require 'arli' require 'yaml' require 'forwardable' require 'arduino/library' require 'hashie/mash' module Arli class ArliFile require 'arduino/library/include' include Enumerable extend Forwardable def_delegators :@dependencies, *( - Object.methods) attr_accessor :dependencies, :parsed_data, :arlifile_path def initialize(config: Arli.config, libraries: []) self.arlifile_path = "#{config.arlifile.path}/#{}" self.dependencies = read_dependencies(libraries) Arli.config.libraries.temp_dir ||= Dir.mktmpdir end alias libraries dependencies def install each_in_temp_path do |lib| lib.install end end private def within_temp_path(&block) within_path(Arli.config.libraries.temp_dir, &block) end def each_in_temp_path(&block) within_temp_path do dependencies.each(&block) end end def library_model(lib) return lib if lib.is_a?(::Arduino::Library::Model) ::Arduino::Library::Model.from(lib).tap do |model| if model.nil? lib_output = (lib && lib['name']) ? lib['name'] : lib.inspect raise Arli::Errors::LibraryNotFound, 'Error: ' + "Library #{lib_output.yellow} ".red + "was not found.\n\n".red + %Q[ HINT: run #{"arli search 'name: /#{lib_output}/'".green}\n] + %Q[ to find the exact name of the library you are trying\n] + %Q[ to install. Alternatively, provide a url: field.\n] end end end def make_lib(lib) end def within_path(p, &_block) FileUtils.mkpath(p) unless Dir.exist?(p) Dir.chdir(p) do yield if block_given? end end def read_dependencies(libraries) if libraries && !libraries.empty? { |lib| make_lib(lib) } else unless arlifile_path && File.exist?(arlifile_path) raise(Arli::Errors::ArliFileNotFound, "Arlifile could not be found at\n#{arlifile_path.bold.yellow}") end parse_yaml_file end end def parse_yaml_file self.parsed_data = { |lib| make_lib(lib) } end end end