## 1.4.1 * Fixes non kernel mode bug. Remove DSL class, move `#retriable` into Retriable module. Thanks @mkrogemann. ## 1.4.0 * By default, retriable doesn't monkey patch `Kernel`. If you want this functionality, you can `require 'retriable/core_ext/kernel'. * Upgrade minitest to 5.x. * Refactor the DSL into it's own class. ## * Allow sleep parameter to be a proc/lambda to allow for exponential backoff. ## 1.3.3 * sleep after executing the retry block, so there's no wait on the first call (molfar) ## 1.3.2 * Clean up option defaults. * By default, rescue StandardError and Timeout::Error instead of [Exception](http://www.mikeperham.com/2012/03/03/the-perils-of-rescue-exception). ## 1.3.1 * Add `rake` dependency for travis-ci. * Update gemspec summary and description. ## 1.3.0 * Rewrote a lot of the code with inspiration from [attempt](https://rubygems.org/gems/attempt). * Add timeout option to the code block. * Include in Kernel by default, but allow require 'retriable/no_kernel' to load a non kernel version. * Renamed `:times` option to `:tries`. * Renamed `:sleep` option to `:interval`. * Renamed `:then` option to `:on_retry`. * Removed other callbacks, you can wrap retriable in a begin/rescue/else/ensure block if you need that functionality. It avoids the need to define multiple Procs and makes the code more readable. * Rewrote most of the README ## 1.2.0 * Forked the retryable-rb repo. * Extend the Kernel module with the retriable method so you can use it anywhere without having to include it in every class. * Update gemspec, Gemfile, and Raketask. * Remove echoe dependency.