require 'spec_helper' describe Bolognese::Metadata, vcr: true do context "write metadata as schema_org" do it "journal article" do input = "10.7554/eLife.01567" subject = input, from: "crossref") json = JSON.parse(subject.schema_org) expect(json["@id"]).to eq("") expect(json["isPartOf"]).to eq("@type"=>"Periodical", "name"=>"eLife", "issn"=>"2050-084X") expect(json["citation"].length).to eq(26) expect(json["citation"].first).to eq("@id"=>"", "@type"=>"CreativeWork", "name" => "APL regulates vascular tissue identity in Arabidopsis") expect(json["funding"]).to eq([{"name"=>"SystemsX", "@type"=>"Organization"}, {"name"=>"EMBO", "@type"=>"Organization", "@id"=>""}, {"name"=>"Swiss National Science Foundation", "@type"=>"Organization", "@id"=>""}, {"name"=>"University of Lausanne", "@type"=>"Organization", "@id"=>""}]) end it "maremma JSON" do input = "" subject = input, from: "codemeta") json = JSON.parse(subject.schema_org) expect(json["@id"]).to eq("") expect(json["@type"]).to eq("SoftwareSourceCode") expect(json["name"]).to eq("Maremma: a Ruby library for simplified network calls") expect(json["author"]).to eq("name"=>"Martin Fenner", "givenName"=>"Martin", "familyName"=>"Fenner", "@type"=>"Person", "@id"=>"") end it " JSON" do input = "" subject = input, from: "datacite") json = JSON.parse(subject.schema_org) expect(json["@id"]).to eq("") expect(json["name"]).to eq("Analysis Tools For Crossover Experiment Of Ui Using Choice Architecture") end it " JSON isReferencedBy" do input = "" subject = input, from: "datacite") json = JSON.parse(subject.schema_org) expect(json["@id"]).to eq("") expect(json["@reverse"]).to eq("citation"=>{"@id"=>""}, "isBasedOn"=>{"@id"=>""}) end it " JSON IsSupplementTo" do input = "" subject = input, from: "datacite") json = JSON.parse(subject.schema_org) expect(json["@id"]).to eq("") expect(json["@reverse"]).to eq("isBasedOn"=>{"@id"=>""}) end it "rdataone" do input = fixture_path + 'codemeta.json' subject = input, from: "codemeta") json = JSON.parse(subject.schema_org) expect(json["@id"]).to eq("") expect(json["@type"]).to eq("SoftwareSourceCode") expect(json["name"]).to eq("R Interface to the DataONE REST API") expect(json["author"]).to eq([{"name"=>"Matt Jones", "givenName"=>"Matt", "familyName"=>"Jones", "@type"=>"Person", "@id"=>""}, {"name"=>"Peter Slaughter", "givenName"=>"Peter", "familyName"=>"Slaughter", "@type"=>"Person", "@id"=>""}, {"name"=>"University Of California, Santa Barbara", "@type"=>"Organization"}]) expect(json["version"]).to eq("2.0.0") end it "Funding" do input = "" subject = input, from: "datacite") json = JSON.parse(subject.schema_org) expect(json["@id"]).to eq("") expect(json["hasPart"].length).to eq(25) expect(json["hasPart"].first).to eq("@type"=>"CreativeWork", "@id"=>"") expect(json["funding"]).to eq("@type" => "Award", "funder" => {"@type"=>"Organization", "@id"=>"", "name"=>"European Commission"}, "identifier" => "654039", "name" => "THOR – Technical and Human Infrastructure for Open Research", "url" => "") end it "Funding OpenAIRE" do input = "" subject = input, from: "datacite") json = JSON.parse(subject.schema_org) expect(json["@id"]).to eq("") expect(json["funding"]).to eq("@type" => "Award", "funder" => {"@type"=>"Organization", "@id"=>"", "name"=>"European Commission"}, "identifier" => "246686", "name" => "Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe", "url" => "info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/FP7/246686/") end it "subject scheme" do input = "" subject = input, from: "datacite") json = JSON.parse(subject.schema_org) expect(json["@id"]).to eq("") expect(json["name"]).to eq("Flash Eurobarometer 54 (Madrid Summit)") expect(json["keywords"]).to eq("KAT12 International Institutions, Relations, Conditions") end it "subject scheme multiple keywords" do input = "" subject = input, from: "datacite") json = JSON.parse(subject.schema_org) expect(json["@id"]).to eq("") expect(json["name"]).to eq("Seawater carbonate chemistry and processes during experiments with Crassostrea gigas, 2007, supplement to: Kurihara, Haruko; Kato, Shoji; Ishimatsu, Atsushi (2007): Effects of increased seawater pCO2 on early development of the oyster Crassostrea gigas. Aquatic Biology, 1(1), 91-98") expect(json["keywords"]).to eq("GetInfo, Animalia, Bottles or small containers/Aquaria ( 20 L), Calcification/Dissolution, Coast and continental shelf, Development, Growth/Morphology, Laboratory experiment, Mollusca, Pelagos, Single species, Temperate, Zooplankton, Experimental treatment, Carbonate system computation flag, Temperature, water, Salinity, pH, Alkalinity, total, Carbon, inorganic, dissolved, Carbon dioxide, Bicarbonate ion, Carbonate ion, Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air), Fugacity of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air), Aragonite saturation state, Calcite saturation state, Proportion, Crassostrea gigas, larvae length, Crassostrea gigas, larvae height, Crassostrea gigas, non mineralized, Crassostrea gigas, partially mineralized, Crassostrea gigas, fully mineralized, Calculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010), Refractometer (Atago 100-S), pH meter (Mettler Toledo), pH meter (PHM290, Radiometer), Measured, European Project on Ocean Acidification (EPOCA), European network of excellence for Ocean Ecosystems Analysis (EUR-OCEANS), Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre (OA-ICC)") end it "series information" do input = "10.4229/23RDEUPVSEC2008-5CO.8.3" subject = input, from: "datacite") json = JSON.parse(subject.schema_org) expect(json["isPartOf"]).to eq("@type"=>"Periodical", "name"=>"23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 1-5 September 2008, Valencia, Spain; 3353-3356") expect(json["@id"]).to eq("") expect(json["@type"]).to eq("ScholarlyArticle") expect(json["name"]).to eq("Rural Electrification With Hybrid Power Systems Based on Renewables - Technical System Configurations From the Point of View of the European Industry") expect(json["author"].count).to eq(3) expect(json["author"].first).to eq("@type"=>"Person", "name"=>"P. Llamas", "givenName"=>"P.", "familyName"=>"Llamas") end end end