{%- capture html_banner %} {%- comment %} Usage: {% include base/banner.html %} Optional Parameters: * name (string) : "" * image (string) : "" * image_height (string) : "92" * icon (string) : "" * description (string) : "" * actions (list) : [{"name":"","url":""}] * resources (list) : [{"name":"","url":"","icon":""}] Output: Page banner. {%- endcomment %} {%- assign image = page.with_banner.image | default: include.image %} {%- assign image_height = page.with_banner.image_height | default: include.image_height | default: '92' %} {%- assign icon = page.with_banner.icon | default: include.icon %} {%- assign name = page.with_banner.name | default: include.name %} {%- assign description = page.with_banner.description | default: include.description %} {%- assign actions = page.with_banner.actions | default: include.actions %} {%- assign resources = page.with_banner.resources | default: include.resources %} {%- capture html_banner_image -%} {%- if name == nil and description == nil and actions == nil and resources == nil %} {%- assign mb = "1" %} {%- else %} {%- assign mb = "5" %} {%- endif %}
{{ name }}
{%- endcapture %} {%- capture html_banner_icon -%} {%- if name == nil and description == nil and actions == nil and resources == nil %} {%- assign mb = "1" %} {%- else %} {%- assign mb = "5" %} {%- endif %}
{%- endcapture %} {%- capture html_banner_name -%}
{{ name }}
{%- endcapture %} {%- capture html_banner_description -%} {%- if actions == nil and resources == nil %} {%- assign mb = "1" %} {%- else %} {%- assign mb = "3" %} {%- endif %}
{{ description }}
{%- endcapture %} {%- capture html_banner_actions -%}
{%- for action in actions %}
{% include base/link.html class="btn btn-primary text-nowrap" role="button" name=action.name url=action.url %}
{% endfor %}
{%- endcapture %} {%- capture html_banner_resources -%}
{%- for resource in resources %}
{% include base/link.html class="btn btn-primary text-nowrap" role="button" name=resource.name url=resource.url icon=resource.icon %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endcapture -%}
{%- if image %}{{ html_banner_image }}{% endif %} {%- if icon %}{{ html_banner_icon }}{% endif %} {%- if name %}{{ html_banner_name }}{% endif %} {%- if description %}{{ html_banner_description }}{% endif %} {%- if actions.size > 0 %}{{ html_banner_actions }}{% endif %}
{%- if resources.size > 0 %}{{ html_banner_resources }}{% endif %} {%- endcapture -%} {{- html_banner -}}