// Copyright (c) 2011 Peter Ohler. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file in the project root for license details. #include "odd.h" #include static struct _odd _odds[4]; // bump up if new initial Odd classes are added static struct _odd *odds = _odds; static long odd_cnt = 0; static ID sec_id; static ID sec_fraction_id; static ID to_f_id; static ID numerator_id; static ID denominator_id; static ID rational_id; static VALUE rational_class; static void set_class(Odd odd, const char *classname) { const char **np; ID * idp; odd->classname = classname; odd->clen = strlen(classname); odd->clas = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern(classname)); odd->create_obj = odd->clas; odd->create_op = rb_intern("new"); odd->is_module = (T_MODULE == rb_type(odd->clas)); odd->raw = 0; for (np = odd->attr_names, idp = odd->attrs; 0 != *np; np++, idp++) { *idp = rb_intern(*np); } *idp = 0; } static VALUE get_datetime_secs(VALUE obj) { volatile VALUE rsecs = rb_funcall(obj, sec_id, 0); volatile VALUE rfrac = rb_funcall(obj, sec_fraction_id, 0); long sec = NUM2LONG(rsecs); long long num = rb_num2ll(rb_funcall(rfrac, numerator_id, 0)); long long den = rb_num2ll(rb_funcall(rfrac, denominator_id, 0)); num += sec * den; return rb_funcall(rb_cObject, rational_id, 2, rb_ll2inum(num), rb_ll2inum(den)); } void oj_odd_init() { Odd odd; const char **np; sec_id = rb_intern("sec"); sec_fraction_id = rb_intern("sec_fraction"); to_f_id = rb_intern("to_f"); numerator_id = rb_intern("numerator"); denominator_id = rb_intern("denominator"); rational_id = rb_intern("Rational"); rational_class = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rational_id); memset(_odds, 0, sizeof(_odds)); odd = odds; // Rational np = odd->attr_names; *np++ = "numerator"; *np++ = "denominator"; *np = 0; set_class(odd, "Rational"); odd->create_obj = rb_cObject; odd->create_op = rational_id; odd->attr_cnt = 2; // Date odd++; np = odd->attr_names; *np++ = "year"; *np++ = "month"; *np++ = "day"; *np++ = "start"; *np++ = 0; set_class(odd, "Date"); odd->attr_cnt = 4; // DateTime odd++; np = odd->attr_names; *np++ = "year"; *np++ = "month"; *np++ = "day"; *np++ = "hour"; *np++ = "min"; *np++ = "sec"; *np++ = "offset"; *np++ = "start"; *np++ = 0; set_class(odd, "DateTime"); odd->attr_cnt = 8; odd->attrFuncs[5] = get_datetime_secs; // Range odd++; np = odd->attr_names; *np++ = "begin"; *np++ = "end"; *np++ = "exclude_end?"; *np++ = 0; set_class(odd, "Range"); odd->attr_cnt = 3; odd_cnt = odd - odds + 1; } Odd oj_get_odd(VALUE clas) { Odd odd; const char *classname = NULL; for (odd = odds + odd_cnt - 1; odds <= odd; odd--) { if (clas == odd->clas) { return odd; } if (odd->is_module) { if (NULL == classname) { classname = rb_class2name(clas); } if (0 == strncmp(odd->classname, classname, odd->clen) && ':' == classname[odd->clen]) { return odd; } } } return NULL; } Odd oj_get_oddc(const char *classname, size_t len) { Odd odd; for (odd = odds + odd_cnt - 1; odds <= odd; odd--) { if (len == odd->clen && 0 == strncmp(classname, odd->classname, len)) { return odd; } if (odd->is_module && 0 == strncmp(odd->classname, classname, odd->clen) && ':' == classname[odd->clen]) { return odd; } } return 0; } OddArgs oj_odd_alloc_args(Odd odd) { OddArgs oa = ALLOC_N(struct _oddArgs, 1); VALUE * a; int i; oa->odd = odd; for (i = odd->attr_cnt, a = oa->args; 0 < i; i--, a++) { *a = Qnil; } return oa; } void oj_odd_free(OddArgs args) { xfree(args); } int oj_odd_set_arg(OddArgs args, const char *key, size_t klen, VALUE value) { const char **np; VALUE * vp; int i; for (i = args->odd->attr_cnt, np = args->odd->attr_names, vp = args->args; 0 < i; i--, np++, vp++) { if (0 == strncmp(key, *np, klen) && '\0' == *((*np) + klen)) { *vp = value; return 0; } } return -1; } void oj_reg_odd(VALUE clas, VALUE create_object, VALUE create_method, int mcnt, VALUE *members, bool raw) { Odd odd; const char **np; ID * ap; AttrGetFunc *fp; if (_odds == odds) { odds = ALLOC_N(struct _odd, odd_cnt + 1); memcpy(odds, _odds, sizeof(struct _odd) * odd_cnt); } else { REALLOC_N(odds, struct _odd, odd_cnt + 1); } odd = odds + odd_cnt; odd->clas = clas; if (NULL == (odd->classname = strdup(rb_class2name(clas)))) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "for attribute name."); } odd->clen = strlen(odd->classname); odd->create_obj = create_object; odd->create_op = SYM2ID(create_method); odd->attr_cnt = mcnt; odd->is_module = (T_MODULE == rb_type(clas)); odd->raw = raw; for (ap = odd->attrs, np = odd->attr_names, fp = odd->attrFuncs; 0 < mcnt; mcnt--, ap++, np++, members++, fp++) { *fp = 0; switch (rb_type(*members)) { case T_STRING: if (NULL == (*np = strdup(RSTRING_PTR(*members)))) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "for attribute name."); } break; case T_SYMBOL: *np = rb_id2name(SYM2ID(*members)); break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "registered member identifiers must be Strings or Symbols."); break; } *ap = rb_intern(*np); } *np = 0; *ap = 0; odd_cnt++; }