# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe GraphQL::Authorization do module AuthTest class Box attr_reader :value def initialize(value:) @value = value end end class BaseArgument < GraphQL::Schema::Argument def visible?(context) super && (context[:hide] ? @name != "hidden" : true) end def accessible?(context) super && (context[:hide] ? @name != "inaccessible" : true) end def authorized?(parent_object, context) super && parent_object != :hide2 end end class BaseField < GraphQL::Schema::Field def initialize(*args, edge_class: nil, **kwargs, &block) @edge_class = edge_class super(*args, **kwargs, &block) end def to_graphql field_defn = super if @edge_class field_defn.edge_class = @edge_class end field_defn end argument_class BaseArgument def visible?(context) super && (context[:hide] ? @name != "hidden" : true) end def accessible?(context) super && (context[:hide] ? @name != "inaccessible" : true) end def authorized?(object, context) super && object != :hide && object != :replace end end class BaseObject < GraphQL::Schema::Object field_class BaseField end module BaseInterface include GraphQL::Schema::Interface end class BaseEnumValue < GraphQL::Schema::EnumValue def initialize(*args, role: nil, **kwargs) @role = role super(*args, **kwargs) end def visible?(context) super && (context[:hide] ? @role != :hidden : true) end end class BaseEnum < GraphQL::Schema::Enum enum_value_class(BaseEnumValue) end module HiddenInterface include BaseInterface def self.visible?(ctx) super && !ctx[:hide] end def self.resolve_type(obj, ctx) HiddenObject end end module HiddenDefaultInterface include BaseInterface # visible? will call the super method def self.resolve_type(obj, ctx) HiddenObject end end class HiddenObject < BaseObject implements HiddenInterface implements HiddenDefaultInterface def self.visible?(ctx) super && !ctx[:hide] end end class RelayObject < BaseObject def self.visible?(ctx) super && !ctx[:hidden_relay] end def self.accessible?(ctx) super && !ctx[:inaccessible_relay] end def self.authorized?(_val, ctx) super && !ctx[:unauthorized_relay] end end # TODO test default behavior for abstract types, # that they check their concrete types module InaccessibleInterface include BaseInterface def self.accessible?(ctx) super && !ctx[:hide] end def self.resolve_type(obj, ctx) InaccessibleObject end end module InaccessibleDefaultInterface include BaseInterface # accessible? will call the super method def self.resolve_type(obj, ctx) InaccessibleObject end end class InaccessibleObject < BaseObject implements InaccessibleInterface implements InaccessibleDefaultInterface def self.accessible?(ctx) super && !ctx[:hide] end end class UnauthorizedObject < BaseObject def self.authorized?(value, context) super && !context[:hide] end end class UnauthorizedBox < BaseObject # Hide `"a"` def self.authorized?(value, context) super && value != "a" end field :value, String, null: false, method: :itself end module UnauthorizedInterface include BaseInterface def self.resolve_type(obj, ctx) if obj.is_a?(String) UnauthorizedCheckBox else raise "Unexpected value: #{obj.inspect}" end end end class UnauthorizedCheckBox < BaseObject implements UnauthorizedInterface # This authorized check returns a lazy object, it should be synced by the runtime. def self.authorized?(value, context) if !value.is_a?(String) raise "Unexpected box value: #{value.inspect}" end is_authed = super && value != "a" # Make it many levels nested just to make sure we support nested lazy objects Box.new(value: Box.new(value: Box.new(value: Box.new(value: is_authed)))) end field :value, String, null: false, method: :itself end class IntegerObject < BaseObject def self.authorized?(obj, ctx) if !obj.is_a?(Integer) raise "Unexpected IntegerObject: #{obj}" end is_allowed = !(ctx[:unauthorized_relay] || obj == ctx[:exclude_integer]) Box.new(value: Box.new(value: is_allowed)) end field :value, Integer, null: false, method: :itself end class IntegerObjectEdge < GraphQL::Types::Relay::BaseEdge node_type(IntegerObject) end class IntegerObjectConnection < GraphQL::Types::Relay::BaseConnection edge_type(IntegerObjectEdge) end # This object responds with `replaced => false`, # but if its replacement value is used, it gives `replaced => true` class Replaceable def replacement { replaced: true } end def replaced false end end class ReplacedObject < BaseObject def self.authorized?