package org.embulk.standards; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Iterator; import org.embulk.spi.util.LineDecoder; public class CsvTokenizer { static enum RecordState { NOT_END, END, } static enum ColumnState { BEGIN, VALUE, QUOTED_VALUE, AFTER_QUOTED_VALUE, FIRST_TRIM, LAST_TRIM_OR_VALUE, } private static final char END_OF_LINE = '\0'; private static final boolean TRACE = false; private final char delimiter; private final char quote; private final char escape; private final String newline; private final boolean trimIfNotQuoted; private final long maxQuotedSizeLimit; // TODO not used yet private final LineDecoder input; private RecordState recordState = RecordState.END; // initial state is end of a record. nextRecord() must be called first private long lineNumber = 0; private String line = null; private int linePos = 0; private boolean wasQuotedColumn = false; private List quotedValueLines = new ArrayList<>(); private Deque unreadLines = new ArrayDeque<>(); public CsvTokenizer(LineDecoder input, CsvParserPlugin.PluginTask task) { delimiter = task.getDelimiterChar(); quote = task.getQuoteChar() != '\0' ? task.getQuoteChar() : '"'; escape = task.getEscapeChar(); newline = task.getNewline().getString(); trimIfNotQuoted = task.getTrimIfNotQuoted(); maxQuotedSizeLimit = task.getMaxQuotedSizeLimit(); this.input = input; } public long getCurrentLineNumber() { return lineNumber; } // returns skipped line public String skipCurrentLine() { String skippedLine; if (quotedValueLines.isEmpty()) { skippedLine = line; } else { // recover lines of quoted value skippedLine = quotedValueLines.remove(0); // TODO optimize performance unreadLines.addAll(quotedValueLines); unreadLines.add(line); lineNumber -= quotedValueLines.size(); quotedValueLines.clear(); } recordState = RecordState.END; return line; } public boolean nextFile() { return input.nextFile(); } public boolean nextRecord() { // If at the end of record, read the next line and initialize the state Preconditions.checkState(recordState == RecordState.END, "too many columns"); // TODO exception class boolean hasNext = nextLine(true); if (hasNext) { recordState = RecordState.NOT_END; return true; } else { return false; } } private boolean nextLine(boolean ignoreEmptyLine) { while (true) { if (!unreadLines.isEmpty()) { line = unreadLines.removeFirst(); } else { line = input.poll(); if (line == null) { return false; } } linePos = 0; lineNumber++; if (TRACE) { System.out.println("#MN line: " + line + " (" + lineNumber + ")"); } if (!line.isEmpty() || !ignoreEmptyLine) { return true; } } } public String nextColumn() { Preconditions.checkState(recordState == RecordState.NOT_END, "doesn't have enough columns"); // TODO exception class // reset last state wasQuotedColumn = false; quotedValueLines.clear(); // local state int valueStartPos = linePos; int valueEndPos = 0; // initialized by VALUE state and used by LAST_TRIM_OR_VALUE and StringBuilder quotedValue = null; // initial by VALUE or FIRST_TRIM state and used by QUOTED_VALUE state ColumnState columnState = ColumnState.BEGIN; while (true) { final char c = nextChar(); if (TRACE) { System.out.println("#MN c: " + c + " (" + columnState + "," + recordState + ")"); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (Exception e) {} } switch (columnState) { case BEGIN: // TODO optimization: state is BEGIN only at the first character of a column. // this block can be out of the looop. if (isDelimiter(c)) { // empty value return ""; } else if (isEndOfLine(c)) { // empty value recordState = RecordState.END; return ""; } else if (isSpace(c) && trimIfNotQuoted) { columnState = ColumnState.FIRST_TRIM; } else if (isQuote(c)) { valueStartPos = linePos; // == 1 wasQuotedColumn = true; quotedValue = new StringBuilder(); columnState = ColumnState.QUOTED_VALUE; } else { columnState = ColumnState.VALUE; } break; case FIRST_TRIM: if (isDelimiter(c)) { // empty value return ""; } else if (isEndOfLine(c)) { // empty value recordState = RecordState.END; return ""; } else if (isQuote(c)) { // column has heading spaces and quoted. TODO should this be rejected? valueStartPos = linePos; wasQuotedColumn = true; quotedValue = new StringBuilder(); columnState = ColumnState.QUOTED_VALUE; } else if (isSpace(c)) { // skip this character } else { valueStartPos = linePos - 1; columnState = ColumnState.VALUE; } break; case VALUE: if (isDelimiter(c)) { return line.substring(valueStartPos, linePos - 1); } else if (isEndOfLine(c)) { recordState = RecordState.END; return line.substring(valueStartPos, linePos); } else if (isSpace(c) && trimIfNotQuoted) { valueEndPos = linePos - 1; // this is possibly end of value columnState = ColumnState.LAST_TRIM_OR_VALUE; // TODO not implemented yet foo""bar""baz -> [foo, bar, baz].append //} else if (isQuote(c)) { // // In RFC4180, If fields are not enclosed with double quotes, then // // double quotes may not appear inside the fields. But they are often // // included in the fields. We should care about them later. } else { // keep VALUE state } break; case LAST_TRIM_OR_VALUE: if (isDelimiter(c)) { return line.substring(valueStartPos, valueEndPos); } else if (isEndOfLine(c)) { recordState = RecordState.END; return line.substring(valueStartPos, valueEndPos); } else if (isSpace(c)) { // keep LAST_TRIM_OR_VALUE state } else { // this spaces are not trailing spaces. go back to VALUE state columnState = ColumnState.BEGIN; } break; case QUOTED_VALUE: if (isEndOfLine(c)) { // multi-line quoted value quotedValue.append(line.substring(valueStartPos, linePos)); quotedValue.append(newline); quotedValueLines.add(line); if (!nextLine(false)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected end of line during parsing a quoted value"); // TODO exception class } valueStartPos = 0; } else if (isQuote(c)) { char next = peekNextChar(); if (TRACE) { System.out.println("#MN peeked c: " + next + " (" + columnState + "," + recordState + ")"); } if (isQuote(next)) { // escaped quote quotedValue.append(line.substring(valueStartPos, linePos)); valueStartPos = ++linePos; } else { quotedValue.append(line.substring(valueStartPos, linePos - 1)); columnState = ColumnState.AFTER_QUOTED_VALUE; } } else if (isEscape(c)) { // isQuote must be checked first in case of quote == escape // In RFC 4180, CSV's escape char is '\"'. But '\\' is often used. char next = peekNextChar(); if (TRACE) { System.out.println("#MN peeked c: " + next + " (" + columnState + "," + recordState + ")"); } if (isEndOfLine(c)) { // escape end of line. TODO assuming multi-line quoted value without newline? quotedValue.append(line.substring(valueStartPos, linePos)); quotedValueLines.add(line); if (!nextLine(false)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected end of line during parsing a quoted value"); // TODO exception class } valueStartPos = 0; } else if (isQuote(next) || isEscape(next)) { // escaped quote quotedValue.append(line.substring(valueStartPos, linePos - 1)); quotedValue.append(next); valueStartPos = ++linePos; } } else { // keep QUOTED_VALUE state } break; case AFTER_QUOTED_VALUE: if (isDelimiter(c)) { return quotedValue.toString(); } else if (isEndOfLine(c)) { recordState = RecordState.END; return quotedValue.toString(); } else if (isSpace(c)) { // column has trailing spaces and quoted. TODO should this be rejected? } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected extra character after quoted value"); // TODO exception class } break; default: assert false; } } } public boolean wasQuotedColumn() { return wasQuotedColumn; } private char nextChar() { Preconditions.checkState(line != null, "nextColumn is called after end of file"); if (linePos >= line.length()) { return END_OF_LINE; } else { return line.charAt(linePos++); } } private char peekNextChar() { Preconditions.checkState(line != null, "peekNextChar is called after end of file"); if (linePos >= line.length()) { return END_OF_LINE; } else { return line.charAt(linePos); } } private boolean isSpace(char c) { return c == ' '; } private boolean isDelimiter(char c) { return c == delimiter; } private boolean isEndOfLine(char c) { return c == END_OF_LINE; } private boolean isQuote(char c) { return c == quote; } private boolean isEscape(char c) { return c == escape; } }