module SportDb::Model class Ground < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :country, class_name: 'WorldDb::Model::Country', foreign_key: 'country_id' belongs_to :city, class_name: 'WorldDb::Model::City', foreign_key: 'city_id' has_many :games def self.create_or_update_from_values( new_attributes, values ) ## fix: add/configure logger for ActiveRecord!!! logger = LogKernel::Logger.root ## check optional values logger.debug " [Ground] values >#{values.join('<>')}<" city_title = '' values.each_with_index do |value, index| if value =~ /^(19|20)[0-9]{2}$/ ## assume founding year -- allow 19|20 " founding/opening year #{value}" new_attributes[ :since ] = value.to_i elsif value =~ /^[1-9][0-9_]+[0-9]$/ # number; assume capacity e.g. 12_541 or similar # todo/fix: check how to differentiate between founding year # and capacity if capcity islike year # need to use _ e.g. 1_999 not 1999 and will get added as capacity !!! # - by position ?? year is first entry, capacity is second ??? -add/fix " found capacity #{value}" new_attributes[ :capacity ] = value.gsub('_', '').to_i elsif value =~ /^[A-Z]{1,3}$/ # assume; state/region code e-g B | TX etc. # skip region/state code " found region/state code #{value}; skipping for now" elsif value =~ /\/{2}/ # assume it's an address line e.g. xx // xx " found address line #{value}" new_attributes[ :address ] = value elsif value =~ /^clubs:/ # assume it's clubs line e.g. clubs: Santos " found clubs line #{value}; skipping for now" elsif value =~ /^(?:[a-z]{2}\.)?wikipedia:/ # assume it's wikipedia e.g. [es.]wikipedia: " found wikipedia line #{value}; skipping for now" else " found city >#{value}< for ground >#{new_attributes[ :key ]}<" city_title = value.dup # remember for auto-add city ## todo: assume title2 ?? ## assume title2 if title2 is empty (not already in use) ## and if it title2 contains at least two letter e.g. [a-zA-Z].*[a-zA-Z] # issue warning: unknown type for value # logger.warn "unknown type for value >#{value}< - key #{new_attributes[:key]}" end end logger.debug " find ground key: #{new_attributes[ :key ]}" rec = Ground.find_by_key( new_attributes[ :key ] ) if rec.present? logger.debug "update Ground #{}-#{rec.key}:" else logger.debug "create Ground:" rec = end logger.debug new_attributes.to_json rec.update_attributes!( new_attributes ) #### try to auto-add city if city_title.present? ### todo/fix: strip city_title subtitles e.g. Hamburg (Hafen) becomes Hamburg etc. city_values = [city_title] city_attributes = { country_id: rec.country_id, # region_id: rec.region_id ### todo/fix: add region if present } # todo: add convenience helper create_or_update_from_title city = City.create_or_update_from_values( city_values, city_attributes ) ### fix/todo: set new autoadd flag too? ## e.g. check if updated? e.g. timestamp created <> updated otherwise assume created? ## now at last add city_id to brewery! rec.city_id =! end end # create_or_update_from_values end # class Ground end # module SportDb::Model