under the MIT license