# frozen_string_literal: true module Doing ## ## String helpers ## class ::String include Doing::Color ## ## Determines if receiver is surrounded by slashes or starts with single quote ## ## @return True if regex, False otherwise. ## def is_rx? self =~ %r{(^/.*?/$|^')} end ## ## Convert string to fuzzy regex. Characters in words ## can be separated by up to *distance* characters in ## haystack, spaces indicate unlimited distance. ## ## @example `"this word".to_rx(2) => /t.{0,3}h.{0,3}i.{0,3}s.{0,3}.*?w.{0,3}o.{0,3}r.{0,3}d/` ## ## @param distance [Integer] Allowed distance ## between characters ## @param case_type The case type ## ## @return [Regexp] Regex pattern ## def to_rx(distance: nil, case_type: nil) distance ||= Doing.config.settings.dig('search', 'distance').to_i || 3 case_type ||= Doing.config.settings.dig('search', 'case')&.normalize_case || :smart case_sensitive = case case_type when :smart self =~ /[A-Z]/ ? true : false when :sensitive true else false end pattern = case dup.strip when %r{^/.*?/$} sub(%r{/(.*?)/}, '\1') when /^'/ sub(/^'(.*?)'?$/, '\1') else split(/ +/).map do |w| w.split('').join(".{0,#{distance}}").gsub(/\+/, '\+').wildcard_to_rx end.join('.*?') end Regexp.new(pattern, !case_sensitive) end ## ## Test string for truthiness (0, "f", "false", "n", "no" all return false, case insensitive, otherwise true) ## ## @return [Boolean] String is truthy ## def truthy? if self =~ /^(0|f(alse)?|n(o)?)$/i false else true end end # Compress multiple spaces to single space def compress gsub(/ +/, ' ').strip end def compress! replace compress end ## @param (see #highlight_tags) def highlight_tags!(color = 'yellow', last_color: nil) replace highlight_tags(color) end ## ## Colorize @tags with ANSI escapes ## ## @param color [String] color (see #Color) ## ## @return [String] string with @tags highlighted ## def highlight_tags(color = 'yellow', last_color: nil) unless last_color escapes = scan(/(\e\[[\d;]+m)[^\e]+@/) color = color.split(' ') unless color.is_a?(Array) tag_color = color.each_with_object([]) { |c, arr| arr << Doing::Color.send(c) }.join('') last_color = if !escapes.empty? (escapes.count > 1 ? escapes[-2..-1] : [escapes[-1]]).map { |v| v[0] }.join('') else Doing::Color.default end end gsub(/(\s|m)(@[^ ("']+)/, "\\1#{tag_color}\\2#{last_color}") end ## ## Test if line should be ignored ## ## @return [Boolean] line is empty or comment ## def ignore? line = self line =~ /^#/ || line =~ /^\s*$/ end ## ## Truncate to nearest word ## ## @param len The length ## def truncate(len, ellipsis: '...') return self if length <= len total = 0 res = [] split(/ /).each do |word| break if total + 1 + word.length > len total += 1 + word.length res.push(word) end res.join(' ') + ellipsis end def truncate!(len, ellipsis: '...') replace truncate(len, ellipsis: ellipsis) end ## ## Truncate string in the middle ## ## @param len The length ## @param ellipsis The ellipsis ## def truncmiddle(len, ellipsis: '...') return self if length <= len len -= (ellipsis.length / 2).to_i total = length half = total / 2 cut = (total - len) / 2 sub(/(.{#{half - cut}}).*?(.{#{half - cut}})$/, "\\1#{ellipsis}\\2") end def truncmiddle!(len, ellipsis: '...') replace truncmiddle(len, ellipsis: ellipsis) end ## ## Remove color escape codes ## ## @return clean string ## def uncolor gsub(/\e\[[\d;]+m/,'') end def uncolor! replace uncolor end def simple_wrap(width) str = gsub(/@\S+\(.*?\)/) { |tag| tag.gsub(/\s/, '%%%%') } words = str.split(/ /).map { |word| word.gsub(/%%%%/, ' ') } out = [] line = [] words.each do |word| if word.uncolor.length >= width chars = word.uncolor.split('') out << chars.slice!(0, width - 1).join('') while chars.count >= width line << chars.join('') next elsif line.join(' ').uncolor.length + word.uncolor.length + 1 > width out.push(line.join(' ')) line.clear end line << word.uncolor end out.push(line.join(' ')) out.join("\n") end ## ## Wrap string at word breaks, respecting tags ## ## @param len [Integer] The length ## @param offset [Integer] (Optional) The width to pad each subsequent line ## @param prefix [String] (Optional) A prefix to add to each line ## def wrap(len, pad: 0, indent: ' ', offset: 0, prefix: '', color: '', after: '', reset: '', pad_first: false) last_color = color.empty? ? '' : after.last_color note_rx = /(?mi)(?