# frozen_string_literal: true require 'vite_rails' # Internal: Extends the base installation script from Vite Ruby to work for a # typical Rails app. module ViteRails::Installation RAILS_TEMPLATES = Pathname.new(File.expand_path('../../templates', __dir__)) # Override: Setup a typical apps/web Hanami app to use Vite. def setup_app_files cp RAILS_TEMPLATES.join('config/rails-vite.json'), config.config_path if dir = %w[app/javascript app/packs].find { |path| root.join(path).exist? } replace_first_line config.config_path, 'app/frontend', %( "sourceCodeDir": "#{ dir }",) end setup_content_security_policy root.join('config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb') append root.join('Procfile.dev'), 'web: bin/rails s' end # Internal: Configure CSP rules that allow to load @vite/client correctly. def setup_content_security_policy(csp_file) return unless csp_file.exist? inject_line_after csp_file, 'policy.script_src', <<~CSP # You may need to enable this in production as well depending on your setup. # policy.script_src *policy.script_src, :blob if Rails.env.test? CSP inject_line_after csp_file, 'policy.connect_src', <<~CSP # Allow @vite/client to hot reload changes in development # policy.connect_src *policy.connect_src, "ws://\#{ ViteRuby.config.host_with_port }" if Rails.env.development? CSP inject_line_after csp_file, 'policy.script_src', <<~CSP # Allow @vite/client to hot reload javascript changes in development # policy.script_src *policy.script_src, :unsafe_eval, "http://\#{ ViteRuby.config.host_with_port }" if Rails.env.development? CSP inject_line_after csp_file, 'policy.style_src', <<~CSP # Allow @vite/client to hot reload style changes in development # policy.style_src *policy.style_src, :unsafe_inline if Rails.env.development? CSP end # Override: Create a sample JS file and attempt to inject it in an HTML template. def install_sample_files unless config.resolved_entrypoints_dir.join('application.js').exist? cp RAILS_TEMPLATES.join('entrypoints/application.js'), config.resolved_entrypoints_dir.join('application.js') end if (layout_file = root.join('app/views/layouts/application.html.erb')).exist? inject_line_before layout_file, '', <<-HTML <%= vite_client_tag %> <%= vite_javascript_tag 'application' %> HTML end end end ViteRuby::CLI::Install.prepend(ViteRails::Installation)