# General Ruby-VPI project information and testbench bootstrapping. #-- # Copyright 2006-2007 Suraj N. Kurapati # See the file named LICENSE for details. module RubyVpi # Initializes the bench by setting up code coverage, the interactive debugger, # and so on: # # 1. loads the design.rb file # 2. loads the proto.rb file if prototyping is enabled # 3. loads the spec.rb file # # aDesignId:: The name of the Ruby object which gives access to the design # under test. # # aSpecFormat:: The name of the format being used by the specification. # # aSimulationCycle:: A block that simulates the design under test by, for # example, toggling the clock signal. # def RubyVpi.init_bench aDesignId, aSpecFormat, &aSimulationCycle raise ArgumentError, "block must be given" unless block_given? if caller.find {|s| s =~ /^(.*?)_bench.rb:/} testName = $1 else raise 'Unable to determine name of test.' end useDebugger = !(ENV['DEBUG'] || '').empty? useCoverage = !(ENV['COVERAGE'] || '').empty? usePrototype = !(ENV['PROTOTYPE'] || '').empty? # set up code coverage analysis # XXX: this is loaded *before* RCov to prevent coverage statistics about # it require 'ruby-vpi/vpi' if useCoverage require 'ruby-vpi/rcov' RubyVpi.with_coverage_analysis do |a| a.dump_coverage_info [ Rcov::TextReport.new, Rcov::HTMLCoverage.new(:destdir => "#{testName}_coverage") ] end Vpi::vpi_printf "#{Config::PROJECT_NAME}: coverage analysis is enabled for test #{testName.inspect}\n" end # set up the specification library case aSpecFormat when :xUnit require 'test/unit' when :rSpec ARGV.concat %w[-f s] require 'spec' when :tSpec ARGV << '-rs' require 'test/spec' end # set up the interactive debugger if useDebugger require 'ruby-debug' Debugger.start Debugger.post_mortem Vpi::vpi_printf "#{Config::PROJECT_NAME}: debugger is enabled for test #{testName.inspect}\n" end # suppress undefined method errors when debugger is not enabled unless Kernel.respond_to? :debugger Kernel.class_eval do define_method :debugger do # this is a dummy method! end end end # set up the VPI utility layer Object.class_eval do include Vpi end Vpi.module_eval do define_method :simulate, &aSimulationCycle end # load the design under test unless design = vpi_handle_by_name("#{testName}_bench", nil) raise "Verilog bench for test #{testName.inspect} is inaccessible." end Kernel.const_set(aDesignId, design) require "#{testName}_design.rb" # load the design's prototype if usePrototype require "#{testName}_proto.rb" Vpi.module_eval do define_method :advance_time do |*args| Integer(args.first || 1).times { design.simulate! } end define_method :vpi_register_cb do warn "vpi_register_cb: callbacks are ignored when prototype is enabled" end end Vpi::vpi_printf "#{Config::PROJECT_NAME}: prototype is enabled for test #{testName.inspect}\n" else # XXX: this completes the handshake, by calling relay_verilog, with # pthread_mutex_lock() in relay_main() in the C extension advance_time end # load the design's specification require "#{testName}_spec.rb" end # Provides information about this project's configuration. module Config PROJECT_ID = 'ruby-vpi' PROJECT_NAME = 'Ruby-VPI' PROJECT_URL = "http://#{PROJECT_ID}.rubyforge.org" WEBSITE_URL = PROJECT_URL + "/doc" PROJECT_SUMMARY = "Ruby interface to IEEE 1364-2005 Verilog VPI" PROJECT_DETAIL = "#{PROJECT_NAME} is a #{PROJECT_SUMMARY} and a platform for unit testing, rapid prototyping, and systems integration of Verilog modules through Ruby. It lets you create complex Verilog test benches easily and wholly in Ruby." Simulator = Struct.new(:name, :compiler_args, :linker_args) # List of supported Verilog simulators. SIMULATORS = { :cver => Simulator.new('GPL Cver', '-DPRAGMATIC_CVER', ''), :ivl => Simulator.new('Icarus Verilog', '-DICARUS_VERILOG', ''), :vcs => Simulator.new('Synopsys VCS', '-DSYNOPSYS_VCS', ''), :vsim => Simulator.new('Mentor Modelsim', '-DMENTOR_MODELSIM', ''), :ncsim => Simulator.new('Cadence NC-Sim', '-DCADENCE_NCSIM', ''), } end end