-?\d+)?(?:\^(?.))?(?:(?[ _t]|[^a-z0-9])(?\d+))?(?.[ _t]?)?note/ note = '' after = after.dup if after.frozen? after.sub!(note_rx) do note = Regexp.last_match(0) '' end left_pad = ' ' * offset left_pad += indent # return "#{left_pad}#{prefix}#{color}#{self}#{last_color} #{note}" unless len.positive? # Don't break inside of tag values str = gsub(/@\S+\(.*?\)/) { |tag| tag.gsub(/\s/, '%%%%') }.gsub(/\n/, ' ') words = str.split(/ /).map { |word| word.gsub(/%%%%/, ' ') } out = [] line = [] words.each do |word| if word.uncolor.length >= len chars = word.uncolor.split('') out << chars.slice!(0, len - 1).join('') while chars.count >= len line << chars.join('') next elsif line.join(' ').uncolor.length + word.uncolor.length + 1 > len out.push(line.join(' ')) line.clear end line << word.uncolor end out.push(line.join(' ')) last_color = '' out[0] = format("%-#{pad}s%s%s", out[0], last_color, after) out.map.with_index { |l, idx| if !pad_first && idx == 0 "#{color}#{prefix}#{l}#{last_color}" else "#{left_pad}#{color}#{prefix}#{l}#{last_color}" end }.join("\n") + " #{note}".chomp # res.join("\n").strip + last_color + " #{note}".chomp end ## ## Capitalize on the first character on string ## ## @return Capitalized string ## def cap_first sub(/^\w/) do |m| m.upcase end end def pluralize(number) number == 1 ? self : "#{self}s" end ## ## Convert an age string to a qualified type ## ## @return [Symbol] :oldest or :newest ## def normalize_age!(default = :newest) replace normalize_age(default) end def normalize_age(default = :newest) case self when /^o/i :oldest when /^n/i :newest else default end end ## ## Convert a sort order string to a qualified type ## ## @return [String] 'asc' or 'desc' ## def normalize_order!(default = 'asc') replace normalize_order(default) end def normalize_order(default = 'asc') case self when /^a/i 'asc' when /^d/i 'desc' else default end end ## ## Convert a case sensitivity string to a symbol ## ## @return Symbol :smart, :sensitive, :ignore ## def normalize_case! replace normalize_case end def normalize_case(default = :smart) case self when /^(c|sens)/i :sensitive when /^i/i :ignore when /^s/i :smart else default.is_a?(Symbol) ? default : default.normalize_case end end ## ## Convert a boolean string to a symbol ## ## @return Symbol :and, :or, or :not ## def normalize_bool!(default = :and) replace normalize_bool(default) end def normalize_bool(default = :and) case self when /(and|all)/i :and when /(any|or)/i :or when /(not|none)/i :not when /^p/i :pattern else default.is_a?(Symbol) ? default : default.normalize_bool end end ## ## Convert a matching configuration string to a symbol ## ## @return Symbol :fuzzy, :pattern, :exact ## def normalize_matching!(default = :pattern) replace normalize_bool(default) end def normalize_matching(default = :pattern) case self when /^f/i :fuzzy when /^p/i :pattern when /^e/i :exact else default.is_a?(Symbol) ? default : default.normalize_matching end end def normalize_trigger! replace normalize_trigger end def normalize_trigger gsub(/\((?!\?:)/, '(?:').downcase end def wildcard_to_rx gsub(/\?/, '\S').gsub(/\*/, '\S*?') end def add_at strip.sub(/^([+-]*)@/, '\1') end def to_tags gsub(/ *, */, ' ').gsub(/ +/, ' ').split(/ /).sort.uniq.map(&:add_at) end def add_tags!(tags, remove: false) replace add_tags(tags, remove: remove) end def add_tags(tags, remove: false) title = self.dup tags = tags.to_tags tags.each { |tag| title.tag!(tag, remove: remove) } title end ## ## Add, rename, or remove a tag in place ## ## @see #tag ## def tag!