$(function() { var cmdRequiresExtraArgs = function(command) { return _.contains(['init', 'install', 'uninstall'], command); } var cliSubmitBtn = $('#cli-submit'); var showSubmitBtn = function() { cliSubmitBtn.show(); } var hideSubmitBtn = function() { cliSubmitBtn.hide(); } var outputArea = $('#output'); var showOutputArea = function() { outputArea.show(); } var hideOutputArea = function() { outputArea.hide(); } var resetOutputContents = function() { outputArea.text(''); } var appendToOutput = function(content) { // This extra logic is to avoid putting an unnecessary leading newline. if (outputArea.text() == '') { outputArea.text(content); } else { outputArea.text(outputArea.text() + "\n" + content); } } var defaultExplanation = 'Click a button above to tell Kosmos what to do.'; var extraArgsExplanations = { init: "Where is KSP on your computer? " + "(e.g. \"C:\\Program Files\\Steam\\KSP\" or \"/Applications/KSP_osx\")", install: "What mod do you want to install? (e.g. \"mechjeb\")", uninstall: "What mod do you want to uninstall? (e.g. \"mechjeb\")" } var cliExplanation = $('#cli-explain'); var showExplanation = function() { cliExplanation.show(); } var hideExplanation = function() { cliExplanation.hide(); } var setDefaultExplanationText = function() { cliExplanation.text(defaultExplanation); } var cliArgsInput = $('#cli-args-input'); var showArgsPrompt = function(command) { cliArgsInput.show(); showExplanation(); cliExplanation.text(extraArgsExplanations[command]); } var hideArgsPrompt = function() { cliArgsInput.hide(); } var handleSelectCommand = function(command) { // First, change the pseudo-CLI to show that command and hide the waiting- // for-user-input stuff. $('#command').text(command); $('#awaiting-user-input').hide(); // Then, allow the user to give more args or submit his command. if (cmdRequiresExtraArgs(command)) { showArgsPrompt(command); } else { hideArgsPrompt(); hideExplanation(); } showSubmitBtn(); } var sendKosmosCommand = function() { var command = $('#command').text(); var params = cliArgsInput.val(); $.post('/', {command: command, params: params}); } cliSubmitBtn.click(function() { resetOutputContents(); showOutputArea(); sendKosmosCommand(); }); var listenOnStream = function() { eventSource = new EventSource('/stream'); eventSource.addEventListener('message', function(e) { appendToOutput(e.data); }, false); } var kosmosOpts = ['init', 'install', 'uninstall', 'list']; var optSelectors = _.map(kosmosOpts, function(opt) { return '#kosmos-' + opt; }).join(', '); $(optSelectors).click(function(event) { handleSelectCommand(event.target.innerText); }); hideSubmitBtn(); hideArgsPrompt(); setDefaultExplanationText(); hideOutputArea(); listenOnStream(); });