# Changelog ## 0.9.0 - Ruby 3 support! Merged in [#85](https://github.com/DamirSvrtan/fasterer/pull/85), a PR that relaxed Ruby version constraints and added a minor change to support Ruby 3.0. Thanks to [swiknaba](https://github.com/swiknaba). ## 0.8.3 - Merged in [#79](https://github.com/DamirSvrtan/fasterer/pull/79), a PR that makes sure the output is green when there are no failures. ## 0.8.2 - Fixes [#77](https://github.com/DamirSvrtan/fasterer/issues/77). An error occurs on the symbol to proc check when somebody invokes a method with no arguments on an array or range inside of the inspected block. Seems like a bug in the inspected code, but nevertheless it is a code path we need to support. ## 0.8.1 - Ignore lambda literals when checking symbol to proc. Thanks to [kiyot](https://github.com/kiyot) for his fix in PR [#74](https://github.com/DamirSvrtan/fasterer/pull/74). ## 0.8.0 - Dropped support for ruby versions below 2.2.0 and locks ruby_parser to be above or equal to 1.14.1. The new ruby_parser version 1.14.1 explicitly [requires ruby versions above 2.2.0](https://github.com/seattlerb/ruby_parser/issues/298#issuecomment-539795933), so this affects fasterer as well. ## 0.7.1 - Fix `check_symbol_to_proc` rule from crashing when there is no receiver [#67](https://github.com/DamirSvrtan/fasterer/pull/67) ## 0.7.0 - More inclusive `check_symbol_to_proc` rule - don't only look at #each but any method that could leverage the symbol to proc rule. Merged through [#41](https://github.com/DamirSvrtan/fasterer/pull/41) ## 0.6.0 - Enable placing the `.fasterer.yml` file not just in the current dir, but in any parent directory as well. ## 0.5.1 - Upgrade to ruby_parser 3.13.0 that fully supports Ruby 2.6 ## 0.5.0 - New style of outputting offenses: `spec/support/output/sample_code.rb:1 For loop is slower than using each.` ## 0.4.1 - Upgrade ruby parser version to 3.11.0 (to stop warnings) ## 0.4.0 - Better error message on each_key - Update Ruby Parser to ~> 3.9 - Support Ruby 2.3