(tag, **options) replace tag(tag, **options) end ## ## Add, rename, or remove a tag ## ## @param tag The tag ## @param value [String] Value for tag (@tag(value)) ## @param remove [Boolean] Remove the tag instead of adding ## @param rename_to [String] Replace tag with this tag ## @param regex [Boolean] Tag is regular expression ## @param single [Boolean] Operating on a single item (for logging) ## @param force [Boolean] With rename_to, add tag if it doesn't exist ## ## @return [String] The string with modified tags ## def tag(tag, value: nil, remove: false, rename_to: nil, regex: false, single: false, force: false) log_level = single ? :info : :debug title = dup title.chomp! tag = tag.sub(/^@?/, '') case_sensitive = tag !~ /[A-Z]/ rx_tag = if regex tag.gsub(/\./, '\S') else tag.gsub(/\?/, '.').gsub(/\*/, '\S*?') end if remove || rename_to rx = Regexp.new("(?<=^| )@#{rx_tag}(?\\((?[^)]*)\\))?(?= |$)", case_sensitive) m = title.match(rx) if m.nil? && rename_to && force title.tag!(rename_to, value: value, single: single) elsif m title.gsub!(rx) do rename_to ? "@#{rename_to}#{value.nil? ? m['parens'] : "(#{value})"}" : '' end title.dedup_tags! title.chomp! if rename_to f = "@#{tag}".cyan t = "@#{rename_to}".cyan Doing.logger.write(log_level, 'Tag:', %(renamed #{f} to #{t} in "#{title}")) else f = "@#{tag}".cyan Doing.logger.write(log_level, 'Tag:', %(removed #{f} from "#{title}")) end else Doing.logger.debug('Skipped:', "not tagged #{"@#{tag}".cyan}") end elsif title =~ /@#{tag}(?=[ (]|$)/ Doing.logger.debug('Skipped:', "already tagged #{"@#{tag}".cyan}") return title else add = tag add += "(#{value})" unless value.nil? title.chomp! title += " @#{add}" title.dedup_tags! title.chomp! Doing.logger.write(log_level, 'Tag:', %(added #{('@' + tag).cyan} to "#{title}")) end title.gsub(/ +/, ' ') end ## ## Remove duplicate tags, leaving only first occurrence ## ## @return Deduplicated string ## def dedup_tags! replace dedup_tags end def dedup_tags title = dup tags = title.scan(/(?<=\A| )(@(\S+?)(\([^)]+\))?)(?= |\Z)/).uniq tags.each do |tag| found = false title.gsub!(/( |^)#{tag[1]}(\([^)]+\))?(?= |$)/) do |m| if found '' else found = true m end end end title end # Returns the last escape sequence from a string. # # Actually returns all escape codes, with the assumption # that the result of inserting them will generate the # same color as was set at the end of the string. # Because you can send modifiers like dark and bold # separate from color codes, only using the last code # may not render the same style. # # @return [String] All escape codes in string # def last_color scan(/\e\[[\d;]+m/).join('') end ## ## Turn raw urls into HTML links ## ## @param opt [Hash] Additional Options ## def link_urls!(**opt) fmt = opt.fetch(:format, :html) replace link_urls(format: fmt) end def link_urls(**opt) fmt = opt.fetch(:format, :html) return self unless fmt str = dup str = str.remove_self_links if fmt == :markdown str.replace_qualified_urls(format: fmt).clean_unlinked_urls end # Remove formatting def remove_self_links gsub(/<(.*?)>/) do |match| m = Regexp.last_match if m[1] =~ /^https?:/ m[1] else match end end end # Replace qualified urls def replace_qualified_urls(**options) fmt = options.fetch(:format, :html) gsub(%r{(?mi)(?x: (?(?:http|https)://) (?[\w\-]+(?:\.[\w\-]+)+) (?[\w\-.,@?^=%&;:/~+#]*[\w\-@^=%&;/~+#])? )}) do |_match| m = Regexp.last_match url = "#{m['domain']}#{m['path']}" proto = m['protocol'].nil? ? 'http://' : m['protocol'] case fmt when :terminal TTY::Link.link_to("#{proto}#{url}", "#{proto}#{url}") when :html %([#{url}]) when :markdown "[#{url}](#{proto}#{url})" else m[0] end end end # Clean up unlinked def clean_unlinked_urls gsub(/<(\w+:.*?)>/) do |match| m = Regexp.last_match if m[1] =~ /[link]) end end end def set_type(kind = nil) if kind case kind.to_s when /^a/i gsub(/^\[ *| *\]$/, '').split(/ *, */) when /^i/i to_i when /^f/i to_f when /^sy/i sub(/^:/, '').to_sym when /^b/i self =~ /^(true|yes)$/ ? true : false else to_s end else case self when /(^\[.*?\]$| *, *)/ gsub(/^\[ *| *\]$/, '').split(/ *, */) when /^[0-9]+$/ to_i when /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/ to_f when /^:\w+/ sub(/^:/, '').to_sym when /^(true|yes)$/i true when /^(false|no)$/i false else to_s end end end end end