(obj, ctx) super && !ctx[:replace_me] end field :replaced, Boolean, null: false end class LandscapeFeature < BaseEnum value "MOUNTAIN" value "STREAM", role: :unauthorized value "FIELD", role: :inaccessible value "TAR_PIT", role: :hidden end class Query < BaseObject field :hidden, Integer, null: false field :unauthorized, Integer, null: true, method: :itself field :int2, Integer, null: true do argument :int, Integer, required: false argument :hidden, Integer, required: false argument :inaccessible, Integer, required: false argument :unauthorized, Integer, required: false end def int2(**args) args[:unauthorized] || 1 end field :landscape_feature, LandscapeFeature, null: false do argument :string, String, required: false argument :enum, LandscapeFeature, required: false end def landscape_feature(string: nil, enum: nil) string || enum end field :landscape_features, [LandscapeFeature], null: false do argument :strings, [String], required: false argument :enums, [LandscapeFeature], required: false end def landscape_features(strings: [], enums: []) strings + enums end def empty_array; []; end field :hidden_object, HiddenObject, null: false, resolver_method: :itself field :hidden_interface, HiddenInterface, null: false, resolver_method: :itself field :hidden_default_interface, HiddenDefaultInterface, null: false, resolver_method: :itself field :hidden_connection, RelayObject.connection_type, null: :false, resolver_method: :empty_array field :hidden_edge, RelayObject.edge_type, null: :false, resolver_method: :edge_object field :inaccessible, Integer, null: false, method: :object_id field :inaccessible_object, InaccessibleObject, null: false, resolver_method: :itself field :inaccessible_interface, InaccessibleInterface, null: false, resolver_method: :itself field :inaccessible_default_interface, InaccessibleDefaultInterface, null: false, resolver_method: :itself field :inaccessible_connection, RelayObject.connection_type, null: :false, resolver_method: :empty_array field :inaccessible_edge, RelayObject.edge_type, null: :false, resolver_method: :edge_object field :unauthorized_object, UnauthorizedObject, null: true, resolver_method: :itself field :unauthorized_connection, RelayObject.connection_type, null: false, resolver_method: :array_with_item field :unauthorized_edge, RelayObject.edge_type, null: false, resolver_method: :edge_object def edge_object OpenStruct.new(node: 100) end def array_with_item [1] end field :unauthorized_lazy_box, UnauthorizedBox, null: true do argument :value, String, required: true end def unauthorized_lazy_box(value:) # Make it extra nested, just for good measure. Box.new(value: Box.new(value: value)) end field :unauthorized_list_items, [UnauthorizedObject], null: true def unauthorized_list_items [self, self] end field :unauthorized_lazy_check_box, UnauthorizedCheckBox, null: true, resolver_method: :unauthorized_lazy_box do argument :value, String, required: true end field :unauthorized_interface, UnauthorizedInterface, null: true, resolver_method: :unauthorized_lazy_box do argument :value, String, required: true end field :unauthorized_lazy_list_interface, [UnauthorizedInterface, null: true], null: true def unauthorized_lazy_list_interface ["z", Box.new(value: Box.new(value: "z2")), "a", Box.new(value: "a")] end field :integers, IntegerObjectConnection, null: false def integers [1,2,3] end field :lazy_integers, IntegerObjectConnection, null: false def lazy_integers Box.new(value: Box.new(value: [1,2,3])) end field :replaced_object, ReplacedObject, null: false def replaced_object Replaceable.new end end class DoHiddenStuff < GraphQL::Schema::RelayClassicMutation def self.visible?(ctx) super && (ctx[:hidden_mutation] ? false : true) end end class DoHiddenStuff2 < GraphQL::Schema::Mutation def self.visible?(ctx) super && !ctx[:hidden_mutation] end end class DoInaccessibleStuff < GraphQL::Schema::RelayClassicMutation def self.accessible?(ctx) super && (ctx[:inaccessible_mutation] ? false : true) end end class DoUnauthorizedStuff < GraphQL::Schema::RelayClassicMutation def self.authorized?