 * call-seq:
 *   open(...)
 * Open a queue, then close the queue once the supplied code block completes
 * Parameters:
 * * Since the number of parameters can vary dramatically, all parameters are passed by name in a hash
 * * Summary of parameters and their WebSphere MQ equivalents:
 *  queue = Queue.new(                                     # WebSphere MQ Equivalents:
 *   :queue_manager      => queue_manager,                 # n/a : Instance of QueueManager
 *   :q_name             => 'Queue Name',                  # MQOD.ObjectName
 *   :q_name             => { queue_manager=>'QMGR_name',  # MQOD.ObjectQMgrName
 *                            q_name       =>'q_name'}
 *   :mode               => :input or :input_shared or :input_exclusive or :output,
 *   :fail_if_quiescing  => true                           # MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING
 *   :fail_if_exists     => true, # For dynamic queues, fail if it already exists
 *   :open_options       => WMQ::MQOO_BIND_ON_OPEN | ...   # MQOO_*
 *   :close_options      => WMQ::MQCO_DELETE_PURGE         # MQCO_*
 *   :dynamic_q_name     => 'Name of Dynamic Queue'        # MQOD.DynamicQName
 *   :alternate_user_id  => 'userid',                      # MQOD.AlternateUserId
 *   :alternate_security_id => ''                          # MQOD.AlternateSecurityId
 *   )
 * Mandatory Parameters
 * * :queue_manager
 *   * An instance of the WMQ::QueueManager class. E.g. QueueManager.new
 *   * Note: This is _not_ the queue manager name!
 * * :q_name => String
 *   * Name of the existing WebSphere MQ local queue, model queue or remote queue to open
 *   * To open remote queues for which a local remote queue definition is not available
 *     pass a Hash as q_name (see q_name => Hash)
 *       OR
 * * :q_name => Hash
 *   * q_name => String
 *     * Name of the existing WebSphere MQ local queue, model queue or remote queue to open
 *   * :q_mgr_name => String
 *     * Name of the remote WebSphere MQ queue manager to send the message to.
 *     * This allows a message to be written to a queue on a remote queue manager
 *       where a remote queue definition is not defined locally
 *     * Commonly used to reply to messages from remote systems
 *     * If q_mgr_name is the same as the local queue manager name then the message
 *       is merely written to the local queue.
 *     * Note: q_mgr_name should only be supplied when putting messages to the queue.
 *         It is not possible to get messages from a queue on a queue manager other
 *         than the currently connected queue manager
 * * :mode => Symbol
 *   * Specify how the queue is to be opened
 *     * :output
 *       * Open the queue for output. I.e. WMQ::Queue#put will be called
 *          Equivalent to: MQOO_OUTPUT
 *     * :input
 *       * Open the queue for input. I.e. WMQ::Queue#get will be called.
 *       * Queue sharing for reading from the queue is defined by the queue itself.
 *         By default most queues are set to shared. I.e. Multiple applications
 *         can read and/or write from the queue at the same time
 *          Equivalent to: MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF
 *     * :input_shared
 *       * Open the queue for input. I.e. WMQ::Queue#get will be called.
 *       * Explicitly open the queue so that other applications can read or write
 *         from the same queue
 *          Equivalent to: MQOO_INPUT_SHARED
 *     * :input_exclusive
 *       * Open the queue for input. I.e. WMQ::Queue#get will be called.
 *       * Explicitly open the queue so that other applications cannot read
 *         from the same queue. Does _not_ affect applications writing to the queue.
 *       * Note: If :input_exclusive is used and connectivity the queue manager is lost.
 *         Upon restart the queue can still be "locked". The application should retry
 *         every minute or so until the queue becomes available. Otherwise, of course,
 *         another application has the queue open exclusively.
 *          Equivalent to: MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE
 *     * :browse
 *       * Browse the messages on the queue _without_ removing them from the queue
 *       * Open the queue for input. I.e. WMQ::Queue#get will be called.
 *       * Note: It is necessary to specify WMQ::MQGMO_BROWSE_FIRST before the
 *         first get, then set WMQ::MQGMO_BROWSE_NEXT for subsequent calls.
