require 'fiber' begin require 'eventmachine' rescue => e raise 'Abstractivator::FiberDefer requires eventmachine but it is unavailable.' end module Abstractivator # Provides a pair of functions for handling long-running requests in a thread pool. # Uses fibers to maintain a somewhat normal coding style (hides explicit continuations). # with_fiber_defer defines the lexical scope of all work being done. # fiber_defer defines the portion of the work to be done in the worker thread. # Control passes from the calling thread, to the worker thread, and back to the calling thread. # The code is capable of propagating thread variables (e.g., Mongoid::Threaded.database_override) # across these thread/fiber transitions. # See EventMachine::defer for more information. module FiberDefer ROOT_FIBER = Fiber.current def with_fiber_defer(thread_var_guard=nil, &block) raise 'this method requires an eventmachine reactor to be running' unless EM.reactor_running? raise 'with_fiber_defer cannot be nested within with_fiber_defer' if Thread.current[:fiber_defer_guard_proc] raise 'with_fiber_defer cannot be nested within fiber_defer' if Thread.current[:inside_fiber_defer] return unless block guard_proc = make_guard_proc(thread_var_guard) f = do begin Thread.current[:fiber_defer_guard_proc] = guard_proc # make available to fiber_defer calls ensure Thread.current[:fiber_defer_guard_proc] = nil end end f.resume end def fiber_defer(thread_var_guard=nil, &action) # we start out in the caller thread inherited_guard_proc = Thread.current[:fiber_defer_guard_proc] raise 'fiber_defer cannot be nested within fiber_defer' if Thread.current[:inside_fiber_defer] raise 'fiber_defer must be called within a with_fiber_defer block' unless inherited_guard_proc raise 'fiber_defer must be passed an action to defer (the block)' unless action local_guard_proc = make_guard_proc(thread_var_guard) guard_proc = proc do end begin basic_fiber_defer do # in the background thread now begin Thread.current[:inside_fiber_defer] = true ensure Thread.current[:inside_fiber_defer] = false end end ensure # back in the caller thread end end def mongoid_fiber_defer(&action) thread_vars = { Mongoid::Threaded.database_override => proc { |db| Mongoid.override_database(db) } } fiber_defer(thread_vars, &action) end private def make_guard_proc(x) case x when Proc x when Hash proc do x.each do |value, setter| end end when nil proc { } else raise "Cannot turn #{x.inspect} into a guard proc" end end def basic_fiber_defer(&action) f = Fiber.current raise 'fiber_defer must be called within a with_fiber_defer block' if f == ROOT_FIBER safe_action = proc do begin [, nil] rescue SignalException => e # The thread has been instructed to shut down, so let it. # Don't pass on the exception to another thread/fiber. # We will assume whatever is shutting down the thread will # also account for the paused fiber on its own. raise rescue Exception => e [nil, e] end end EM.defer(safe_action, proc { |result, error| f.resume([result, error]) }) result, error = Fiber.yield raise error if error result end end end