require 'fileutils' Before do @modification_times = end Given /^app "([^\"]*)" is using config "([^\"]*)"$/ do |path, config_name| copy("config-#{config_name}.rb", 'config.rb') end Given /^an empty app$/ do step %Q{a directory named "empty_app"} step %Q{I cd to "empty_app"} delete_environment_variable 'MM_ROOT' end Given /^a fixture app "([^\"]*)"$/ do |path| delete_environment_variable 'MM_ROOT' # This step can be reentered from several places but we don't want # to keep re-copying and re-cd-ing into ever-deeper directories next if File.basename(expand_path('.')) == path step %Q{a directory named "#{path}"} target_path = File.join(PROJECT_ROOT_PATH, 'fixtures', path) FileUtils.cp_r(target_path, expand_path('.')) step %Q{I cd to "#{path}"} end Given /^a built app at "([^\"]*)"$/ do |path| step %Q{a fixture app "#{path}"} step %Q{I run `middleman build`} end Given /^was successfully built$/ do step %Q{a directory named "build" should exist} step %Q{the exit status should be 0} end Given /^a successfully built app at "([^\"]*)"$/ do |path| step %Q{a built app at "#{path}"} step %Q{was successfully built} end Given /^a built app at "([^\"]*)" with flags "([^\"]*)"$/ do |path, flags| step %Q{a fixture app "#{path}"} step %Q{I run `middleman build #{flags}`} end Given /^a successfully built app at "([^\"]*)" with flags "([^\"]*)"$/ do |path, flags| step %Q{a built app at "#{path}" with flags "#{flags}"} step %Q{was successfully built} end Given /^a modification time for a file named "([^\"]*)"$/ do |file| target = expand_path(file) @modification_times[target] = File.mtime(target) end Then /^the file "([^\"]*)" should not have been updated$/ do |file| target = expand_path(file) File.mtime(target).should == @modification_times[target] end # Provide this Aruba overload in case we're matching something with quotes in it Then /^the file "([^"]*)" should contain '([^']*)'$/ do |file, partial_content| expect(file).to have_file_content end And /the file "(.*)" should be gzipped/ do |file| expect(File.binread(expand_path(file), 2)).to eq(['1F8B'].pack('H*')) end