module Punchblock module Component module Tropo class Ask < ComponentNode register :ask, :ask ## # Create an ask message # # @param [Hash] options for asking/prompting a specific call # @option options [Choices, Hash] :choices to allow the user to input # @option options [Prompt, Hash, Optional] :prompt to play/read to the caller as the question # @option options [Symbol, Optional] :mode by which to accept input. Can be :speech, :dtmf or :any # @option options [Integer, Optional] :timeout to wait for user input # @option options [Boolean, Optional] :bargein wether or not to allow the caller to begin their response before the prompt finishes # @option options [String, Optional] :recognizer to use for speech recognition # @option options [String, Optional] :terminator by which to signal the end of input # @option options [Float, Optional] :min_confidence with which to consider a response acceptable # # @return [Command::Ask] a formatted Rayo ask command # # @example # ask :prompt => {:text => 'Please enter your postal code.', :voice => 'simon'}, # :choices => {:value => '[5 DIGITS]'}, # :timeout => 30, # :recognizer => 'es-es' # # returns: # # Please enter your postal code. # [5 DIGITS] # # def = {}) super().tap do |new_node| options.each_pair { |k,v| new_node.send :"#{k}=", v } end end ## # @return [Boolean] wether or not to allow the caller to begin their response before the prompt finishes # def bargein read_attr(:bargein) == "true" end ## # @param [Boolean] bargein wether or not to allow the caller to begin their response before the prompt finishes # def bargein=(bargein) write_attr :bargein, bargein.to_s end ## # @return [Float] Confidence with which to consider a response acceptable # def min_confidence read_attr 'min-confidence', :to_f end ## # @param [Float] min_confidence with which to consider a response acceptable # def min_confidence=(min_confidence) write_attr 'min-confidence', min_confidence end ## # @return [Symbol] mode by which to accept input. Can be :speech, :dtmf or :any # def mode read_attr :mode, :to_sym end ## # @param [Symbol] mode by which to accept input. Can be :speech, :dtmf or :any # def mode=(mode) write_attr :mode, mode end ## # @return [String] recognizer to use for speech recognition # def recognizer read_attr :recognizer end ## # @param [String] recognizer to use for speech recognition # def recognizer=(recognizer) write_attr :recognizer, recognizer end ## # @return [String] terminator by which to signal the end of input # def terminator read_attr :terminator end ## # @param [String] terminator by which to signal the end of input # def terminator=(terminator) write_attr :terminator, terminator end ## # @return [Integer] timeout to wait for user input # def timeout read_attr :timeout, :to_i end ## # @param [Integer] timeout to wait for user input # def timeout=(timeout) write_attr :timeout, timeout end ## # @return [Prompt] the prompt by which to introduce the question # def prompt find_first('//ns:prompt', :ns => self.registered_ns) end ## # @param [Hash] p # @option p [String] :text to read the caller via TTS as the question # @option p [String] :voice to use for speech synthesis # def prompt=(p) remove_children :prompt p = unless p.is_a?(Prompt) self << p end class Prompt < MediaNode register :prompt, :ask end ## # @return [Choices] the choices available # def choices node = find_first 'ns:choices', :ns => self.class.registered_ns node if node end ## # @param [Hash] choices # @option choices [String] :content_type # @option choices [String] :value the choices available # def choices=(choices) return unless choices remove_children :choices choices = unless choices.is_a?(Choices) self << choices end def inspect_attributes # :nodoc: [:bargein, :min_confidence, :mode, :recognizer, :terminator, :timeout, :prompt, :choices] + super end class Choices < Input::Grammar ## # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] :content_type # @option options [String] :value the choices available # def = {}) super(options).tap do |new_node| = 'choices' end end end # Choices class Complete class Success < Input::Complete::Success register :success, :ask_complete end class NoMatch < Input::Complete::NoMatch register :nomatch, :ask_complete end class NoInput < Input::Complete::NoInput register :noinput, :ask_complete end end # Complete end # Ask end # Tropo end # Command end # Punchblock