require 'rails/generators' class TwirpGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase source_root File.expand_path('templates', __dir__) class_option :gen_swagger, type: :boolean, default: false class_option :swagger_out, type: :string, default: nil def smart_detect_proto_file_name return if File.exist?(proto_file_name) # dont detect when file exists return if class_path.any? # dont detect when file with path in_root do [file_name, "#{file_name}_api"].each do |file| mask = File.join src_path, "**/#{file}.proto" matched_files = Dir.glob(mask) next if matched_files.empty? abort "many proto files matched the #{file_name}: #{matched_files.join(' ')}" if matched_files.size > 1 matched_file = matched_file = matched_file.to_s[0..-(matched_file.extname.length + 1)] # remove extension @file_path = nil # reset cache say_status :detect, "Smart detect #{file_name} as #{matched_file}", :yellow assign_names!(matched_file) break end end end def check_requirements in_root do abort "#{proto_file_name} not found" unless File.exist?(proto_file_name) end protoc.check_requirements(check_swagger: gen_swagger?) do |msg| abort msg end end def rm_old_twirp_files return unless cfg.purge_old_twirp_code in_root do removed_files = protoc.rm_old_twirp_files if removed_files msg = "#{removed_files.size} twirp and pb files purged from #{dst_path}" say_status :protoc, msg, :green end end end def generate_twirp_files in_root do FileUtils.mkdir_p dst_path protos_mask = File.join src_path, '**/*.proto' proto_files = Dir.glob protos_mask protoc_files_count = 0 swagger_files_count = 0 proto_files.each do |file| gen_swagger = gen_swagger? && file =~ %r{/#{file_name}\.proto$} FileUtils.mkdir_p cfg.swagger_output_path if gen_swagger cmd = protoc.cmd(file, gen_swagger) protoc_files_count += 1 swagger_files_count += gen_swagger ? 1 : 0 `#{cmd}` abort "protoc failure: #{cmd}" unless $?.success? end msg = "#{protoc_files_count} proto files processed, #{swagger_files_count} with swagger" say_status :protoc, msg, :green end end def create_module_files return if regular_class_path.empty? class_path.length.times do |i| current_path = class_path[0..i] create_file File.join('app/rpc', "#{current_path.join('/')}.rb"), <<~RUBY # :nocov: #{module_hier(}# :nocov: RUBY end end PROTO_RPC_REGEXP = /\brpc\s+(\S+)\s*\(\s*(\S+)\s*\)\s*returns\s*\(\s*(\S+)\s*\)/m.freeze def generate_handler methods = proto_content.scan(PROTO_RPC_REGEXP).map do |method, _arg_type, _result_type| optimize_indentation <<~RUBY, 2 def #{method.underscore}(req, _env) end RUBY end.join("\n") # Let us assume that the service name is the same file name create_file "app/rpc/#{file_path}_handler.rb", <<~RUBY class #{class_name}Handler #{methods}end RUBY end def generate_route route "mount_twirp '#{file_path}'" end def generate_rspec_files in_root do return unless File.exist?('spec') methods = proto_content.scan(PROTO_RPC_REGEXP).map do |method, _arg_type, result_type| result_type = proto_type_to_ruby(result_type) optimize_indentation <<~RUBY, 2 context '##{method.underscore}' do rpc { [:#{method.underscore}, 'arg'] } it do expect { #{result_type}.new(subject) }.to_not raise_exception should match({}) end end RUBY end.join("\n") create_file "spec/rpc/#{file_path}_handler_spec.rb", <<~RUBY require 'rails_helper' describe #{class_name}Handler do #{methods}end RUBY end end private def module_hier(modules, indent = 0) return '' if cur, *tail = modules optimize_indentation <<~RUBY, indent module #{cur} #{module_hier(tail, 2)}end RUBY end def proto_type_to_ruby(result_type) result_type.split('.').map(&:camelize).join('::') end def src_path cfg.services_proto_path end def dst_path cfg.services_twirp_code_path end def proto_content unless @proto_content in_root do @proto_content = proto_file_name end end @proto_content end def proto_file_name File.join src_path, "#{file_path}.proto" end def cfg TwirpRails.configuration end def gen_swagger? options[:gen_swagger] && cfg.swagger_output_path.present? end def abort(msg) raise Thor::InvocationError, msg end def protoc @protoc ||=, dst_path, cfg.swagger_output_path) end end