--- en: activemodel: models: decidim/blogs/create_post_event: New blog post activerecord: models: decidim/blogs/post: one: Post other: Posts decidim: blogs: actions: confirm_destroy: Are you sure you want to delete this post? destroy: Delete edit: Edit new: New post title: Actions user_group_id: Create post as admin: models: components: body: Body post: name: Post posts: create: invalid: There was a problem creating this post success: Post successfully created destroy: success: Post successfully deleted edit: save: Update title: Edit post index: title: Posts new: create: Create title: Create post update: invalid: There was a problem saving the post. success: Post successfully saved last_activity: new_post_at_html: "New post at %{link}" models: post: fields: author: Author body: Body created_at: Created at title: title posts: show: back: Back to list comments: Comments view: View sidebar_blog: comments: comments most_commented_posts: Most commented posts read_more: Read more components: blogs: actions: create: Create destroy: Delete update: Update name: Blog settings: global: announcement: Announcement comments_enabled: Comments enabled comments_max_length: Comments max length (Leave 0 for default value) step: announcement: Announcement comments_blocked: Comments blocked endorsements_blocked: Endorsements blocked endorsements_enabled: Endorsements enabled events: blogs: post_created: email_intro: The post "%{resource_title}" has been published in "%{participatory_space_title}" that you are following. email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following "%{participatory_space_title}". You can unfollow it from the previous link. email_subject: New post published in %{participatory_space_title} notification_title: The post %{resource_title} has been published in %{participatory_space_title} statistics: posts_count: Posts