/** * noty - jQuery Notification Plugin v2.2.2 * Contributors: https://github.com/needim/noty/graphs/contributors * * Examples and Documentation - http://needim.github.com/noty/ * * Licensed under the MIT licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * **/ if (typeof Object.create !== 'function') { Object.create = function (o) { function F() { } F.prototype = o; return new F(); }; } (function ($) { var NotyObject = { init:function (options) { // Mix in the passed in options with the default options this.options = $.extend({}, $.noty.defaults, options); this.options.layout = (this.options.custom) ? $.noty.layouts['inline'] : $.noty.layouts[this.options.layout]; if ($.noty.themes[this.options.theme]) this.options.theme = $.noty.themes[this.options.theme]; else options.themeClassName = this.options.theme; delete options.layout; delete options.theme; this.options = $.extend({}, this.options, this.options.layout.options); this.options.id = 'noty_' + (new Date().getTime() * Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000)); this.options = $.extend({}, this.options, options); // Build the noty dom initial structure this._build(); // return this so we can chain/use the bridge with less code. return this; }, // end init _build:function () { // Generating noty bar var $bar = $('
').attr('id', this.options.id); $bar.append(this.options.template).find('.noty_text').html(this.options.text); this.$bar = (this.options.layout.parent.object !== null) ? $(this.options.layout.parent.object).css(this.options.layout.parent.css).append($bar) : $bar; if (this.options.themeClassName) this.$bar.addClass(this.options.themeClassName).addClass('noty_container_type_' + this.options.type); // Set buttons if available if (this.options.buttons) { // If we have button disable closeWith & timeout options this.options.closeWith = []; this.options.timeout = false; var $buttons = $('').addClass('noty_buttons'); (this.options.layout.parent.object !== null) ? this.$bar.find('.noty_bar').append($buttons) : this.$bar.append($buttons); var self = this; $.each(this.options.buttons, function (i, button) { var $button = $('').addClass((button.addClass) ? button.addClass : 'gray').html(button.text).attr('id', button.id ? button.id : 'button-' + i) .appendTo(self.$bar.find('.noty_buttons')) .bind('click', function () { if ($.isFunction(button.onClick)) { button.onClick.call($button, self); } }); }); } // For easy access this.$message = this.$bar.find('.noty_message'); this.$closeButton = this.$bar.find('.noty_close'); this.$buttons = this.$bar.find('.noty_buttons'); $.noty.store[this.options.id] = this; // store noty for api }, // end _build show:function () { var self = this; (self.options.custom) ? self.options.custom.find(self.options.layout.container.selector).append(self.$bar) : $(self.options.layout.container.selector).append(self.$bar); if (self.options.theme && self.options.theme.style) self.options.theme.style.apply(self); ($.type(self.options.layout.css) === 'function') ? this.options.layout.css.apply(self.$bar) : self.$bar.css(this.options.layout.css || {}); self.$bar.addClass(self.options.layout.addClass); self.options.layout.container.style.apply($(self.options.layout.container.selector)); self.showing = true; if (self.options.theme && self.options.theme.style) self.options.theme.callback.onShow.apply(this); if ($.inArray('click', self.options.closeWith) > -1) self.$bar.css('cursor', 'pointer').one('click', function (evt) { self.stopPropagation(evt); if (self.options.callback.onCloseClick) { self.options.callback.onCloseClick.apply(self); } self.close(); }); if ($.inArray('hover', self.options.closeWith) > -1) self.$bar.one('mouseenter', function () { self.close(); }); if ($.inArray('button', self.options.closeWith) > -1) self.$closeButton.one('click', function (evt) { self.stopPropagation(evt); self.close(); }); if ($.inArray('button', self.options.closeWith) == -1) self.$closeButton.remove(); if (self.options.callback.onShow) self.options.callback.onShow.apply(self); self.$bar.animate( self.options.animation.open, self.options.animation.speed, self.options.animation.easing, function () { if (self.options.callback.afterShow) self.options.callback.afterShow.apply(self); self.showing = false; self.shown = true; }); // If noty is have a timeout option if (self.options.timeout) self.$bar.delay(self.options.timeout).promise().done(function () { self.close(); }); return this; }, // end show close:function () { if (this.closed) return; if (this.$bar && this.$bar.hasClass('i-am-closing-now')) return; var self = this; if (this.showing) { self.$bar.queue( function () { self.close.apply(self); } ) return; } if (!this.shown && !this.showing) { // If we are still waiting in the queue just delete from queue var queue = []; $.each($.noty.queue, function (i, n) { if (n.options.id != self.options.id) { queue.push(n); } }); $.noty.queue = queue; return; } self.$bar.addClass('i-am-closing-now'); if (self.options.callback.onClose) { self.options.callback.onClose.apply(self); } self.$bar.clearQueue().stop().animate( self.options.animation.close, self.options.animation.speed, self.options.animation.easing, function () { if (self.options.callback.afterClose) self.options.callback.afterClose.apply(self); }) .promise().done(function () { // Modal Cleaning if (self.options.modal) { $.notyRenderer.setModalCount(-1); if ($.notyRenderer.getModalCount() == 0) $('.noty_modal').fadeOut('fast', function () { $(this).remove(); }); } // Layout Cleaning $.notyRenderer.setLayoutCountFor(self, -1); if ($.notyRenderer.getLayoutCountFor(self) == 0) $(self.options.layout.container.selector).remove(); // Make sure self.$bar has not been removed before attempting to remove it if (typeof self.$bar !== 'undefined' && self.$bar !== null ) { self.$bar.remove(); self.