require 'jsonapi/resource_for' require 'jsonapi/resource_serializer' require 'action_controller' require 'jsonapi/exceptions' require 'jsonapi/error' require 'jsonapi/error_codes' require 'jsonapi/request' require 'jsonapi/operations_processor' require 'jsonapi/active_record_operations_processor' require 'csv' module JSONAPI class ResourceController < ActionController::Base include ResourceFor before_filter :setup_request def index render json: resource_klass.find(resource_klass.verify_filters(@request.filters, context), context: context, sort_params: @request.sort_params), include: @request.include, fields: @request.fields, attribute_formatters: attribute_formatters, key_formatter: key_formatter) rescue => e handle_exceptions(e) end def show keys = parse_key_array(params[resource_klass._primary_key]) resources = if keys.length > 1 resource_klass.find_by_keys(keys, context: context) else resource_klass.find_by_key(keys[0], context: context) end render json: resources, include: @request.include, fields: @request.fields, attribute_formatters: attribute_formatters, key_formatter: key_formatter) rescue => e handle_exceptions(e) end def show_association association_type = params[:association] parent_key = params[resource_klass._as_parent_key] parent_resource = resource_klass.find_by_key(parent_key, context: context) association = resource_klass._association(association_type) render json: { key_formatter.format(association_type) => parent_resource.send(association.foreign_key)} rescue => e # :nocov: handle_exceptions(e) # :nocov: end def create process_request_operations end def create_association process_request_operations end def update_association process_request_operations end def update process_request_operations end def destroy process_request_operations end def destroy_association process_request_operations end # Override this to use another operations processor def create_operations_processor end private # :nocov: if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.0' def resource_klass @resource_klass ||= Object.const_get resource_klass_name end else def resource_klass @resource_klass ||= resource_klass_name.safe_constantize end end # :nocov: def resource_klass_name @resource_klass_name ||= "#{$/, '').singularize}Resource" end def setup_request @request =, { context: context, key_formatter: key_formatter }) render_errors(@request.errors) unless @request.errors.empty? rescue => e # :nocov: handle_exceptions(e) # :nocov: end def parse_key_array(raw) keys = raw.nil? || raw.empty? ? [] : raw.split(',') resource_klass.verify_keys(keys, context) end # override to set context def context {} end # Control by setting in an initializer: # JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :camelized_key # # Override if you want to set a per controller key format. # Must return a class derived from KeyFormatter. def key_formatter JSONAPI.configuration.key_formatter end # override to setup custom attribute_formatters def attribute_formatters {} end def render_errors(errors) render(json: {errors: errors}, status: errors[0].status) end def process_request_operations op = create_operations_processor results = op.process(@request) errors = [] resources = [] results.each do |result| if result.has_errors? errors.concat(result.errors) else resources.push(result.resource) unless result.resource.nil? end end if errors.count > 0 render status: errors[0].status, json: {errors: errors} else if results.length > 0 && resources.length > 0 render status: results[0].code, json: resources.length > 1 ? resources : resources[0], include: @request.include, fields: @request.fields, attribute_formatters: attribute_formatters, key_formatter: key_formatter) else render status: results[0].code, json: nil end end rescue => e handle_exceptions(e) end # override this to process other exceptions # Note: Be sure to either call super(e) or handle JSONAPI::Exceptions::Error and raise unhandled exceptions def handle_exceptions(e) case e when JSONAPI::Exceptions::Error render_errors(e.errors) else # raise all other exceptions # :nocov: raise e # :nocov: end end end end