(obj, ctx) super && (ctx[:unauthorized_mutation] ? false : true) end end class Mutation < BaseObject field :do_hidden_stuff, mutation: DoHiddenStuff field :do_hidden_stuff2, mutation: DoHiddenStuff2 field :do_inaccessible_stuff, mutation: DoInaccessibleStuff field :do_unauthorized_stuff, mutation: DoUnauthorizedStuff end class Schema < GraphQL::Schema if TESTING_INTERPRETER use GraphQL::Execution::Interpreter end query(Query) mutation(Mutation) # Opt in to accessible? checks query_analyzer GraphQL::Authorization::Analyzer lazy_resolve(Box, :value) def self.unauthorized_object(err) if err.object.respond_to?(:replacement) err.object.replacement elsif err.object == :replace 33 else raise GraphQL::ExecutionError, "Unauthorized #{err.type.graphql_name}: #{err.object}" end end # use GraphQL::Backtrace end class SchemaWithFieldHook < GraphQL::Schema query(Query) def self.unauthorized_field(err) if err.object == :replace 42 else raise GraphQL::ExecutionError, "Unauthorized field #{err.field.graphql_name} on #{err.type.graphql_name}: #{err.object}" end end end end def auth_execute(*args) AuthTest::Schema.execute(*args) end describe "applying the visible? method" do it "works in queries" do res = auth_execute(" { int int2 } ", context: { hide: true }) assert_equal 1, res["errors"].size end it "applies return type visibility to fields" do error_queries = { "hiddenObject" => "{ hiddenObject { __typename } }", "hiddenInterface" => "{ hiddenInterface { __typename } }", "hiddenDefaultInterface" => "{ hiddenDefaultInterface { __typename } }", } error_queries.each do |name, q| hidden_res = auth_execute(q, context: { hide: true}) assert_equal ["Field '#{name}' doesn't exist on type 'Query'"], hidden_res["errors"].map { |e| e["message"] } visible_res = auth_execute(q) # Both fields exist; the interface resolves to the object type, though assert_equal "HiddenObject", visible_res["data"][name]["__typename"] end end it "uses the mutation for derived fields, inputs and outputs" do query = "mutation { doHiddenStuff(input: {}) { __typename } }" res = auth_execute(query, context: { hidden_mutation: true }) assert_equal ["Field 'doHiddenStuff' doesn't exist on type 'Mutation'"], res["errors"].map { |e| e["message"] } # `#resolve` isn't implemented, so this errors out: assert_raises NotImplementedError do auth_execute(query) end introspection_q = <<-GRAPHQL { t1: __type(name: "DoHiddenStuffInput") { name } t2: __type(name: "DoHiddenStuffPayload") { name } } GRAPHQL hidden_introspection_res = auth_execute(introspection_q, context: { hidden_mutation: true }) assert_nil hidden_introspection_res["data"]["t1"] assert_nil hidden_introspection_res["data"]["t2"] visible_introspection_res = auth_execute(introspection_q) assert_equal "DoHiddenStuffInput", visible_introspection_res["data"]["t1"]["name"] assert_equal "DoHiddenStuffPayload", visible_introspection_res["data"]["t2"]["name"] end it "works with Schema::Mutation" do query = "mutation { doHiddenStuff2 { __typename } }" res = auth_execute(query, context: { hidden_mutation: true }) assert_equal ["Field 'doHiddenStuff2' doesn't exist on type 'Mutation'"], res["errors"].map { |e| e["message"] } # `#resolve` isn't implemented, so this errors out: assert_raises NotImplementedError do auth_execute(query) end end it "uses the base type for edges and connections" do query = <<-GRAPHQL { hiddenConnection { __typename } hiddenEdge { __typename } } GRAPHQL hidden_res = auth_execute(query, context: { hidden_relay: true }) assert_equal 2, hidden_res["errors"].size visible_res = auth_execute(query) assert_equal "RelayObjectConnection", visible_res["data"]["hiddenConnection"]["__typename"] assert_equal "RelayObjectEdge", visible_res["data"]["hiddenEdge"]["__typename"] end it "treats hidden enum values as non-existant, even in lists" do hidden_res_1 = auth_execute <<-GRAPHQL, context: { hide: true } { landscapeFeature(enum: TAR_PIT) } GRAPHQL assert_equal ["Argument 'enum' on Field 'landscapeFeature' has an invalid value. Expected type 'LandscapeFeature'."], hidden_res_1["errors"].map { |e| e["message"] } hidden_res_2 = auth_execute <<-GRAPHQL, context: { hide: true } { landscapeFeatures(enums: [STREAM, TAR_PIT]) } GRAPHQL assert_equal ["Argument 'enums' on Field 'landscapeFeatures' has an invalid value. Expected type '[LandscapeFeature!]'