## Examples lono code convert path/to/file lono code convert http://example.com/url/to/template.yml lono code convert http://example.com/url/to/template.json ## Example with Output $ lono code convert https://s3-us-east-2.amazonaws.com/cloudformation-templates-us-east-2/AutoScalingMultiAZWithNotifications.template INFO: The ruby syntax is valid INFO: Translated ruby code below: aws_template_format_version "2010-09-09" parameter("VpcId", type: "AWS::EC2::VPC::Id", description: "VpcId of your existing Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)", constraint_description: "must be the VPC Id of an existing Virtual Private Cloud." ) ... ... ... resource("InstanceSecurityGroup", "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup", group_description: "Enable SSH access and HTTP from the load balancer only", security_group_ingress: [ { ip_protocol: "tcp", from_port: "22", to_port: "22", cidr_ip: ref("SSHLocation") }, { ip_protocol: "tcp", from_port: "80", to_port: "80", source_security_group_id: select(0,get_att("ApplicationLoadBalancer","SecurityGroups")) } ], vpc_id: ref("VpcId") ) output("URL", description: "The URL of the website", value: join("",[ "http://", get_att("ApplicationLoadBalancer","DNSName") ]) ) The `INFO` messages are written to stderr so you can grab the translated template Ruby code by directing it to a file. Example: lono code convert https://s3-us-east-2.amazonaws.com/cloudformation-templates-us-east-2/AutoScalingMultiAZWithNotifications.template > autoscaling.rb cat autoscaling.rb