require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper' class TestGoal < Test::Unit::TestCase context "a Goal" do setup { @goal ="foo") } teardown { Object.send(:remove_const, "Foo")} should "have attr_accessor'd attrs" do [:associations, :validations, :fields, :options, :routes].each do |sym| assert @goal.respond_to? sym assert @goal.respond_to? sym.to_s + "=" end end should "have a name" do assert @goal.respond_to? :name assert !(@goal.respond_to? "name=") end should "accept calls to validates" do @goal.validates(:presence_of, :foobar) assert !@goal.validations.blank? assert_equal @goal.validations.length, 1 assert_equal @goal.validations.first[:val_type], :presence_of assert_equal @goal.validations.first[:field], :foobar end context "#belongs_to method" do setup do @goal1 ="goal1") @goal2 ="goal2") @goal1.belongs_to @goal2 end teardown { ["Goal1", "Goal2"].map { |s| Object.send(:remove_const, s)}} should "put an assoc in the associations instance var" do assert !@goal1.associations[].blank? assert @goal1.associations[][:goal] == @goal2 end should "set a foreign key" do assert !@goal1.foreign_keys[@goal2.foreign_key].blank? assert @goal1.foreign_keys[@goal2.foreign_key] == "references" end end context "#has_many method" do setup do @goal1 ="goal1") @goal2 ="goal2") @goal1.has_many @goal2 end teardown { ["Goal1", "Goal2"].map { |s| Object.send(:remove_const, s)}} should "put an assoc in the associations instance var" do assert !@goal1.associations.empty? assert @goal1.associations[][:goal] == @goal2 end end context "#has_one method" do setup do"user")"profile") User.has_one Profile end teardown { ["User", "Profile"].map { |s| Object.send(:remove_const, s)}} should "put an assoc in the associations instance var" do assert !User.associations.empty? assert User.associations[][:goal] == Profile end end context "#hmt method" do setup do @goal1 ="goal1") @goal2 ="goal2") @goal3 ="goal3") @goal1.hmt @goal2, :through => @goal3 end teardown { ["Goal1", "Goal2", "Goal3"].map { |s| Object.send(:remove_const, s)}} should "put has_many, belongs_to, and has_many :through assocs in place" do assert !@goal1.associations.blank? assert @goal1.associations["goal2s"].is_a? Hash assert @goal1.associations["goal3s"].is_a? Hash # this is a has_many, so it's plural assert_equal @goal1.associations["goal2s"][:type], :has_many assert_equal @goal1.associations["goal2s"][:goal], @goal2 assert_equal @goal1.associations["goal2s"][:through], @goal3 assert_equal @goal1.associations["goal3s"][:type], :has_many assert_equal @goal1.associations["goal3s"][:goal], @goal3 assert !@goal2.associations.blank? assert @goal2.associations["goal1s"].is_a? Hash assert @goal2.associations["goal3s"].is_a? Hash # this is a has_many, so it's plural assert_equal @goal2.associations["goal1s"][:type], :has_many assert_equal @goal2.associations["goal1s"][:goal], @goal1 assert_equal @goal2.associations["goal1s"][:through], @goal3 assert_equal @goal2.associations["goal3s"][:type], :has_many assert_equal @goal2.associations["goal3s"][:goal], @goal3 assert !@goal3.associations.blank? assert @goal3.associations[:goal2].is_a? Hash assert @goal3.associations[:goal1].is_a? Hash assert_equal @goal3.associations[:goal1][:type], :belongs_to assert_equal @goal3.associations[:goal1][:goal], @goal1 assert_equal @goal3.associations[:goal2][:type], :belongs_to assert_equal @goal3.associations[:goal2][:goal], @goal2 end end context "add_attrs method" do %w{ - , . }.each_with_index do |str, i| should "strip a #{str} char out of a call to add_attrs" do keyname = ("attrname" + ("x" * i)) @goal.add_attrs "#{keyname}:string#{str}" assert_equal @goal.fields[keyname], "string" end end end end end