# Nephos Ruby Server [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/nephos-server.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/nephos-server) This is a minimal web server, based on [rack](https://github.com/rack/rack) and [puma](https://github.com/puma/puma). It is written in ruby. It also gives you a minimal architecture to speed up your application bootstrap. Features provided: - Controllers: gives you a resource logic. - Render: easier render content to the client. - Router: create a robust and simple routing system, with url variables. Features which will not be provided by nserver: - Templating (HTML with variables, loops, ...): It already exists and it is easy to implement. - [Slim](DOCUMENTATION/TEMPLATING/SLIM.md) - Database orm and connector: It already exists and simple to implement too. - [Sequel](DOCUMENTATION/DATABASE/SEQUEL.md) # Start ```sh gem install nephos # download the server and executables ngenerator application MyApp # generate the application cd MyApp # go in nserver -p 8080 -h # start the server. port is not required, neither host ``` ``nserver`` is an executable designed to start the server easly. It can take few arguments, all optionnal: - ``-p``: port to listen - ``-h``: host to listen (network address) - ``-e``: environment (default is development, can be set to production) - ``-d``: daemonize the process - ``-k``: kill daemonized process # Documentation ## Guides Theses guides will provide you knowlegde about everything you can use in the application. - [Generator GUIDE](DOCUMENTATION/GUIDE_GENERATOR.md) - [Render API](DOCUMENTATION/API_RENDER.md) - [Router GUIDE](DOCUMENTATION/GUIDE_ROUTER.md) - [Controller GUIDE](DOCUMENTATION/GUIDE_CONTROLLER.md) - [Customisable errors GUIDE](DOCUMENTATION/GUIDE_ERRORS.md) - [Code documentation on RubyDoc.info](http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/nephos-server/toplevel) -> **Note: you can also generate local documentation via yard** ## Examples ### Production and environment To avoid information leaks from your application, set the environment variable ``export ENVIRONMENT=production``, or run the server with ``-e production`` parameter. When an error occurs, the backtrace will be print to the client in the rendered page, unless the server runs in production environment. ### Controller Every routes will call a method from a controller. To create a controller, add a ruby file to ``app/``, with a class inherited by ``Nephos::Controller`` You should user ``ngenerator --controller NAME`` to generate a new controller. ```ruby class Example < Nephos::Controller def root cookies["last_visit"] = Time.now if params["index"] == "true" return {plain: "index"} else return :empty end end end ``` ### Rendering To render a content to the client, you can return informations from a Controller method: ```ruby return 404 return {status: code} return {status: code, content: "Not today"} return {json: {status: "resource created"}, status: 201} return {plain: "text"} return {html: "


"} return {type: "image/jpeg", content: File.read("images/photo.jpg")} return :empty ``` ### Routing The routing (rules to execute the action the user wants), you have to write the ``/routes.rb`` file. If the user try to access an url not described in the file, it will automaticaly render a 404 not found. ```ruby get url: "/", controller: "MainController", method: "root" # / post url: "/add", controller: "MainController", method: "add_url" # /add post url: "/add/:url", controller: "MainController", method: "add_url" # /add with parameter :url put url: "/rm", controller: "MainController", method: "rm_url" # /rm put url: "/rm/:url", controller: "MainController", method: "rm_url" # /rm with parameter :url resource "infos" do get url: "/", controller: "MainController", method: "root" # generate /infos get url: "/about", controller: "MainController", method: "root" # generate /infos/about get url: "/notice", to: "MainController#notice" # generate /infos/notice end ``` # Developers: Roadmap ## TODO v0.7 - feature to change HTTP header from controller - Documentation on architecture (UML) - Improved documentation (Tutorial, Improved guides) ## v1 requierements - Environement, Daemons, Port, Listen Host, Routables, Arguments - Clear architecture - Generator readables and powerfull - At least 80% tests coverage - Performances benchmark - Guide about - Controllers - Routing - Api Creation - Database creation - Web HTML with templating - Clear documentation on the features using regexp, options, ... Gitlab Continuous Integration: [![Gitlab Tests](https://gitlab.com/ci/projects/8973/status.png?ref=master)](https://gitlab.com/ci/projects/8973?ref=master) Github version [![GitHub version](https://badge.fury.io/gh/Nephos%2FNephosRubyServer.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/gh/Nephos%2FNephosRubyServer) Released version on ruby-gems [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/nephos-server.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/nephos-server) Code Quality [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/Nephos/NephosRubyServer/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/Nephos/NephosRubyServer) Nephos gem version [![Nephos Executables](https://badge.fury.io/rb/nephos.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/nephos)