# The MONCONVSTRUCT structure contains information about a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) conversation. A 
      # DDE monitoring application can use this structure to obtain information about a conversation that has 
      # been established or has terminated.
      # [*Typedef*] struct { UINT cb; BOOL fConnect; DWORD dwTime; HANDLE hTask; HSZ hszSvc; HSZ hszTopic; 
      #             HCONV hConvClient; HCONV hConvServer } MONCONVSTRUCT;
      # cb:: Specifies the structure's size, in bytes.
      # fConnect:: Indicates whether the conversation is currently established. A value of TRUE indicates the 
      #            conversation is established; FALSE indicates it is not.
      # dwTime:: Specifies the Windows time at which the conversation was established or terminated. Windows 
      #          time is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the system was booted.
      # hTask:: Handle to a task (application instance) that is a partner in the conversation.
      # hszSvc:: Handle to the service name on which the conversation is established.
      # hszTopic:: Handle to the topic name on which the conversation is established.
      # hConvClient:: Handle to the client conversation.
      # hConvServer:: Handle to the server conversation.
      # ---
      # *Remarks*:
      # Because string handles are local to the process, the hszSvc and hszTopic members are global atoms. 
      # Similarly, conversation handles are local to the instance; therefore, the hConvClient and hConvServer 
      # members are window handles.
      # The hConvClient and hConvServer members of the MONCONVSTRUCT structure do not hold the same value as 
      # would be seen by the applications engaged in the conversation. Instead, they hold a globally unique 
      # pair of values that identify the conversation.
      # Structure Information
      # Header Declared in Ddeml.h, include Windows.h
  layout :cb, :UINT,
         :f_connect, :BOOL,
         :dw_time, :DWORD,
         :h_task, :HANDLE,
         :hsz_svc, :HSZ,
         :hsz_topic, :HSZ,
         :h_conv_client, :HCONV,
         :h_conv_server, :HCONV