def check_vimpack_remote(remote_name, url) prep_for_fs_check do res = %x{ cd test_vimpack/.vimpack ; git config -l ; cd - } res.should match(/remote.#{Regexp.escape(remote_name)}.url=#{Regexp.escape(url)}/) end end def check_vimpack_last_commit_log(message) prep_for_fs_check do res = %x{ cd test_vimpack/.vimpack ; git log -1 ; cd - } res.should match(/#{Regexp.escape(message)}/) end end def check_vimpack_status prep_for_fs_check do res = %x{ cd test_vimpack/.vimpack ; git status ; cd - } res.should match(/#{Regexp.escape('nothing to commit')}/) end end def initialize_git_repo(path) prep_for_fs_check do @full_path = File.join(File.expand_path(FileUtils.pwd), @path) end FileUtils.rmtree(@full_path).should be_true if File::directory?(@full_path) FileUtils.mkdir(@full_path).should be_true res = %x( git init --bare #{@full_path} ) $?.should eq(0) end Then /^the vimpack git remote "([^"]*)" should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |remote_name, url| check_vimpack_remote(remote_name, url) end Then /^the vimpack git commit logs last message should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |message| check_vimpack_last_commit_log(message) end Then /^the vimpack git status should be empty$/ do check_vimpack_status end Given /^an initialized git repo in "([^"]*)"$/ do |path| @path = path @full_path = nil initialize_git_repo(@path) end Given /^an existing git repo in "([^"]*)"$/ do |path| steps %Q{ Given an initialized git repo in "#{path}" And I run `vimpack -e development git remote add origin /tmp/aruba/#{path}` When I run `vimpack -e development git publish -m '[TEST] testing vimpack'` Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain: """ * publishing vimpack repo vimpack repo published! """ And the vimpack git remote "origin" should be "/tmp/aruba/#{path}" } end Given /^an initialized vimpack in "([^"]*)" from remote "([^"]*)"$/ do |homedir, remote_path| steps %Q{ Given a directory named "#{homedir}/.vim" And an empty file named "#{homedir}/.vimrc" And "#{homedir}" is my home directory When I run `vimpack -e development init /tmp/aruba/#{remote_path}` Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain "vimpack initialized!" And the vimpack git remote "origin" should be "/tmp/aruba/#{remote_path}" } end Given /^an initialized vimpack in "([^"]*)" that is out of sync with its remote$/ do |path| steps %Q{ Given an initialized vimpack in "#{path}" And "rails.vim" is already installed And an existing git repo in "vimpack-repo" And an initialized vimpack in "test_vimpack_remoted" from remote "vimpack-repo" And "#{path}" is my home directory And "" is already installed And I run `vimpack -e development git publish -m '[CUKE] added'` And "test_vimpack_remoted" is my home directory And "" is already installed } end