describe("Backbone.NestedAttributesModel", function() { var model, Post, post, Comment, comment, Person, author beforeEach(function() { model = new Backbone.NestedAttributesModel({}) }) it("should be a Backbone.Model", function() { expect(model).toBeAnInstanceOf(Backbone.Model) }) describe("with a has one relationship", function() { beforeEach(function() { Post = Backbone.NestedAttributesModel.extend({ relations: [ { type: 'one', key: 'author', relatedModel: function () { return Person } } ] }) Person = Backbone.NestedAttributesModel.extend({}) }) describe("when creating", function() { it("does not initializes the author attribute", function() { model = new Post expect(model.get('author')).not.toBeDefined() }); describe("while setting attributes", function() { beforeEach(function() { model = new Post({ title: 'Some Title', author: { name: 'Jon Snow'} }) }) it("sets the normal attributes", function() { expect(model.get('title')).toEqual('Some Title') }) it("creates the author model", function() { author = model.get('author') expect(author).toBeAnInstanceOf(Person) expect(author.get('name')).toEqual('Jon Snow') }) describe("passing a model to the relation attribute", function() { beforeEach(function() { author = new Person({ name: 'Jon Snow' }) model = new Post({ title: 'Some Title', author: author }) }) it("store the given model in the relation attribute", function() { expect(model.get('author')).toBe(author) }) }) }) }) describe("when updating", function() { beforeEach(function() { model = new Post }) it("store the given model in the relation attribute", function() { model.set({ author: { name: 'Jon Snow' } }) author = model.get('author') expect(author).toBeAnInstanceOf(Person) expect(author.get('name')).toEqual('Jon Snow') }) it("allows passing key, value when setting a relation attribute", function() { model.set('author', { name: 'Jon Snow' }) author = model.get('author') expect(author).toBeAnInstanceOf(Person) expect(author.get('name')).toEqual('Jon Snow') }) describe("passing a model to the relation attribute", function() { beforeEach(function() { author = new Person({ name: 'Jon Snow' }) model = new Post }) it("store the given model in the relation attribute", function() { model.set({ title: 'Some title', author: author }) expect(model.get('author')).toBe(author) }) }) }) describe("cloning", function() { beforeEach(function() { post = new Post({ title: 'Some Title', author: { name: 'Jon Snow' } }) }) it("creates a new post object, with the same attributes, including nested has one relations, that are not shared", function() { var newPost = post.clone() expect(newPost).not.toBe(post) expect(newPost.get('author')).not.toBe(post.get('author')) expect(newPost.get('title')).toEqual(post.get('title')) expect(newPost.get('author').get('name')).toEqual(post.get('author').get('name')) }) }) describe("event bubbling", function() { var changedModel, changedCount beforeEach(function() { changedCount = 0 changedModel = undefined model = new Post({ title: 'Some Title', author: { name: 'Jon Snow' } }) author = model.get('author') }) describe("when a nested model is changed", function() { it("triggers a nested:change event on the parent, with the changed model as an argument", function() { model.on('nested:change', function (model) { changedModel = model }) author.set({ name: 'Robb Stark' }) expect(changedModel).toBe(author) }) it("triggers a nested:change only once, after setting nested attributes again", function() { model.set({ title: 'Some Title', author: { name: 'Jon Snow' } }) author = model.get('author') model.on('nested:change', function (model) { changedModel = model changedCount += 1 }) author.set({ name: 'Robb Stark' }) expect(changedModel).toBe(author) expect(changedCount).toEqual(1) }) it("triggers a change: event on the parent, with the changed model as an argument", function() { model.on('change:author', function (model) { changedModel = model }) author.set({ name: 'Robb Stark' }) expect(changedModel).toBe(author) }) it("triggers a change: only once, after setting nested attributes again", function() { model.set({ title: 'Some Title', author: { body: 'Jon Snow' } }) author = model.get('author') model.on('change:author', function (model) { changedModel = model changedCount += 1 }) author.set({ name: 'Robb Stark' }) expect(changedModel).toBe(author) expect(changedCount).toEqual(1) }) describe("and the nested model triggers a nested:change", function() { it("triggers a nested:change on the parent", function() { model.on('nested:change', function (model) { changedModel = model }) author.trigger('nested:change', author) expect(changedModel).toBe(author) }) }) }) describe("when clearing", function() { it("stops listening to relation