3.1 add_exterior_lights 34f9050c-5f8f-4d10-8e46-30ca8333114d b7da8ea0-0fc4-4519-8ff0-fc52bef46190 2024-11-16T23:54:13Z 293730A7 AddExteriorLights Add Exterior Lights Add exterior lighting to the building. This may be in addition to or in place of existing exterior lighting. This lighting will run from sunset to sunrise. Optionally you can add costs to the lights. This measure has an argument for design power (W) and a name for the new exterior lights, as well as an option to remove any existing exterior lights. It will add an ExteriorLightsDefinition object and associate it with an Exterior Lights object. The lights will have a schedule that always has fractional value of 1 but the object will be controlled by an astronomical clock. Cost is added to the building and not the lights. If the lights are removed at a later date, the cost will remain. ext_lighting_level Exterior Lighting Design Power Double W true false 1000 end_use_subcategory End-Use SubCategory String true false Exterior Facade Lighting remove_existing_ext_lights Remove Existing Exterior Lights in the Project Boolean true false false true true false false material_cost Material and Installation Costs for Exterior Lights Double $ true false 0 demolition_cost Demolition Costs for Exterior Lights Double $ true false 0 years_until_costs_start Years Until Costs Start Integer whole years true false 0 demo_cost_initial_const Demolition Costs Occur During Initial Construction Boolean true false false true true false false expected_life Expected Life Integer whole years true false 20 om_cost O & M Costs for Exterior Lights Double $ true false 0 om_frequency O & M Frequency Integer whole years true false 1 Electric Lighting.Lighting Equipment Measure Type ModelMeasure string Measure Function Measure string Requires EnergyPlus Results false boolean Uses SketchUp API false boolean LICENSE.md md license 8696A072 README.md md readme FE656A0B README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 OpenStudio 2.0.0 2.0.0 measure.rb rb script 7D47CAD4 AddExteriorLights_Test.rb rb test 31C74E80 RefBldgMediumOfficeNew2004_Chicago_a.osm osm test 9621988A