var http = require("http"), querystring = require("querystring") JS.ENV.NodeAdapterSteps = JS.Test.asyncSteps({ start_server: function(port, resume) { this._port = port this._app = new Faye.NodeAdapter(this.options()) this._app.listen(port, {}, resume) }, stop_server: function(resume) { this._app.stop(resume) }, header: function(key, value, resume) { this._headers = this._headers || {} this._headers[key] = value resume() }, get: function(path, params, resume) { var client = http.createClient(this._port, "localhost"), body = querystring.stringify(params), request = client.request("GET", path + (body ? "?" + body : "")), self = this request.addListener("response", function(response) { self._response = response var data = "" response.addListener("data", function(c) { data += c }) response.addListener("end", function() { self._responseBody = data resume() }) }) request.end() }, post: function(path, body, resume) { var client = http.createClient(this._port, "localhost"), body = (typeof body === "string") ? body : querystring.stringify(body), headers = Faye.extend({ "Host": "localhost", "Content-Length": body.length }, this._headers || {}), request = client.request("POST", path, headers), self = this request.addListener("response", function(response) { self._response = response var data = "" response.addListener("data", function(c) { data += c }) response.addListener("end", function() { self._responseBody = data resume() }) }) request.write(body) request.end() }, check_status: function(code, resume) { this.assertEqual(code, this._response.statusCode) resume() }, check_access_control_origin: function(origin, resume) { this.assertEqual(origin, this._response.headers["access-control-allow-origin"]) resume() }, check_cache_control: function(value, resume) { this.assertEqual(value, this._response.headers["cache-control"]) resume() }, check_content_type: function(type, resume) { this.assertEqual(type + "; charset=utf-8", this._response.headers["content-type"]) resume() }, check_content_length: function(length, resume) { this.assertEqual(length, this._response.headers["content-length"]) resume() }, check_body: function(body, resume) { if (typeof body === "string") this.assertEqual(body, this._responseBody) else this.assertMatch(body, this._responseBody) resume() }, check_json: function(object, resume) { this.assertEqual(object, JSON.parse(this._responseBody)) resume() } }) JS.ENV.NodeAdapterSpec = JS.Test.describe("NodeAdapter", function() { with(this) { include(NodeAdapterSteps) define("options", function() { return {mount: "/bayeux", timeout: 30} }) before(function() { with(this) { this.server = {} expect(Faye, "Server").given(options()).returning(server) start_server(8282) }}) after(function() { this.stop_server() }) describe("POST requests", function() { with(this) { describe("with cross-origin access control", function() { with(this) { sharedBehavior("cross-origin request", function() { with(this) { before(function() { with(this) { header("Origin", "") }}) it("returns a matching cross-origin access control header", function() { with(this) { stub(server, "process").yields([[]]) post("/bayeux", {message: "[]"}) check_access_control_origin("") }}) it("forwards the message param onto the server", function() { with(this) { expect(server, "process").given({channel: "/plain"}, false).yielding([[]]) post("/bayeux", "message=%7B%22channel%22%3A%22%2Fplain%22%7D") }}) it("returns the server's response as JSON", function() { with(this) { stub(server, "process").yields([[{channel: "/meta/handshake"}]]) post("/bayeux", "message=%5B%5D") check_status(200) check_content_type("application/json") check_content_length("31") check_json([{channel: "/meta/handshake"}]) }}) it("returns a 400 response if malformed JSON is given", function() { with(this) { expect(server, "process").exactly(0) post("/bayeux", "message=%7B%5B") check_status(400) check_content_type("text/plain") }}) }}) describe("with text/plain", function() { with(this) { before(function() { this.header("Content-Type", "text/plain") }) behavesLike("cross-origin request") }}) describe("with application/xml", function() { with(this) { before(function() { this.header("Content-Type", "application/xml") }) behavesLike("cross-origin request") }}) }}) describe("with