module Redwood module CanAliasContacts def alias_contact p a = BufferManager.ask(:alias, "Nickname for #{p.longname}: ", ContactManager.alias_for(p)) or return if a.empty? ContactManager.drop_contact p else ContactManager.set_contact p, a end end end class ContactListMode < LineCursorMode LOAD_MORE_CONTACTS_NUM = 10 register_keymap do |k| k.add :load_more, "Load #{LOAD_MORE_CONTACTS_NUM} more contacts", 'M' k.add :reload, "Drop contact list and reload", 'D' k.add :alias, "Edit nickname/alias for contact", 'a' k.add :toggle_tagged, "Tag/untag current line", 't' k.add :apply_to_tagged, "Apply next command to all tagged items", ';' k.add :search, "Search for messages from particular people", 'S' end def initialize mode=:regular @mode = mode @tags = self @num = nil @text = [] super() end include CanAliasContacts def alias p = @contacts[curpos] or return alias_contact p update end def lines; @text.length; end def [] i; @text[i]; end def toggle_tagged p = @contacts[curpos] or return @tags.toggle_tag_for p update_text_for_line curpos cursor_down end def multi_toggle_tagged threads @tags.drop_all_tags update end def apply_to_tagged; @tags.apply_to_tagged; end def load_more num=LOAD_MORE_CONTACTS_NUM @num += num load update BufferManager.flash "Added #{num} contacts." end def multi_select people case @mode when :regular mode = :to => people BufferManager.spawn "new message", mode mode.edit_message end end def select p = @contacts[curpos] or return multi_select [p] end def multi_search people mode = people BufferManager.spawn "search for #{ { |p| }.join(', ')}", mode mode.load_threads :num => mode.buffer.content_height end def search p = @contacts[curpos] or return multi_search [p] end def reload @tags.drop_all_tags @num = nil load end def load_in_background Redwood::reporting_thread do load update BufferManager.draw_screen end end def load @num ||= buffer.content_height @user_contacts = ContactManager.contacts num = [@num - @user_contacts.length, 0].max BufferManager.say("Loading #{num} contacts from index...") do recentc = Index.load_contacts AccountManager.user_emails, :num => num @contacts = (@user_contacts + recentc).sort_by { |p| p.sort_by_me }.uniq end end protected def update regen_text buffer.mark_dirty if buffer end def update_text_for_line line @text[line] = text_for_contact @contacts[line] buffer.mark_dirty if buffer end def text_for_contact p aalias = ContactManager.alias_for(p) || "" [[:tagged_color, @tags.tagged?(p) ? ">" : " "], [:none, sprintf("%-#{@awidth}s %-#{@nwidth}s %s", aalias,,]] end def regen_text @awidth, @nwidth = 0, 0 @contacts.each do |p| aalias = ContactManager.alias_for(p) @awidth = aalias.length if aalias && aalias.length > @awidth @nwidth = if && > @nwidth end @text = { |p| text_for_contact p } end end end