libmockspotify ============== A mock of libspotify for use in development of language bindings. This project was started in July 2011 with the goal of splitting out pyspotify's mock of libspotify, so that it could be reused by the developers of the Node.js and Ruby bindings for libspotify. Coordination of the development efforts happens on GitHub and #spotify on Freenode. Note about my fork ------------------ To ease usage in my own development, I’ve turned this project into a Ruby gem. This allows you to install it as a gem, and also allows you to retrieve the path to the compiled binary. Installing it as a gem: :: gem install mockspotify Using its’ API (one method): :: require 'mockspotify' MockSpotify.lib_path # => path/to/gem/src/libmockspotify.extension You can then use this to bind this library using Ruby FFI: :: require 'ffi' require 'mockspotify' module Spotify extend FFI::Library ffi_lib MockSpotify.lib_path attach_function …, etc end Manual compilation ------------------ If you ever want to do it, here you go: :: $ ./ $ ./configure $ make # make install