."], hidden_res_2["errors"].map { |e| e["message"] } success_res = auth_execute <<-GRAPHQL, context: { hide: false } { landscapeFeature(enum: TAR_PIT) landscapeFeatures(enums: [STREAM, TAR_PIT]) } GRAPHQL assert_equal "TAR_PIT", success_res["data"]["landscapeFeature"] assert_equal ["STREAM", "TAR_PIT"], success_res["data"]["landscapeFeatures"] end it "refuses to resolve to hidden enum values" do assert_raises(GraphQL::EnumType::UnresolvedValueError) do auth_execute <<-GRAPHQL, context: { hide: true } { landscapeFeature(string: "TAR_PIT") } GRAPHQL end assert_raises(GraphQL::EnumType::UnresolvedValueError) do auth_execute <<-GRAPHQL, context: { hide: true } { landscapeFeatures(strings: ["STREAM", "TAR_PIT"]) } GRAPHQL end end it "works in introspection" do res = auth_execute <<-GRAPHQL, context: { hide: true, hidden_mutation: true } { query: __type(name: "Query") { fields { name args { name } } } hiddenObject: __type(name: "HiddenObject") { name } hiddenInterface: __type(name: "HiddenInterface") { name } landscapeFeatures: __type(name: "LandscapeFeature") { enumValues { name } } } GRAPHQL query_field_names = res["data"]["query"]["fields"].map { |f| f["name"] } refute_includes query_field_names, "int" int2_arg_names = res["data"]["query"]["fields"].find { |f| f["name"] == "int2" }["args"].map { |a| a["name"] } assert_equal ["int", "inaccessible", "unauthorized"], int2_arg_names assert_nil res["data"]["hiddenObject"] assert_nil res["data"]["hiddenInterface"] visible_landscape_features = res["data"]["landscapeFeatures"]["enumValues"].map { |v| v["name"] } assert_equal ["MOUNTAIN", "STREAM", "FIELD"], visible_landscape_features end end describe "applying the accessible? method" do it "works with fields and arguments" do queries = { "{ inaccessible }" => ["Some fields in this query are not accessible: inaccessible"], "{ int2(inaccessible: 1) }" => ["Some fields in this query are not accessible: int2"], } queries.each do |query_str, errors| res = auth_execute(query_str, context: { hide: true }) assert_equal errors, res.fetch("errors").map { |e| e["message"] } res = auth_execute(query_str, context: { hide: false }) refute res.key?("errors") end end it "works with return types" do queries = { "{ inaccessibleObject { __typename } }" => ["Some fields in this query are not accessible: inaccessibleObject"], "{ inaccessibleInterface { __typename } }" => ["Some fields in this query are not accessible: inaccessibleInterface"], "{ inaccessibleDefaultInterface { __typename } }" => ["Some fields in this query are not accessible: inaccessibleDefaultInterface"], } queries.each do |query_str, errors| res = auth_execute(query_str, context: { hide: true }) assert_equal errors, res["errors"].map { |e| e["message"] } res = auth_execute(query_str, context: { hide: false }) refute res.key?("errors") end end it "works with mutations" do query = "mutation { doInaccessibleStuff(input: {}) { __typename } }" res = auth_execute(query, context: { inaccessible_mutation: true }) assert_equal ["Some fields in this query are not accessible: doInaccessibleStuff"], res["errors"].map { |e| e["message"] } assert_raises NotImplementedError do auth_execute(query) end end it "works with edges and connections" do query = <<-GRAPHQL { inaccessibleConnection { __typename } inaccessibleEdge { __typename } } GRAPHQL inaccessible_res = auth_execute(query, context: { inaccessible_relay: true }) assert_equal ["Some fields in this query are not accessible: inaccessibleConnection, inaccessibleEdge"], inaccessible_res["errors"].map { |e| e["message"] } accessible_res = auth_execute(query) refute accessible_res.key?