nested:change events", function() { model.on('nested:change', function (model) { changedModel = model }) model.clear() author.set({ name: 'Robb Stark' }) expect(changedModel).toBeUndefined() }) it("stops listening to relation change: events", function() { model.clear() model.on('change:author', function (model) { changedModel = model }) author.set({ name: 'Robb Stark' }) expect(changedModel).toBeUndefined() }) }) }) describe("toJSON", function() { beforeEach(function() { model = new Post({ title: 'Some Title', author: { name: 'Jon Snow' } }) }) it("serializes its own attributes, as well as the relation ones", function() { expect(model.toJSON()).toEqual({ title: 'Some Title', author: { name: 'Jon Snow' } }) }) describe("with nested attributes support", function() { it("serializes the relation attributes with a _attributes suffix", function() { expect(model.toJSON({ nested: true })).toEqual({ title: 'Some Title', author_attributes: { name: 'Jon Snow' } }) }) }) }) }) describe("with a has many relationship", function() { beforeEach(function() { Post = Backbone.NestedAttributesModel.extend({ relations: [ { key: 'comments', relatedModel: function () { return Comment } } ] }) Comment = Backbone.NestedAttributesModel.extend({}) }) describe("when creating", function() { it("initializes the comments attribute with an empty collection", function() { model = new Post expect(model.get('comments')).toBeDefined() expect(model.get('comments')).toBeAnInstanceOf(Backbone.Collection) }); describe("while setting attributes", function() { beforeEach(function() { model = new Post({ title: 'Some Title', comments: [{ body: 'some comment'} ] }) }) it("sets the normal attributes", function() { expect(model.get('title')).toEqual('Some Title') }) it("creates the comment inside comments collection", function() { comment = model.get('comments').at(0) expect(comment).toBeAnInstanceOf(Comment) expect(comment.get('body')).toEqual('some comment') }) describe("passing a collection to a relation attribute", function() { var comments, Comments beforeEach(function() { Comments = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Comment }) comments = new Comments({ body: 'some comment' }, { body: 'some other comment' }) model = new Post({ title: 'Some Title', comments: comments }) }) it("does not store the given collection, but instead creates a new one with models from the given collection", function() { expect(model.get('comments')).not.toBe(comments) expect(model.get('comments')).not.toBeAnInstanceOf(Comments) expect(model.get('comments')).toBeAnInstanceOf(Backbone.Collection) expect(model.get('comments').at(0)).toBe( expect(model.get('comments').at(1)).toBe( }) }) describe("passing a deleted_ attribute", function() { var comments beforeEach(function() { model = new Post({ title: 'Some Title', deleted_comments: [{ id: 123, body: "some deleted comment", _destroy: true }] }) }) it("does not save this key as an attribute", function() { expect(model.get('deleted_comments')).toBeUndefined() }) it("adds the models in the deleted_comments attribute to the deletedModels collection inside the relation collection", function() { comments = model.get('comments') expect( expect('id')).toEqual(123) expect('body')).toEqual('some deleted comment') expect('_destroy')).toBeTruthy() }) }) }) }) describe("when updating", function() { beforeEach(function() { model = new Post }) it("creates the comment inside comments collection", function() { model.set({ comments: [{ body: 'some comment' }] }) comment = model.get('comments').at(0) expect(comment).toBeAnInstanceOf(Comment) expect(comment.get('body')).toEqual('some comment') }) it("does not creates a new collection, but updates it instead", function() { var originalCollection = model.get('comments') model.set({ comments: [{ body: 'some comment' }] }) expect(model.get('comments')).toBe(originalCollection) }) it("updates existing models in the collection", function() { var existingComment model.set({ comments: [{ id: '123', body: 'some comment' }] }) existingComment = model.get('comments').at(0) model.set({ comments: [{ id:, body: 'some other comment' }] }) expect(model.get('comments').at(0).get('body')).toEqual('some other comment') }) it("allows passing key, value when setting a relation attribute", function() { model.set('comments', [{ body: 'some comment' }]) comment = model.get('comments').at(0) expect(comment).toBeAnInstanceOf(Comment) expect(comment.get('body')).toEqual('some comment') }) it("allows one to update non-nested attributes without modifying nested ones", function() { model = new Post({ title: 'new title', comments: [{ body: 'some comment' }] }) model.set('title', 'other title') expect(model.get('title')).toEqual('other