application/json", function() { with(this) { before(function() { with(this) { header("Content-Type", "application/json") }}) it("does not return an access control header", function() { with(this) { stub(server, "process").yields([[]]) post("/bayeux", "[]") check_access_control_origin(undefined) }}) it("forwards the POST body onto the server", function() { with(this) { expect(server, "process").given({channel: "/foo"}, false).yielding([[]]) post("/bayeux", '{"channel":"/foo"}') }}) it("returns the server's response as JSON", function() { with(this) { stub(server, "process").yields([[{channel: "/meta/handshake"}]]) post("/bayeux", "[]") check_status(200) check_content_type("application/json") check_content_length("31") check_json([{channel: "/meta/handshake"}]) }}) it("returns a 400 response if malformed JSON is given", function() { with(this) { expect(server, "process").exactly(0) post("/bayeux", "[}") check_status(400) check_content_type("text/plain") }}) }}) describe("with no content type", function() { with(this) { it("forwards the message param onto the server", function() { with(this) { expect(server, "process").given({channel: "/foo"}, false).yielding([[]]) post("/bayeux", {message: '{"channel":"/foo"}'}) }}) it("returns the server's response as JSON", function() { with(this) { stub(server, "process").yields([[{channel: "/meta/handshake"}]]) post("/bayeux", {message: "[]"}) check_status(200) check_content_type("application/json") check_content_length("31") check_json([{channel: "/meta/handshake"}]) }}) it("returns a 400 response if malformed JSON is given", function() { with(this) { expect(server, "process").exactly(0) post("/bayeux", {message: "[}"}) check_status(400) check_content_type("text/plain") }}) }}) }}) describe("GET requests", function() { with(this) { before(function() { with(this) { this.params = {message: '{"channel":"/foo"}', jsonp: "callback"} }}) describe("with valid params", function() { with(this) { before(function() { with(this) { expect(server, "flushConnection").given({channel: "/foo"}) }}) it("forwards the message param onto the server", function() { with(this) { expect(server, "process").given({channel: "/foo"}, false).yielding([[]]) get("/bayeux", params) }}) it("returns the server's response as JavaScript", function() { with(this) { stub(server, "process").yields([[{channel: "/meta/handshake"}]]) get("/bayeux", params) check_status(200) check_content_type("text/javascript") check_content_length("46") check_body('/**/callback([{"channel":"/meta/handshake"}]);') }}) it("does not let the client cache the response", function() { with(this) { stub(server, "process").yields([[{channel: "/meta/handshake"}]]) get("/bayeux", params) check_cache_control("no-cache, no-store") }}) }}) describe("missing jsonp", function() { with(this) { before(function() { with(this) { delete params.jsonp expect(server, "flushConnection") }}) it("returns the server's response using the default callback", function() { with(this) { stub(server, "process").yields([[{channel: "/meta/handshake"}]]) get("/bayeux", params) check_status(200) check_content_type("text/javascript") check_content_length("51") check_body('/**/jsonpcallback([{"channel":"/meta/handshake"}]);') }}) }}) sharedBehavior("bad GET request", function() { with(this) { it("does not call the server", function() { with(this) { expect(server, "process").exactly(0) get("/bayeux", params) }}) it("returns a 400 response", function() { with(this) { get("/bayeux", params) check_status(400) check_content_type("text/plain") }}) }}) describe("with malformed JSON", function() { with(this) { before(function() { with(this) { params.message = "[}" }}) behavesLike("bad GET request") }}) describe("with a callback that's not a JS identifier", function() { with(this) { before(function() { with(this) { params.jsonp = "42" }}) behavesLike("bad GET request") }}) describe("missing message", function() { with(this) { before(function() { with(this) { delete params.message }}) behavesLike("bad GET request") }}) describe("for the client script", function() { with(this) { it("returns the client script", function() { with(this) { get("/bayeux.js", {}) check_status(200) check_content_type("text/javascript") check_body(/function\(\)\{/) }}) }}) }}) }})