 *       * Note: For now it is also necessary to specify these options when calling
 *         WMQ::Queue#each. A change will be made to each to address this.
 *          Equivalent to: MQOO_BROWSE
 * Optional Parameters
 * * :fail_if_quiescing => true or false
 *   * Determines whether the WMQ::Queue#open call will fail if the queue manager is
 *     in the process of being quiesced.
 *   * Note: If set to false, the MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING flag will not be removed if
 *     it was also supplied in :open_options. However, if set to true it will override
 *     this value in :open_options
 *   * Note: This interface differs from other WebSphere MQ interfaces,
 *     they do not default to true.
 *      Default: true
 *      Equivalent to: MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING
 * * :open_options => FixNum
 *   * One or more of the following values:
 *       WMQ::MQOO_SET
 *   * Multiple values can be or'd together. E.g.
 *   * Please see the WebSphere MQ documentation for more details on the above options
 * * :close_options => FixNum
 *   * One of the following values:
 *   * Please see the WebSphere MQ documentation for more details on the above options
 * * :dynamic_q_name => String
 *   * If a model queue name is supplied to :q_name then the final queue name that is
 *     created is specified using :dynamic_q_name
 *   * A complete queue name can be specified. E.g. 'MY.LOCAL.QUEUE'
 *   * Or, a partial queue name can be supplied. E.g. 'MY.REPLY.QUEUE.*'
 *     In this case WebSphere MQ will automatically add numbers to the end
 *     of 'MY.REPLY.QUEUE.' to ensure this queue name is unique.
 *   * The most common use of :dynamic_q_name is to create a temporary dynamic queue
 *     to which replies can be posted for this instance of the program
 *   * When opening a model queue, :dynamic_q_name is optional. However it's use is
 *     recommended in order to make it easier to identify which application a
 *     dynamic queue belongs to.
 * * :fail_if_exists => true or false
 *   * Only applicable when opening a model queue
 *   * When opening a queue dynamically, sometimes the :dynamic_q_name already
 *     exists. Under this condition, if :fail_if_exists is false, the queue is
 *     automatically re-opened using the :dynamic_q_name. The :q_name field is ignored.
 *   * This feature is usefull when creating _permanent_ dynamic queues.
 *     (The model queue has the definition type set to Permanent: DEFTYPE(PERMDYN) ).
 *     * In this way it is not necessary to create the queues before running the program.
 *      Default: true
 * * :alternate_user_id [String]
 *   * Sets the alternate userid to use when messages are put to the queue
 *   * Note: It is not necessary to supply WMQ::MQOO_ALTERNATE_USER_AUTHORITY
 *     since it is automatically added to the :open_options when :alternate_user_id
 *     is supplied
 *   * See WebSphere MQ Application Programming Reference: MQOD.AlternateUserId
 * * :alternate_security_id [String]
 *   * Sets the alternate security id to use when messages are put to the queue
 *   * See WebSphere MQ Application Programming Reference: MQOD.AlternateSecurityId
 * Note:
 * * It is more convenient to use WMQ::QueueManager#open_queue, since it automatically supplies
 *   the parameter :queue_manager
 * * That way :queue_manager parameter is _not_ required
 * Example:
 *   # Put 10 Hello World messages onto a queue
 *   require 'wmq/wmq_client'
 *   WMQ::QueueManager.connect(:q_mgr_name=>'REID', :connection_name=>'localhost(1414)') do |qmgr|
 *     WMQ::Queue.open(:queue_manager=>qmgr,
 *                     :q_name       =>'TEST.QUEUE',
 *                     :mode         =>:output) do |queue|
 *       10.times { |counter| queue.put(:data => "Hello World #{counter}") }
 *     end
 *   end
VALUE Queue_singleton_open(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE proc, parameters, queue;

    /* Extract parameters and code block (Proc) */
    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1&", &parameters, &proc);

    queue = rb_funcall(wmq_queue, ID_new, 1, parameters);
        if(Qtrue == Queue_open(queue))
            struct Queue_singleton_open_arg arg;
            arg.queue = queue;
            arg.proc = proc;
            rb_ensure(Queue_singleton_open_body, (VALUE)&arg, Queue_singleton_open_ensure, queue);
            return Qfalse;
    return queue;