("errors") end end describe "applying the authorized? method" do it "halts on unauthorized objects, replacing the object with nil" do query = "{ unauthorizedObject { __typename } }" hidden_response = auth_execute(query, context: { hide: true }) assert_nil hidden_response["data"].fetch("unauthorizedObject") visible_response = auth_execute(query, context: {}) assert_equal({ "__typename" => "UnauthorizedObject" }, visible_response["data"]["unauthorizedObject"]) end it "halts on unauthorized mutations" do query = "mutation { doUnauthorizedStuff(input: {}) { __typename } }" res = auth_execute(query, context: { unauthorized_mutation: true }) assert_nil res["data"].fetch("doUnauthorizedStuff") assert_raises NotImplementedError do auth_execute(query) end end describe "field level authorization" do describe "unauthorized field" do describe "with an unauthorized field hook configured" do describe "when the hook returns a value" do it "replaces the response with the return value of the unauthorized field hook" do query = "{ unauthorized }" response = AuthTest::SchemaWithFieldHook.execute(query, root_value: :replace) assert_equal 42, response["data"].fetch("unauthorized") end end describe "when the field hook raises an error" do it "returns nil" do query = "{ unauthorized }" response = AuthTest::SchemaWithFieldHook.execute(query, root_value: :hide) assert_nil response["data"].fetch("unauthorized") end it "adds the error to the errors key" do query = "{ unauthorized }" response = AuthTest::SchemaWithFieldHook.execute(query, root_value: :hide) assert_equal ["Unauthorized field unauthorized on Query: hide"], response["errors"].map { |e| e["message"] } end end end describe "with an unauthorized field hook not configured" do describe "When the object hook replaces the field" do it "delegates to the unauthorized object hook, which replaces the object" do query = "{ unauthorized }" response = AuthTest::Schema.execute(query, root_value: :replace) assert_equal 33, response["data"].fetch("unauthorized") end end describe "When the object hook raises an error" do it "returns nil" do query = "{ unauthorized }" response = AuthTest::Schema.execute(query, root_value: :hide) assert_nil response["data"].fetch("unauthorized") end it "adds the error to the errors key" do query = "{ unauthorized }" response = AuthTest::Schema.execute(query, root_value: :hide) assert_equal ["Unauthorized Query: hide"], response["errors"].map { |e| e["message"] } end end end end describe "authorized field" do it "returns the field data" do query = "{ unauthorized }" response = AuthTest::SchemaWithFieldHook.execute(query, root_value: 1) assert_equal 1, response["data"].fetch("unauthorized") end end end it "halts on unauthorized fields, using the parent object" do query = "{ unauthorized }" hidden_response = auth_execute(query, root_value: :hide) assert_nil hidden_response["data"].fetch("unauthorized") visible_response = auth_execute(query, root_value: 1) assert_equal 1, visible_response["data"]["unauthorized"] end it "halts on unauthorized arguments, using the parent object" do query = "{ int2(unauthorized: 5) }" hidden_response = auth_execute(query, root_value: :hide2) assert_nil hidden_response["data"].fetch("int2") visible_response = auth_execute(query) assert_equal 5, visible_response["data"]["int2"] end it "works with edges and connections" do query = <<-GRAPHQL { unauthorizedConnection { __typename edges { __typename node { __typename } } nodes { __typename } } unauthorizedEdge { __typename node { __typename } } } GRAPHQL unauthorized_res = auth_execute(query, context: { unauthorized_relay: true }) conn = unauthorized_res["data"].fetch("unauthorizedConnection") assert_equal "RelayObjectConnection", conn.fetch("__typename") # This is tricky: the previous behavior was to replace the _whole_ # list with `nil`. This was due to an implementation detail: # The list field's return value (an array of integers) was wrapped # _before_ returning, and during this wrapping, a cascading error # caused the entire field to be nilled out. # # In the interpreter, each list item is contained and the error doesn't propagate # up to the whole list. # # Originally, I thought that this was a _feature_ that obscured list entries. # But really, look at the test below: you don't get this "feature" if # you use `edges { node }`, so it can't be relied on in any way. # # All that to say, in the interpreter, `nodes` and `edges { node }` behave # the same. # # TODO revisit the docs for this. failed_nodes_value = TESTING_INTERPRETER ? [nil] : nil assert_equal failed_nodes_value, conn.fetch("nodes") assert_equal [{"node" => nil, "__typename" => "RelayObjectEdge"}], conn.fetch("edges") edge = unauthorized_res["data"].fetch("unauthorizedEdge") assert_nil edge.fetch("node") assert_equal "RelayObjectEdge", edge["__typename"] unauthorized_object_paths = [ ["unauthorizedConnection", "edges", 0, "node"], TESTING_INTERPRETER ? ["unauthorizedConnection", "nodes", 0] : ["unauthorizedConnection", "nodes"], ["unauthorizedEdge", "node"] ] assert_equal unauthorized_object_paths, unauthorized_res["errors"].map { |e| e["path"] } authorized_res = auth_execute(query) conn = authorized_res["data"].fetch("unauthorizedConnection") assert_equal "RelayObjectConnection", conn.fetch("__typename") assert_equal [{"__typename"=>"RelayObject"}], conn.fetch("nodes") assert_equal [{"node" => {"__typename" => "RelayObject"}, "__typename" => "RelayObjectEdge"}], conn.fetch("edges") edge = authorized_res["data"].fetch("unauthorizedEdge") assert_equal "RelayObject", edge.fetch("node").fetch("__typename") assert_equal "RelayObjectEdge", edge["__typename"] end it "authorizes _after_ resolving lazy objects" do query = <<-GRAPHQL { a: unauthorizedLazyBox(value: "a") { value } b: unauthorizedLazyBox(value: "b") { value } } GRAPHQL unauthorized_res = auth_execute(query) assert_nil unauthorized_res["data"].fetch("a") assert_equal "b", unauthorized_res["data"]["b"]["value"] end it "authorizes items in a list" do query = <<-GRAPHQL { unauthorizedListItems { __typename } } GRAPHQL unauthorized_res = auth_execute(query, context: { hide: true }) assert_nil unauthorized_res["data"]["unauthorizedListItems"] authorized_res = auth_execute(query, context: { hide: false }) assert_equal 2, authorized_res["data"]["unauthorizedListItems"].size end it "syncs lazy objects from authorized? checks" do query = <<-GRAPHQL { a: unauthorizedLazyCheckBox(value: "a") { value } b: unauthorizedLazyCheckBox(value: "b") { value } } GRAPHQL unauthorized_res = auth_execute(query) assert_nil unauthorized_res["data"].fetch("a") assert_equal "b", unauthorized_res["data"]["b"]["value"] # Also, the custom handler was called: assert_equal ["Unauthorized UnauthorizedCheckBox: a"], unauthorized_res["errors"].map { |e| e["message"] } end it "Works for lazy connections" do query = <<-GRAPHQL { lazyIntegers { edges { node { value } } } } GRAPHQL res = auth_execute(query) assert_equal [1,2,3], res["data"]["lazyIntegers"]["edges"].map { |e| e["node"]["value"] } end it "Works for eager connections" do query = <<-GRAPHQL { integers { edges { node { value } } } } GRAPHQL res = auth_execute(query) assert_equal [1,2,3], res["data"]["integers"]["edges"].map { |e| e["node"]["value"] } end it "filters out individual nodes by value" do query = <<-GRAPHQL { integers { edges { node { value } } } } GRAPHQL res = auth_execute(query, context: { exclude_integer: 1 }) assert_equal [nil,2,3], res["data"]["integers"]["edges"].map { |e| e["node"] && e["node"]["value"] } assert_equal ["Unauthorized IntegerObject: 1"], res["errors"].map { |e| e["message"] } end it "works with lazy values / interfaces" do query = <<-GRAPHQL query($value: String!){ unauthorizedInterface(value: $value) { ... on UnauthorizedCheckBox { value } } } GRAPHQL res = auth_execute(query, variables: { value: "a"}) assert_nil res["data"]["unauthorizedInterface"] res2 = auth_execute(query, variables: { value: "b"}) assert_equal "b", res2["data"]["unauthorizedInterface"]["value"] end it "works with lazy values / lists of interfaces" do query = <<-GRAPHQL { unauthorizedLazyListInterface { ... on UnauthorizedCheckBox { value } } } GRAPHQL res = auth_execute(query) # An error from two, values from the others assert_equal ["Unauthorized UnauthorizedCheckBox: a", "Unauthorized UnauthorizedCheckBox: a"], res["errors"].map { |e| e["message"] } assert_equal [{"value" => "z"}, {"value" => "z2"}, nil, nil], res["data"]["unauthorizedLazyListInterface"] end it "replaces objects from the unauthorized_object hook" do query = "{ replacedObject { replaced } }" res = auth_execute(query, context: { replace_me: true }) assert_equal true, res["data"]["replacedObject"]["replaced"] res = auth_execute(query, context: { replace_me: false }) assert_equal false, res["data"]["replacedObject"]["replaced"] end end end