= RailsDbBrowser Simple database browser for Rails application backed by ActiveRecord == Instalation === Rails 2.3 in config/environment.rb config.gem 'rails_db_browser' and then create an app/metal/db_browse.rb DbBrowse = RailsDbBrowser::Runner.new('/db_browse') === Rails 3 in Rails 3 in Gemfile gem 'rails_db_browser' in config/routes.rb match "db_browse(/*s)", :to => RailsDbBrowser::Runner.new('/db_browse') == Security It is up to you to provide security. You could check environment and run browser only in development. If you user Rails 2.3 then you still should provide empty Rack application as metal class DbBrowse def self.call(env) [404, nil, nil] end end You could use Rack::Builder with combination of any Rack authentication middleware DbBrowse = Rack::Builder.new do use RailsDbBrowser::URLTruncate, '/db_browse' use Rack::Auth::Basic, 'db_browser' do |user, password| user == 'admin' && password == 'iamgod' end run RailsDbBrowser::DbBrowser end (Well, I've tested it in Rails2.3. Rails3 application with Devise falls on wrong password) == Repository Source is hosted on github http://github.com/funny-falcon/rails_db_browser == Copyright Copyright (c) 2010 Sokolov Yura aka funny_falcon, released under the MIT license