module ThumbsUp module ActsAsVoteable #:nodoc: def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def acts_as_voteable has_many :votes, :as => :voteable, :dependent => :destroy include ThumbsUp::ActsAsVoteable::InstanceMethods extend ThumbsUp::ActsAsVoteable::SingletonMethods end end module SingletonMethods # The point of this function is to return rankings based on the difference between up and down votes # assuming equal weighting (i.e. a user with 1 up vote and 1 down vote has a Vote_Total of 0. # First the votes table is joined twiced so that the Vote_Total can be calculated for every ID # Then this table is joined against the specific table passed to this function to allow for # ranking of the items within that table based on the difference between up and down votes. # Options: # :start_at - Restrict the votes to those created after a certain time # :end_at - Restrict the votes to those created before a certain time # :conditions - A piece of SQL conditions to add to the query # :limit - The maximum number of voteables to return # :ascending - Default false - normal order DESC (i.e. highest rank to lowest) # :at_least - Item must have at least X votes # :at_most - Item may not have more than X votes def rank_tally(*args) options = args.extract_options! tsub0 = Vote tsub0 = tsub0.where("vote = ?", false) tsub0 = tsub0.where("voteable_type = ?", tsub0 ="voteable_id") tsub0 ="DISTINCT voteable_id, COUNT(vote) as Votes_Against") tsub1 = Vote tsub1 = tsub1.where("vote = ?", true) tsub1 = tsub1.where("voteable_type = ?", tsub1 ="voteable_id") tsub1 ="DISTINCT voteable_id, COUNT(vote) as Votes_For") t = self.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT #{Vote.table_name}.*, (COALESCE(vfor.Votes_For, 0)-COALESCE(against.Votes_Against, 0)) AS Vote_Total FROM (#{Vote.table_name} LEFT JOIN (#{tsub0.to_sql}) AS against ON #{Vote.table_name}.voteable_id = against.voteable_id) LEFT JOIN (#{tsub1.to_sql}) as vfor ON #{Vote.table_name}.voteable_id = vfor.voteable_id) AS joined_#{Vote.table_name} ON #{self.table_name}.#{self.primary_key} = joined_#{Vote.table_name}.voteable_id") t = t.where("joined_#{Vote.table_name}.voteable_type = '#{}'") t ="joined_#{Vote.table_name}.voteable_id, joined_#{Vote.table_name}.Vote_Total, #{column_names_for_tally}") t = t.limit(options[:limit]) if options[:limit] t = t.where("joined_#{Vote.table_name}.created_at >= ?", options[:start_at]) if options[:start_at] t = t.where("joined_#{Vote.table_name}.created_at <= ?", options[:end_at]) if options[:end_at] t = t.where(options[:conditions]) if options[:conditions] t = options[:ascending] ? t.order("joined_#{Vote.table_name}.Vote_Total") : t.order("joined_#{Vote.table_name}.Vote_Total DESC") t = t.having(["COUNT(joined_#{Vote.table_name}.voteable_id) > 0", (options[:at_least] ? "joined_votes.Vote_Total >= #{sanitize(options[:at_least])}" : nil), (options[:at_most] ? "joined_votes.Vote_Total <= #{sanitize(options[:at_most])}" : nil) ].compact.join(' AND '))"#{self.table_name}.*, joined_#{Vote.table_name}.Vote_Total") end # Calculate the vote counts for all voteables of my type. # This method returns all voteables with at least one vote. # The vote count for each voteable is available as #vote_count. # # Options: # :start_at - Restrict the votes to those created after a certain time # :end_at - Restrict the votes to those created before a certain time # :conditions - A piece of SQL conditions to add to the query # :limit - The maximum number of voteables to return # :order - A piece of SQL to order by. Eg 'vote_count DESC' or 'voteable.created_at DESC' # :at_least - Item must have at least X votes # :at_most - Item may not have more than X votes def tally(*args) options = args.extract_options! # Use the explicit SQL statement throughout for Postgresql compatibility. vote_count = "COUNT(#{Vote.table_name}.voteable_id)" t = self.where("#{Vote.table_name}.voteable_type = '#{}'") # We join so that you can order by columns on the voteable model. t = t.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN #{Vote.table_name} ON #{self.table_name}.#{self.primary_key} = #{Vote.table_name}.voteable_id") t ="#{Vote.table_name}.voteable_id, #{column_names_for_tally}") t = t.limit(options[:limit]) if options[:limit] t = t.where("#{Vote.table_name}.created_at >= ?", options[:start_at]) if options[:start_at] t = t.where("#{Vote.table_name}.created_at <= ?", options[:end_at]) if options[:end_at] t = t.where(options[:conditions]) if options[:conditions] t = options[:order] ? t.order(options[:order]) : t.order("#{vote_count} DESC") # I haven't been able to confirm this bug yet, but Arel (2.0.7) currently blows up # with multiple 'having' clauses. So we hack them all into one for now. # If you have a more elegant solution, a pull request on Github would be greatly appreciated. t = t.having([ "#{vote_count} > 0", (options[:at_least] ? "#{vote_count} >= #{sanitize(options[:at_least])}" : nil), (options[:at_most] ? "#{vote_count} <= #{sanitize(options[:at_most])}" : nil) ].compact.join(' AND ')) # t = t.having("#{vote_count} > 0") # t = t.having(["#{vote_count} >= ?", options[:at_least]]) if options[:at_least] # t = t.having(["#{vote_count} <= ?", options[:at_most]]) if options[:at_most]"#{self.table_name}.*, COUNT(#{Vote.table_name}.voteable_id) AS vote_count") end def column_names_for_tally { |column| "#{self.table_name}.#{column}" }.join(', ') end end module InstanceMethods def votes_for Vote.where(:voteable_id => id, :voteable_type =>, :vote => true).count end def votes_against Vote.where(:voteable_id => id, :voteable_type =>, :vote => false).count end # You'll probably want to use this method to display how 'good' a particular voteable # is, and/or sort based on it. def plusminus votes_for - votes_against end def votes_count self.votes.size end def voters_who_voted end def voted_by?(voter) 0 < Vote.where( :voteable_id =>, :voteable_type =>, :voter_type =>, :voter_id => ).count end end end end