# module comment... module NewspaperWorks # core metadata for newspaper models module NewspaperCoreMetadata extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # common metadata for Newspaper title, issue, article; fields # that are not in ::Hyrax::BasicMetadata are enumerated here. # - Alternative Title property( :alternative_title, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::DC.alternative, multiple: true ) do |index| index.as :stored_searchable end # - Place of Publication property( :place_of_publication, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::MARCRelators.pup, multiple: true, class_name: Hyrax::ControlledVocabularies::Location ) do |index| index.as :stored_searchable end # - ISSN property( :issn, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::Identifiers.issn, multiple: false ) do |index| index.as :stored_searchable, :facetable end # - LCCN property( :lccn, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::Identifiers.lccn, multiple: false ) do |index| index.as :stored_searchable, :facetable end # - OCLC Number property( :oclcnum, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::BIBO.oclcnum, multiple: false ) do |index| index.as :stored_searchable, :facetable end # Holding location (held by): property( :held_by, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::BF2.heldBy, multiple: false ) do |index| index.as :stored_searchable, :facetable end end end end