require 'cloud_powers/auth'
require 'cloud_powers/helpers'
require 'cloud_powers/zenv'
module Smash
module CloudPowers
module AwsResources
include Smash::CloudPowers::Auth
include Smash::CloudPowers::Helpers
include Smash::CloudPowers::Zenv
# Get the region from the environment/context or use a default region for AWS API calls.
# Returns
# +String+
def region
zfind(:aws_region) || 'us-west-2'
# Get or create an EC2 client and cache that client so that a Context is more well tied together
# Parameters
# * opts +Hash+ (optional)
# * * stub_responses - defaulted to +false+ but it can be overriden with the desired responses for local testing
# * * region - defaulted to use the #region() method
# * * AWS::Credentials object, which will also scour the context and environment for your keys
# Returns
# +AWS::EC2::Client+
# Example
# images = ec2.describe_images
# images.first[:image_id]
# # => 'asdf'
def ec2(opts = {})
config = {
stub_responses: false,
region: region,
credentials: Auth.creds
config = config.merge( { |k| config.key?(k) })
@ec2 ||=
# Get an image using a name and filters functionality from EC2. The name is required but the filter defaults
# to search for the tag with the key `aminame` because this is the key that most Nodes will search for, when
# they gather an AMI to start with.
# Parameters
# * opts [Hash]
# * * stub_responses: defaulted to false but it can be overriden with the desired responses for local testing
# * * region: defaulted to use the `#region()` method
# * * AWS::Credentials object, which will also scour the context and environment for your keys
# Returns
# Aws::EC2::Image
def image(name, opts = {})
config = {
filters: [{ name: 'tag:aminame', values: [name.to_s] }]
config = config.merge( { |k| config.key?(k) })
# Get or create an Kinesis client and cache that client so that a Context is more well tied together
# Parameters
# * opts Hash
# * * stub_responses: defaulted to false but it can be overriden with the desired responses for local testing
# * * region: defaulted to use the `#region()` method
# * * AWS::Credentials object, which will also scour the context and environment for your keys
# Returns
# +AWS::Kinesis client+
# Example
# pipe_to('somePipe') { update_body(status: 'waHoo') } # uses Aws::Kinesis::Client.put_recor()
# # => sequence_number: '1676151970'
def kinesis(opts = {})
config = {
stub_responses: false,
region: region,
credentials: Auth.creds
config = config.merge( { |k| config.key?(k) })
@kinesis ||=
# Create a QueuePoller for an already created SQS Queue
# (CloudPowers::Synapse::Board)
# Parameters
# * :url +String+ - the url for the Queue/Board
# * :client Aws::SQS::Client
# Returns
# Aws::SQS::QueuePoller
# Notes
# * this is different from the other methods in here, in that it doesn't
# create an i-var on your class.
def queue_poller(url:, client: sqs), client: client)
# Get or create an S3 client and cache that client so that a Context is more well tied together
# Parameters
# * opts Hash
# * * stub_responses: defaulted to false but it can be overriden with the desired responses for local testing
# * * region: defaulted to use the `#region()` method
# * * AWS::Credentials object, which will also scour the context and environment for your keys
# Returns
# +AWS::S3 client+
# Example
# expect(s3.head_bucket('exampleBucket')).to be_empty
# # passing test
def s3(opts = {})
config = {
stub_responses: false,
region: region,
credentials: Auth.creds
config = config.merge( { |k| config.key?(k) })
@s3 ||=
# Get or create an SNS client and cache that client so that a Context is more well tied together
# Parameters
# * opts +Hash+
# * * stub_responses: defaulted to false but it can be overriden with the desired responses for local testing
# * * region: defaulted to use the `#region()` method
# * * AWS::Credentials object, which will also scour the context and environment for your keys
# Returns
# +AWS::SNS client+
# Example
# create_channel!('testBroadcast') # uses Aws::SNS::Client
# # => true
def sns(opts = {})
config = {
stub_responses: false,
region: region,
credentials: Auth.creds
config = config.merge( { |k| config.key?(k) })
@sns ||=
# Get or create an SQS client and cache that client so that a Context is more well tied together
# Parameters
# * opts Hash
# * * stub_responses: defaulted to false but it can be overriden with the desired responses for local testing
# * * region: defaulted to use the `#region()` method
# * * AWS::Credentials object, which will also scour the context and environment for your keys
# Returns
# +AWS::SQS client+
# Example
# create_queue('someQueue') # Uses Aws::SQS::Client
def sqs(opts = {})
config = {
stub_responses: false,
credentials: Auth.creds
config = config.merge( { |k| config.key?(k) })
@sqs ||=