module Actions module Katello module Product class Destroy < Actions::EntryAction # rubocop:disable MethodLength def plan(product, options = {}) organization_destroy = options.fetch(:organization_destroy, false) unless organization_destroy || product.user_deletable? if product.redhat? fail _("Cannot delete Red Hat product: %{product}") % { :product => } elsif !product.published_content_view_versions.empty? fail _("Cannot delete product with repositories published in a content view. Product: %{product}, %{view_versions}") % { :product =>, :view_versions => view_versions(product) } end end action_subject(product) # Candlepin::Product::ContentRemove is called with Katello::Repository::Destroy, so we only want to run ContentRemove # on repos that are not being destroyed with Katello::Repository::Destroy. content_ids = remaining_product_content = { |content| !content_ids.include?(content.content.cp_content_id) } sequence do unless organization_destroy concurrence do product.repositories.in_default_view.each do |repo| repo_options = options.clone repo_options[:planned_destroy] = true plan_action(Katello::Repository::Destroy, repo, repo_options) end end plan_action(Candlepin::Product::DeletePools, cp_id: product.cp_id, organization_label: product.organization.label) plan_action(Candlepin::Product::DeleteSubscriptions, cp_id: product.cp_id, organization_label: product.organization.label) concurrence do remaining_product_content.each do |pc| plan_action(Candlepin::Product::ContentRemove, owner: product.organization.label, product_id: product.cp_id, content_id: pc.content.cp_content_id) end plan_action(Candlepin::Product::Destroy, cp_id: product.cp_id, :owner => product.organization.label) end end clear_pool_associations(product) plan_self(:product_id => end end def finalize product = ::Katello::Product.find(input[:product_id]) product.destroy! end def humanized_name _("Delete Product") end def clear_pool_associations(product) product.pool_products.delete_all end def view_versions(product) cvvs = product.published_content_view_versions.uniq views = cvvs.inject({}) do |result, version| result[] ||= [] result[] << version.version result end results = do |view, versions| _("Content View %{view}: Versions: %{versions}") % {:view => view, :versions => versions.join(', ')} end results.join(', ') end end end end end