var vows = require("vows"), load = require("../load"), assert = require("../assert"); var suite = vows.describe("d3.scale.threshold"); suite.addBatch({ "threshold": { topic: load("scale/threshold").expression("d3.scale.threshold"), "has the default domain [.5]": function(threshold) { var x = threshold(); assert.deepEqual(x.domain(), [.5]); assert.equal(x(.49), 0); }, "has the default range [0, 1]": function(threshold) { var x = threshold(); assert.deepEqual(x.range(), [0, 1]); assert.equal(x(.50), 1); }, "maps a number to a discrete value in the range": function(threshold) { var x = threshold().domain([1/3, 2/3]).range(["a", "b", "c"]); assert.equal(x(0), "a"); assert.equal(x(.2), "a"); assert.equal(x(.4), "b"); assert.equal(x(.6), "b"); assert.equal(x(.8), "c"); assert.equal(x(1), "c"); }, "returns undefined if the specified value is not orderable": function(threshold) { var x = threshold().domain([1/3, 2/3]).range(["a", "b", "c"]); assert.isUndefined(x()); assert.isUndefined(x(undefined)); assert.isUndefined(x(NaN)); assert.equal(x(null), "a"); // null < 1/3 }, "domain values are arbitrary": function(threshold) { var x = threshold().domain(["10", "2"]).range([0, 1, 2]); assert.strictEqual(x.domain()[0], "10"); assert.strictEqual(x.domain()[1], "2"); assert.equal(x("0"), 0); assert.equal(x("12"), 1); assert.equal(x("3"), 2); }, "range values are arbitrary": function(threshold) { var a = {}, b = {}, c = {}, x = threshold().domain([1/3, 2/3]).range([a, b, c]); assert.equal(x(0), a); assert.equal(x(.2), a); assert.equal(x(.4), b); assert.equal(x(.6), b); assert.equal(x(.8), c); assert.equal(x(1), c); }, "invertExtent": { "returns the domain extent for the specified range value": function(threshold) { var a = {}, b = {}, c = {}, x = threshold().domain([1/3, 2/3]).range([a, b, c]); assert.deepEqual(x.invertExtent(a), [undefined, 1/3]); assert.deepEqual(x.invertExtent(b), [1/3, 2/3]); assert.deepEqual(x.invertExtent(c), [2/3, undefined]); } } } }); suite.export(module);