language: ruby dist: xenial jdk: - openjdk8 addons: chrome: stable apt: sources: - "xenial-media" packages: - ghostscript - graphicsmagick - imagemagick - libreoffice - poppler-utils - tesseract-ocr - libopenjp2-7 - libopenjp2-tools cache: bundler: true before_install: - sudo apt-get update -q - gem update --system - gem install bundler - google-chrome-stable --headless --disable-gpu --no-sandbox --remote-debugging-port=9222 http://localhost & - sudo wget -P /opt/install - sudo unzip /opt/install/ -d /opt/install/fits-1.4.1 - sudo chmod +x /opt/install/fits-1.4.1/*.sh - sudo ln -s /opt/install/fits-1.4.1/ /usr/local/bin/ - sudo wget -q -O /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml - sudo wget -q -O /opt/install/fits-1.4.1/xml/fits.xml rvm: - 2.5.5 env: global: - NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES=true #- ENGINE_CART_RAILS_OPTIONS='--skip-git --skip-bundle --skip-listen --skip-spring --skip-yarn --skip-keeps --skip-action-cable --skip-coffee --skip-puma --skip-test' # Travis should check every minor version in a range of supported versions, because # rails does not follow sem-ver conventions, see # It should be sufficient to test only the latest of the patch versions for a minor version, they # should be compatible across patch versions (only bug fixes are released in patch versions). matrix: - "RAILS_VERSION=5.1.7" services: - redis