module Conjur module Policy module Planner class Base include Conjur::Policy::Logger attr_reader :record, :api attr_accessor :plan def initialize record, api raise "Expecting Conjur::Policy::Types::Base, got #{record.class}" unless record.is_a?(Conjur::Policy::Types::Base) @record = record @api = api end def action a @plan.action a end def account record.account end def role_record fullid account, kind, id = fullid.split(':', 3) if kind == '@' fullid else if record_class = record_type(kind) do |record| record.account = account unless record.is_a?(Conjur::Policy::Types::Variable) record.kind = kind if record.respond_to?(:kind=) end = id end else end end end def record_type kind begin Conjur::Policy::Types.const_get(kind.classify) rescue NameError nil end end alias resource_record role_record def resource api.resource(record.resourceid) end def role api.role(record.roleid) end def resource_exists? resource resource_id = resource.respond_to?(:resourceid) ? resource.resourceid : resource.to_s (plan.resources_created.include?(resource_id) || api.resource(resource_id).exists?) end def role_exists? role role_id = role.respond_to?(:roleid) ? role.roleid : role.to_s account, kind, id = role_id.split(':', 3) if kind == "@" # For managed role, check if the parent record will be created role_tokens = id.split('/') # This is the role_name role_tokens.pop role_kind = role_tokens.shift role_id = [ account, role_kind, role_tokens.join('/') ].join(":") end plan.roles_created.include?(role_id) || api.role(role_id).exists? end def error message # For now raise it, we can think about trying to recover down the road raise message end def log &block logger.debug('conjur/policy/planner') { yield } end def update_record update = update.record = record changed = false record.custom_attribute_names.each do |attr| existing_value = if object.respond_to?(attr) object.send(attr) else object.attributes[attr.to_s] end new_value = record.send(attr) if new_value if new_value == existing_value record.send "#{attr}=", nil else raise "Cannot modify immutable attribute '#{record.resource_kind}.#{attr}'" if record.immutable_attribute_names.member?(attr) changed = true end end end if record.resource? existing = resource.exists? ? resource.annotations : {} current = record.annotations.kind_of?(::Array) ? record.annotations[0] : record.annotations (record.annotations||{}).keys.each do |attr| existing_value = existing[attr] new_value = record.annotations[attr] if new_value == existing_value record.annotations.delete attr else changed = true end end if record.owner && resource.owner != record.owner.roleid give = give.resource = give.owner = action give if record.role? grant = grant.role = grant.member = grant.member.role = grant.member.admin = true action grant end end end action update if changed end def create_record create = create.record = record if record.resource? existing = resource.exists? ? resource.annotations : {} # And this is why we don't name a class Array. current = record.annotations.kind_of?(::Array) ? record.annotations[0] : record.annotations (current||{}).keys.each do |attr| existing_value = existing[attr] new_value = current[attr] if new_value == existing_value current.delete attr end end end plan.roles_created.add(record.roleid) if record.role? plan.resources_created.add(record.resourceid) if record.resource? action create end end end end end