require 'fileutils' When /^I have a logo file in the correct location$/ do FileUtils.cp "features/support/logo.png", "features/support/pretty_face/" end Then /^I should remove the logo file$/ do FileUtils.rm "features/support/pretty_face/logo.png" end When /^I have a suite header partial in the correct location$/ do FileUtils.cp "features/support/_suite_header.erb", "features/support/pretty_face" end Then /^I should remove the suite header partial file$/ do FileUtils.rm "features/support/pretty_face/_suite_header.erb" end When /^I have a feature header partial in the correct location$/ do FileUtils.cp "features/support/_feature_header.erb", "features/support/pretty_face" end Then /^I should remove the feature header partial file$/ do FileUtils.rm "features/support/pretty_face/_feature_header.erb" end Then(/^the background of the error message row should be "(.*?)"$/) do |background| @browser = :firefox visit ErrorDisplay do |page| page.error_background.should include background end end Then(/^the text of the of the error message row should be "(.*?)"$/) do |color| on(ErrorDisplay).error_text_color.should include color end