"********************************************************************************** * The License * * * * The user is free to produce commercial applications with the software, to * * distribute these applications in source or binary form, and to charge monies * * for them as he sees fit and in concordance with the laws of the land subject * * to the following license. * * * * 1. The license applies to all the software and all derived software and * * must appear on such. * * * * 2. It is illegal to distribute the software without this license attached * * to it and use of the software implies agreement with the license as such. * * It is illegal for anyone who is not the copyright holder to tamper with * * or change the license. * * * * 3. Neither the names of Lambda Associates or the copyright holder may be used * * to endorse or promote products built using the software without specific * * prior written permission from the copyright holder. * * * * 4. That possession of this license does not confer on the copyright holder * * any special contractual obligation towards the user. That in no event * * shall the copyright holder be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, * * special, exemplary or consequential damages (including but not limited * * to procurement of substitute goods or services, loss of use, data, * * interruption), however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in * * contract, strict liability or tort (including negligence) arising in any * * way out of the use of the software, even if advised of the possibility of * * such damage. * * * * 5. It is permitted for the user to change the software, for the purpose of * * improving performance, correcting an error, or porting to a new platform, * * and distribute the derived version of Shen provided the resulting program * * conforms in all respects to the Shen standard and is issued under that * * title. The user must make it clear with his distribution that he/she is * * the author of the changes and what these changes are and why. * * * * 6. Derived versions of this software in whatever form are subject to the same * * restrictions. In particular it is not permitted to make derived copies of * * this software which do not conform to the Shen standard or appear under a * * different title. * * * * It is permitted to distribute versions of Shen which incorporate libraries, * * graphics or other facilities which are not part of the Shen standard. * * * * For an explication of this license see www.shenlanguage.org/license.htm which * * explains this license in full. * * * ***************************************************************************************** "(defun shen.f_error (V2115) (do (shen.prhush (cn "partial function " (shen.app V2115 "; " shen.a)) (stoutput)) (do (if (and (not (shen.tracked? V2115)) (y-or-n? (cn "track " (shen.app V2115 "? " shen.a)))) (shen.track-function (ps V2115)) shen.ok) (simple-error "aborted")))) (defun shen.tracked? (V2116) (element? V2116 (value shen.*tracking*))) (defun track (V2117) (let Source (ps V2117) (shen.track-function Source))) (defun shen.track-function (V2118) (cond ((and (cons? V2118) (and (= defun (hd V2118)) (and (cons? (tl V2118)) (and (cons? (tl (tl V2118))) (and (cons? (tl (tl (tl V2118)))) (= () (tl (tl (tl (tl V2118)))))))))) (let KL (cons defun (cons (hd (tl V2118)) (cons (hd (tl (tl V2118))) (cons (shen.insert-tracking-code (hd (tl V2118)) (hd (tl (tl V2118))) (hd (tl (tl (tl V2118))))) ())))) (let Ob (eval KL) (let Tr (set shen.*tracking* (cons Ob (value shen.*tracking*))) Ob)))) (true (shen.sys-error shen.track-function)))) (defun shen.insert-tracking-code (V2119 V2120 V2121) (cons do (cons (cons set (cons shen.