//DOM-Extension helper webshims.register('dom-extend', function($, webshims, window, document, undefined){ "use strict"; var supportHrefNormalized = !('hrefNormalized' in $.support) || $.support.hrefNormalized; var supportGetSetAttribute = !('getSetAttribute' in $.support) || $.support.getSetAttribute; var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; webshims.assumeARIA = supportGetSetAttribute || Modernizr.canvas || Modernizr.video || Modernizr.boxsizing; if($('').attr('type') == 'text' || $('
').attr('novalidate') === "" || ('required' in $('')[0].attributes)){ webshims.error("IE browser modes are busted in IE10+. Please test your HTML/CSS/JS with a real IE version or at least IETester or similiar tools"); } if(!$.parseHTML){ webshims.error("Webshims needs jQuery 1.8+ to work properly. Please update your jQuery version or downgrade webshims."); } if (!webshims.cfg.no$Switch) { var switch$ = function(){ if (window.jQuery && (!window.$ || window.jQuery == window.$) && !window.jQuery.webshims) { webshims.error("jQuery was included more than once. Make sure to include it only once or try the $.noConflict(extreme) feature! Webshims and other Plugins might not work properly. Or set webshims.cfg.no$Switch to 'true'."); if (window.$) { window.$ = webshims.$; } window.jQuery = webshims.$; } if(webshims.M != Modernizr){ webshims.error("Modernizr was included more than once. Make sure to include it only once! Webshims and other scripts might not work properly."); for(var i in Modernizr){ if(!(i in webshims.M)){ webshims.M[i] = Modernizr[i]; } } Modernizr = webshims.M; } }; switch$(); setTimeout(switch$, 90); webshims.ready('DOM', switch$); $(switch$); webshims.ready('WINDOWLOAD', switch$); } // (function(){ // var hostNames = { // 'afarkas.github.io': 1, // localhost: 1, // '': 1 // }; // // if( webshims.debug && (hostNames[location.hostname] || location.protocol == 'file:') ){ // var list = $('