en: mailer: salut: 'Hello %{user},' hello: 'Welcome,' all_rights_reserved: "All Rights Reserved" web_address: Web address email_address: Email phone: Phone sent_at: Sent time devise: confirmation_instruction: desc1: "You can confirm your account email through the link below:" btn_confirm: "Confirm my account" reset_password: desc1: "Someone has requested a link to change your password. You can do this through the link below." change: "Change my password" desc2: "If you didn't request this, please ignore this email." desc3: "Your password won't change until you access the link above and create a new one." admin: login_info: title: Your Administrator Login Information first_info: Your admin account has been created. You can now log in to the admin portal. second_info: Your login information is btn_login: Click to login last_info: "If you can not use 'Login' button, your login <br/> <strong> Link : </strong> %{link} </br> Copy this link and paste it into your browser." user: login_info: title: User Login Information first_info: Your user account has been created. You can now log in to the user portal. second_info: Your login information is btn_login: Click to login last_info: "If you can not use 'Login' button, your login <br/> <strong> Link : </strong> %{link} </br> Copy this link and paste it into your browser."