module Hairaito module Nokogiri module XML module Node # @return [Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet] all text nodes, that has self as ancestor def text_nodes result_nodes = [] traverse do |node| result_nodes << node if node.text? end result_nodes, result_nodes) end # @return [Nokogiri::XML::Node] first text node within self node def first_text_node traverse do |node| return node if node.text? end nil end # @param start_node [Nokogiri::XML::Node] left boundary # @param end_node [Nokogiri::XML::Node] right boundary # @return [Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet] all text nodes are located between specified boundaries def text_nodes_between(start_node, end_node) nodes = text_nodes indexes = [nodes.index(start_node), nodes.index(end_node)] raise'Node must contain both start and end nodes!') if indexes.compact.count < 2 # Start and end nodes are equals or are neighbours return [] if indexes.last - indexes.first < 2 result_nodes = nodes.slice((indexes.first + 1)..(indexes.last - 1)), result_nodes) end # @param base [Nokogiri::XML::Node] root element for search # @return [Nokogiri::XML::Node, nil] previous text node within base node or nil if it doesn't exist def previous_text(base = document) first_text_node = text_nodes.first base_text_nodes = base.text_nodes if (index = base_text_nodes.index(first_text_node)).blank? raise'Base must contain self node!') end return if index == 0 base_text_nodes[index - 1] end # @param base [Nokogiri::XML::Node] root element for search # @return [Nokogiri::XML::Node, nil] next text node within base node or nil if it doesn't exist def next_text(base = document) first_text_node = text_nodes.last base_text_nodes = base.text_nodes if (index = base_text_nodes.index(first_text_node)).blank? raise'Base must contain self node!') end return if index == base_text_nodes.count - 1 base_text_nodes[index + 1] end # Yields for each match of specified string in child nodes recursively # # @yieldparam node [Nokogiri::XML::Node] child node contains specified string # @yieldparam offset [Array] child text inner offset # @param string [String] text for matching # @param options [Hash] @see #traverse_by_text_default_options # @return [Nokogiri::XML::Node] self node for chaining def traverse_by_text(string, options = {}, &block) traverse_by_text_defaults(options) traverse do |current_node| next if current_node.text? offset_types = @tbt_opts[:whole_words_only] ? [:inner_word, :boundary_word] : [:simple] inner_offsets, boundary_offsets = current_node.matched_offsets(string, offset_types, @tbt_opts) # Check words bordered with current inline tag if current node has boundary words # abcdef or defghi or abcdefghi if[:inline_tags]) && self != current_node if boundary_offsets.try(:first).try(:first) == 0 previous_node = current_node.previous_text(self) boundary_offsets.shift if previous_node.try(:matched_offsets, :any, :ending_word, @tbt_opts).present? end if boundary_offsets.try(:last).try(:first) == 0 next_node = current_node.next_text(self) boundary_offsets.pop if next_node.try(:matched_offsets, :any, :beginning_word, @tbt_opts).present? end end offsets = (inner_offsets + (boundary_offsets || [])).sort_by{|offset| offset.first} if offsets.any? offsets.each {|offset| yield(current_node, offset)} if block_given? if current_node != self # Excludes processed offsets from all ancestors ([current_node] + current_node.ancestors).each do |node| pos = node.position_by_text_node(current_node.first_text_node) # Shifts all offsets according to node inner position and excludes from future processing node.exclude_offsets({|offset| [offset.first + pos, offset.last + pos]}) # Reaches highlighting base break if node == self end end end end self end def position_by_text_node(text_node) nodes = text_nodes if (index = nodes.index(text_node)) < 0 raise'Self node must contain text_node!') end return 0 if index == 0 nodes[0..index - 1].map{|node| node.text}.join('').length end def text_node_by_position(in_text_position) text_nodes.each do |node| # Node does not contain parent_index if node.text.length - 1 < in_text_position in_text_position -= node.text.length next end return node, in_text_position end raise'Inner index is out of range!') end def highlight_by_ranges(ranges, options) if options[:snippet][:part_wrapper].blank? raise'Snippet part wrapper tag is not specified!') end parts = [] ranges = ranges.sort_by{|r| r[:range].first} ranges.each_with_index do |range_data, index| range = range_data[:range] parts << (range.first > 0 ? text[0..(range.first - 1)]: '') if index == 0 snippet_class = range_data[:starting] ? "#{options[:snippet][:starting_part_class]}" : '' wrapper = document.create_element("#{options[:snippet][:part_wrapper]}", class: "#{options[:snippet][:part_wrapper_class]} #{snippet_class}") wrapper.content = text[range] parts << wrapper.to_s parts << text[(range.last + 1)..(ranges[index + 1][:range].first - 1)] if index < ranges.count - 1 parts << (range.last < text.length - 1 ? text[(range.last + 1)..(text.length - 1)]: '') if index == ranges.count - 1 end new_contents = parts.join('') replace(new_contents) end def text_range_by_index(index, demand_length = nil) demand_length.present? ? index..[text.length - 1, index + demand_length - 1].min : 0..index end # @return [Array] self node offsets were already processed def excluded_offsets @excluded_offsets ||= [] end # @param offsets [Array] self node offsets to be excluded in the future processing def exclude_offsets(offsets) @excluded_offsets ||= [] @excluded_offsets += offsets end def matched_offsets(string, types, options) types = [types] unless types.is_a?(Array) offsets = [] types.each do |type| offsets << text.to_enum(:scan, build_regexp(string, type, options)).map do offset = Regexp.last_match.offset(:text) # Only one highlighting per position offset unless overlapped_offsets?(excluded_offsets, offset) end.compact || [] end return *offsets end private def traverse_by_text_defaults(options) @tbt_opts = { whole_words_only: true, inline_tags: %w(a b i s u basefont big em font img label small span strike strong sub sup tt), word_parts: '[а-яА-ЯёЁa-zA-Z\d]', }.deep_merge(options).with_indifferent_access end def build_regexp(string, type = :simple, options) string = '.+' if string == :any case type.to_sym when :simple return /(?#{string})/ when :inner_word return /(?#{string})(?!#{options[:word_parts]}|\Z)/ when :beginning_word return /\A(?#{string})(?!#{options[:word_parts]})/ when :ending_word return /(?#{string})\Z/ when :boundary_word return /(\A(?#{string})(?!#{options[:word_parts]}))|((?#{string})\Z)|(\A(?#{string})\Z)/ end end def overlapped_offsets?(offsets_collection, offset_for_check) offsets_collection.each do |offset| return true if (offset_for_check.first...offset_for_check.last).overlaps?(offset.first...offset.last) end false end end end end end