title') expect(model.get('comments').length).toEqual(1) }) describe("passing a collection to a relation attribute", function() { var comments, Comments beforeEach(function() { Comments = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Comment }) comments = new Comments({ body: 'some comment' }, { body: 'some other comment' }) model = new Post }) it("does not store the given collection, but instead updates the existing one with models from the given collection", function() { var originalCollection = model.get('comments') model.set({ title: 'Some Title', comments: comments }) expect(model.get('comments')).toBe(originalCollection) expect(model.get('comments').at(0)).toBe( expect(model.get('comments').at(1)).toBe( }) }) describe("passing a deleted_ attribute", function() { var comments beforeEach(function() { model = new Post({ title: 'Some Title' }) }) it("does not save this key as an attribute", function() { model.set({ deleted_comments: [{ id: 123, body: "some deleted comment", _destroy: true }] }) expect(model.get('deleted_comments')).toBeUndefined() }) it("adds the models in the deleted_comments attribute to the deletedModels collection inside the relation collection", function() { model.set({ deleted_comments: [{ id: 123, body: "some deleted comment", _destroy: true }] }) comments = model.get('comments') expect( expect('id')).toEqual(123) expect('body')).toEqual('some deleted comment') expect('_destroy')).toBeTruthy() }) }) }) describe("cloning", function() { beforeEach(function() { post = new Post({ title: 'Some Title', comments: [{ body: 'some comment' }] }) }) it("creates a new post object, with the same attributes, including nested, but do not share the nested collections", function() { var newPost = post.clone() expect(newPost).not.toBe(post) expect(newPost.get('comments')).not.toBe(post.get('comments')) expect(newPost.get('comments').at(0)).not.toBe(post.get('comments').at(0)) expect(newPost.get('title')).toEqual(post.get('title')) expect(newPost.get('comments').at(0).get('body')).toEqual(post.get('comments').at(0).get('body')) }) }) describe("specifying the collection type", function() { var Comments beforeEach(function() { Comments = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Comment }) Post = Backbone.NestedAttributesModel.extend({ relations: [ { key: 'comments', collectionType: function () { return Comments } } ] }) model = new Post({ title: 'Some Title', comments: [{ body: 'some comment' }] }) }) it("uses the given collection as the relation attribute", function() { expect(model.get('comments')).toBeAnInstanceOf(Comments) expect(model.get('comments').at(0)).toBeAnInstanceOf(Comment) }) }) describe("event bubbling", function() { var changedModel, changedCount beforeEach(function() { changedCount = 0 changedModel = undefined model = new Post({ title: 'Some Title', comments: [{ body: 'some comment' }] }) comment = model.get('comments').at(0) }) describe("when a nested model is changed", function() { it("triggers a nested:change event on the parent, with the changed model as an argument", function() { model.on('nested:change', function (model) { changedModel = model }) comment.set({ body: 'some new body' }) expect(changedModel).toBe(comment) }) it("triggers a nested:change only once, after setting nested attributes again", function() { model.set({ title: 'Some Title', comments: [{ body: 'some other comment' }] }) comment = model.get('comments').at(0) model.on('nested:change', function (model) { changedModel = model changedCount += 1 }) comment.set({ body: 'some new body' }) expect(changedModel).toBe(comment) expect(changedCount).toEqual(1) }) it("triggers a change: event on the parent, with the changed model as an argument", function() { model.on('change:comments', function (model) { changedModel = model }) comment.set({ body: 'some new body' }) expect(changedModel).toBe(comment) }) it("triggers a change: only once, after setting nested attributes again", function() { model.set({ title: 'Some Title', comments: [{ body: 'some other comment' }] }) comment = model.get('comments').at(0) model.on('change:comments', function (model) { changedModel = model changedCount += 1 }) comment.set({ body: 'some new body' }) expect(changedModel).toBe(comment) expect(changedCount).toEqual(1) }) describe("and the nested model triggers a nested:change", function() { it("triggers a nested:change on the parent", function() { model.on('nested:change', function (model) { changedModel = model }) comment.trigger('nested:change', comment) expect(changedModel).toBe(comment) }) }) }) describe("when adding a new model to a nested relation", function() { it("triggers a nested:change event on the parent, with the added model as an