require 'tmpdir' require 'pdftoimage/version' require 'pdftoimage/image' require 'iconv' module PDFToImage class PDFError < RuntimeError; end end module PDFToImage # A class variable for storing the location of our temp folder @@pdf_temp_dir = File.join(Dir.tmpdir()) begin tmp = `pdftoppm -v 2>&1` raise(PDFToImage::PDFError, "poppler_utils not installed") unless tmp.index('Poppler') rescue Errno::ENOENT raise PDFToImage::PDFError, "poppler_utils not installed" end begin tmp = `identify -version 2>&1` raise(PDFToImage::PDFError, "ImageMagick not installed") unless tmp.index('ImageMagick') rescue Errno::ENOENT raise PDFToImage::PDFError, "ImageMagick not installed" end class << self # Opens a PDF document and prepares it for splitting into images. # # @param [filename] The filename of the PDF to open # @return [Array] An array of images def open(filename, &block) if not File.exists?(filename) raise PDFError, "File '#{filename}' not found." end pages = page_count(filename) # Array of images images = [] 1.upto(pages) { |n| dimensions = page_size(filename, n) image =, random_filename, n, dimensions, pages) images << image } images.each(&block) if block_given? return images end # Executes the specified command, returning the output. # # @param [cmd] The command to run # @return [String] The output of the command def exec(cmd, error = nil) output = `#{cmd}` if $? != 0 if error == nil raise PDFError, "Error executing command: #{cmd}" else raise PDFError, error end end return output end private def page_size(filename, page) cmd = "pdfinfo -f #{page} -l #{page} #{filename} | grep Page" output = exec(cmd) matches = /^Page.*?size:.*?(\d+).*?(\d+)/.match(output) if matches.nil? raise PDFError, "Unable to determine page size." end scale = 2.08333333333333333 dimension = { :width => (matches[1].to_i * scale).to_i, :height => (matches[2].to_i * scale).to_i } dimension end def page_count(filename) cmd = "pdfinfo #{filename} | grep Pages" output = exec(cmd) matches = /^Pages:.*?(\d+)$/.match(output) if matches.nil? raise PDFError, "Error determining page count." end return matches[1].to_i end # Generate a random file name in the system's tmp folder def random_filename File.join(@@pdf_temp_dir, random_name) end # Generate a random name of {#length} characters. def random_name(length = 15) @@chars ||= ("a".."z").to_a + ("A".."Z").to_a + ("1".."9").to_a return 'pdftoimage-' +, '').collect{@@chars[rand(@@chars.size)]}.join end end end