*call* (cons (cons + (cons (cons value (cons shen.*call* ())) (cons 1 ()))) ()))) (cons (cons do (cons (cons shen.input-track (cons (cons value (cons shen.*call* ())) (cons V2119 (cons (shen.cons_form V2120) ())))) (cons (cons do (cons (cons shen.terpri-or-read-char ()) (cons (cons let (cons Result (cons V2121 (cons (cons do (cons (cons shen.output-track (cons (cons value (cons shen.*call* ())) (cons V2119 (cons Result ())))) (cons (cons do (cons (cons set (cons shen.*call* (cons (cons - (cons (cons value (cons shen.*call* ())) (cons 1 ()))) ()))) (cons (cons do (cons (cons shen.terpri-or-read-char ()) (cons Result ()))) ()))) ()))) ())))) ()))) ()))) ())))) (set shen.*step* false) (defun step (V2126) (cond ((= + V2126) (set shen.*step* true)) ((= - V2126) (set shen.*step* false)) (true (simple-error "step expects a + or a -. ")))) (defun spy (V2131) (cond ((= + V2131) (set shen.*spy* true)) ((= - V2131) (set shen.*spy* false)) (true (simple-error "spy expects a + or a -. ")))) (defun shen.terpri-or-read-char () (if (value shen.*step*) (shen.check-byte (read-byte (value *stinput*))) (nl 1))) (defun shen.check-byte (V2136) (cond ((= V2136 (shen.hat)) (simple-error "aborted")) (true true))) (defun shen.input-track (V2137 V2138 V2139) (do (shen.prhush (cn " " (shen.app (shen.spaces V2137) (cn "<" (shen.app V2137 (cn "> Inputs to " (shen.app V2138 (cn " " (shen.app (shen.spaces V2137) "" shen.a)) shen.a)) shen.a)) shen.a)) (stoutput)) (shen.recursively-print V2139))) (defun shen.recursively-print (V2140) (cond ((= () V2140) (shen.prhush " ==>" (stoutput))) ((cons? V2140) (do (print (hd V2140)) (do (shen.prhush ", " (stoutput)) (shen.recursively-print (tl V2140))))) (true (shen.sys-error shen.recursively-print)))) (defun shen.spaces (V2141) (cond ((= 0 V2141) "") (true (cn " " (shen.spaces (- V2141 1)))))) (defun shen.output-track (V2142 V2143 V2144) (shen.prhush (cn " " (shen.app (shen.spaces V2142) (cn "<" (shen.app V2142 (cn "> Output from " (shen.app V2143 (cn " " (shen.app (shen.spaces V2142) (cn "==> " (shen.app V2144 "" shen.s)) shen.a)) shen.a)) shen.a)) shen.a)) (stoutput))) (defun untrack (V2145) (eval (ps V2145))) (defun profile (V2146) (shen.profile-help (ps V2146))) (defun shen.profile-help (V2151) (cond ((and (cons? V2151) (and (= defun (hd V2151)) (and (cons? (tl V2151)) (and (cons? (tl (tl V2151))) (and (cons? (tl (tl (tl V2151)))) (= () (tl (tl (tl (tl V2151)))))))))) (let G (gensym shen.f) (let Profile (cons defun (cons (hd (tl V2151)) (cons (hd (tl (tl V2151))) (cons (shen.profile-func (hd (tl V2151)) (hd (tl (tl V2151))) (cons G (hd (tl (tl V2151))))) ())))) (let Def (cons defun (cons G (cons (hd (tl (tl V2151))) (cons (subst G (hd (tl V2151)) (hd (tl (tl (tl V2151))))) ())))) (let CompileProfile (shen.eval-without-macros Profile) (let CompileG (shen.eval-without-macros Def) (hd (tl V2151)))))))) (true (simple-error "Cannot profile. ")))) (defun unprofile (V2152) (untrack V2152)) (defun shen.profile-func (V2153 V2154 V2155) (cons let (cons Start (cons (cons get-time (cons run ())) (cons (cons let (cons Result (cons V2155 (cons (cons let (cons Finish (cons (cons - (cons (cons get-time (cons run ())) (cons Start ()))) (cons (cons let (cons Record (cons (cons shen.put-profile (cons V2153 (cons (cons + (cons (cons shen.get-profile (cons V2153 ())) (cons Finish ()))) ()))) (cons Result ())))) ())))) ())))) ()))))) (defun profile-results (V2156) (let Results (shen.get-profile V2156) (let Initialise (shen.put-profile V2156 0) (@p V2156 Results)))) (defun shen.get-profile (V2157) (trap-error (get V2157 profile (value *property-vector*)) (lambda E 0))) (defun shen.put-profile (V2158 V2159) (put V2158 profile V2159 (value *property-vector*)))