# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "base_linter" # Load all the other linters so we can filter out their restricted # CLASSES—they will be responsible for complaining about the use of # those HTML classes. Dir[File.join(__dir__, "*.rb")].sort.each do |file| require file unless file == __FILE__ end module ERBLint module Linters # Counts the number of times a class reserved for ViewComponents is used class DisallowComponentCssCounter < BaseLinter CLASSES_COVERED_BY_OTHER_LINTERS = BaseLinter.subclasses.reduce([]) do |html_classes, klass| html_classes.concat(klass.const_get(:CLASSES)) end CLASSES = ( JSON.parse( File.read( File.join(__dir__, "..", "..", "..", "..", "static", "classes.json") ) ).reject do |html_class, _ruby_classes| CLASSES_COVERED_BY_OTHER_LINTERS.include?(html_class) end ).freeze def run(processed_source) @total_offenses = 0 @offenses_not_corrected = 0 processed_source .parser .nodes_with_type(:tag) .each do |node| tag = BetterHtml::Tree::Tag.from_node(node) tag.attributes["class"]&.value&.split(/\s+/)&.each do |class_name| if CLASSES.key? class_name @total_offenses += 1 @offenses_not_corrected += 1 add_offense( processed_source.to_source_range(tag.loc), format_message(class_name) ) end end end counter_correct?(processed_source) dump_data(processed_source) if ENV["DUMP_LINT_DATA"] == "1" end private def format_message(class_name) "DisallowComponentCssCounter:HTML class \"#{class_name}\" is reserved for Primer ViewComponents. It might disappear or have different styles in the future. You might want to use #{ruby_classes_sentence_string(class_name)} from Primer ViewComponents instead." end def ruby_classes_sentence_string(class_name) CLASSES[class_name].to_sentence(last_word_connector: ", or ", two_words_connector: " or ") end end end end