argument", function() { model.on('nested:change', function (model) { changedModel = model }) model.get('comments').add({ body: 'other comment' }) comment = model.get('comments').at(1) expect(changedModel).toBe(comment) }) it("triggers a change: event on the parent, with the added model as an argument", function() { model.on('change:comments', function (model) { changedModel = model }) model.get('comments').add({ body: 'other comment' }) comment = model.get('comments').at(1) expect(changedModel).toBe(comment) }) }) describe("when removing a new model to a nested relation", function() { it("triggers a nested:change event on the parent, with the removed model as an argument", function() { model.on('nested:change', function (model) { changedModel = model }) comment = model.get('comments').at(0) model.get('comments').remove(comment) expect(changedModel).toBe(comment) }) it("triggers a change: event on the parent, with the removed model as an argument", function() { model.on('change:comments', function (model) { changedModel = model }) comment = model.get('comments').at(0) model.get('comments').remove(comment) expect(changedModel).toBe(comment) }) }) describe("when clearing", function() { it("stops listening to collection nested:change events", function() { model.on('nested:change', function (model) { changedModel = model }) model.clear() comment.set({ body: 'some new body' }) expect(changedModel).toBeUndefined() }) it("stops listening to collection change: events", function() { model.on('change:comments', function (model) { changedModel = model }) model.clear() comment.set({ body: 'some new body' }) expect(changedModel).toBeUndefined() }) }) }) describe("toJSON", function() { beforeEach(function() { model = new Post({ title: 'Some Title', comments: [{ body: 'some comment' }] }) }) it("serializes its own attributes, as well as the relation one", function() { expect(model.toJSON()).toEqual({ title: 'Some Title', comments: [{ body: 'some comment' }] }) }) describe("with nested attributes support", function() { it("serializes the relation attributes with a _attributes suffix", function() { expect(model.toJSON({ nested: true })).toEqual({ title: 'Some Title', comments_attributes: [{ body: 'some comment' }] }) }) describe("when a nested model is removed", function() { describe("and it is a new model", function() { beforeEach(function() { comment = model.get('comments').at(0) }) it("is not serialized on the relation", function() { model.get('comments').remove(comment) expect(model.toJSON({ nested: true })).toEqual({ title: 'Some Title', comments_attributes: [] }) }) }) describe("and it is not a new model", function() { beforeEach(function() { comment = model.get('comments').at(0) comment.set({ id: '123' }) }) it("is serialized on the relation, with { _destroy: true } attribute, besides its own attributes", function() { model.get('comments').remove(comment) expect(model.toJSON({ nested: true })).toEqual({ title: 'Some Title', comments_attributes: [{ id: comment.get('id'), body: comment.get('body'), _destroy: true }] }) }) describe("after synchronizing the parent model", function() { beforeEach(function() { jasmine.Ajax.useMock() model.url = '' }) it("is not serialized on the relation", function() { model.get('comments').remove(comment) var request = mostRecentAjaxRequest(); request.response({status: 200, responseText: { title: 'Some Title', comments: [] }}) expect(model.toJSON({ nested: true })).toEqual({ title: 'Some Title', comments_attributes: [] }) }) }) describe("after clearing the parent model", function() { it("is not serialized on the relation", function() { model.get('comments').remove(comment) model.clear() expect(model.toJSON({ nested: true })).toEqual({ title: undefined, comments_attributes: [] }) }) }) }) }) }) describe("with deleted models", function() { beforeEach(function() { model = new Post({ id: 321, title: 'Some Title', comments: [{ id: 123, body: 'some comment' }] }) comment = model.get('comments').at(0) }) it("serializes the deleted models in a relation in a delete_ key", function() { model.get('comments').remove(comment) expect(model.toJSON({ withDeleted: true })).toEqual({ id: 321, title: 'Some Title', comments: [], deleted_comments: [ {id: 123, body: 'some comment', _destroy: true} ] }) }) describe("and nested attributes support", function() { it("serializes the deleted models in a relation in a delete_ key", function() { model.get('comments').remove(comment) expect(model.toJSON({ withDeleted: true, nested: true })).toEqual({ id: 321, title: 'Some Title', comments_attributes: [{ id: 123, body: 'some comment', _destroy: true }], deleted_comments: [ { id: 123, body: 'some comment', _destroy: true } ] }) }) }) }) }) }) })