$bar = null; self.closed = true; } delete $.noty.store[self.options.id]; // deleting noty from store if(self.options.theme.callback && self.options.theme.callback.onClose) { self.options.theme.callback.onClose.apply(self); } if (!self.options.dismissQueue) { // Queue render $.noty.ontap = true; $.notyRenderer.render(); } if (self.options.maxVisible > 0 && self.options.dismissQueue) { $.notyRenderer.render(); } }) }, // end close setText:function (text) { if (!this.closed) { this.options.text = text; this.$bar.find('.noty_text').html(text); } return this; }, setType:function (type) { if (!this.closed) { this.options.type = type; this.options.theme.style.apply(this); this.options.theme.callback.onShow.apply(this); } return this; }, setTimeout:function (time) { if (!this.closed) { var self = this; this.options.timeout = time; self.$bar.delay(self.options.timeout).promise().done(function () { self.close(); }); } return this; }, stopPropagation:function (evt) { evt = evt || window.event; if (typeof evt.stopPropagation !== "undefined") { evt.stopPropagation(); } else { evt.cancelBubble = true; } }, closed:false, showing:false, shown:false }; // end NotyObject $.notyRenderer = {}; $.notyRenderer.init = function (options) { // Renderer creates a new noty var notification = Object.create(NotyObject).init(options); if (notification.options.killer) $.noty.closeAll(); (notification.options.force) ? $.noty.queue.unshift(notification) : $.noty.queue.push(notification); $.notyRenderer.render(); return ($.noty.returns == 'object') ? notification : notification.options.id; }; $.notyRenderer.render = function () { var instance = $.noty.queue[0]; if ($.type(instance) === 'object') { if (instance.options.dismissQueue) { if (instance.options.maxVisible > 0) { if ($(instance.options.layout.container.selector + ' li').length < instance.options.maxVisible) { $.notyRenderer.show($.noty.queue.shift()); } else { } } else { $.notyRenderer.show($.noty.queue.shift()); } } else { if ($.noty.ontap) { $.notyRenderer.show($.noty.queue.shift()); $.noty.ontap = false; } } } else { $.noty.ontap = true; // Queue is over } }; $.notyRenderer.show = function (notification) { if (notification.options.modal) { $.notyRenderer.createModalFor(notification); $.notyRenderer.setModalCount(+1); } // Where is the container? if (notification.options.custom) { if (notification.options.custom.find(notification.options.layout.container.selector).length == 0) { notification.options.custom.append($(notification.options.layout.container.object).addClass('i-am-new')); } else { notification.options.custom.find(notification.options.layout.container.selector).removeClass('i-am-new'); } } else { if ($(notification.options.layout.container.selector).length == 0) { $('body').append($(notification.options.layout.container.object).addClass('i-am-new')); } else { $(notification.options.layout.container.selector).removeClass('i-am-new'); } } $.notyRenderer.setLayoutCountFor(notification, +1); notification.show(); }; $.notyRenderer.createModalFor = function (notification) { if ($('.noty_modal').length == 0) { var modal = $('').addClass('noty_modal').addClass(notification.options.theme).data('noty_modal_count', 0); if (notification.options.theme.modal && notification.options.theme.modal.css) modal.css(notification.options.theme.modal.css); modal.prependTo($('body')).fadeIn('fast'); } }; $.notyRenderer.getLayoutCountFor = function (notification) { return $(notification.options.layout.container.selector).data('noty_layout_count') || 0; }; $.notyRenderer.setLayoutCountFor = function (notification, arg) { return $(notification.options.layout.container.selector).data('noty_layout_count', $.notyRenderer.getLayoutCountFor(notification) + arg); }; $.notyRenderer.getModalCount = function () { return $('.noty_modal').data('noty_modal_count') || 0; }; $.notyRenderer.setModalCount = function (arg) { return $('.noty_modal').data('noty_modal_count', $.notyRenderer.getModalCount() + arg); }; // This is for custom container $.fn.noty = function (options) { options.custom = $(this); return $.notyRenderer.init(options); }; $.noty = {}; $.noty.queue = []; $.noty.ontap = true; $.noty.layouts = {}; $.noty.themes = {}; $.noty.returns = 'object'; $.noty.store = {}; $.noty.get = function (id) { return $.noty.store.hasOwnProperty(id) ? $.noty.store[id] : false; }; $.noty.close = function (id) { return $.noty.get(id) ? $.noty.get(id).close() : false; }; $.noty.setText = function (id, text) { return $.noty.get(id) ? $.noty.get(id).setText(text) : false; }; $.noty.setType = function (id, type) { return $.noty.get(id) ? $.noty.get(id).setType(type) : false; }; $.noty.clearQueue = function () { $.noty.queue = []; }; $.noty.closeAll = function () { $.noty.clearQueue(); $.each($.noty.store, function (id, noty) { noty.close(); }); }; var windowAlert = window.alert; $.noty.consumeAlert = function (options) { window.alert = function (text) { if (options) options.text = text; else options = {text:text}; $.notyRenderer.init(options); }; }; $.noty.stopConsumeAlert = function () { window.alert = windowAlert; }; $.noty.defaults = { layout:'top', theme:'defaultTheme', type:'alert', text:'', dismissQueue:true, template:' ', animation:{ open:{height:'toggle'}, close:{height:'toggle'}, easing:'swing', speed:500 }, timeout:false, force:false, modal:false, maxVisible:5, killer: false, closeWith:['click'], callback:{ onShow:function () { }, afterShow:function () { }, onClose:function () { }, afterClose:function () { }, onCloseClick:function () { } }, buttons:false }; $(window).resize(function () { $.each($.noty.layouts, function (index, layout) { layout.container.style.apply($(layout.container.selector)); }); }); })(jQuery); // Helpers window.noty = function noty(options) { return jQuery.notyRenderer.init(options); };